context("mixing Munsell colors") test_that("mixMunsell works as expected", { ## error conditions expect_error(mixMunsell(c(NA, '10YR 3/4'))) # invalid Munsell notation expect_error(expect_warning(mixMunsell(c('10YR 5/3', '10YR 3/99')))) # singleton x <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 5/3')) expect_true(inherits(x, 'data.frame')) expect_true(ncol(x) == 5) expect_true(nrow(x) == 1) expect_true(x$munsell == '10YR 5/3') # standard usage x <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 5/3', '10YR 3/2')) expect_true(x$munsell == '10YR 4/2') # correct output, same as above; using recycled weight length 1 # munsell distance # 1 10YR 4/2 1.955568 x <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 5/3', '10YR 3/2'), w = 1) expect_equal(x$munsell, '10YR 4/2') expect_equal(x$distance, 1.9555, tolerance = 1e-4) # weights when length(x) != length(unique(x)) expect_equal(mixMunsell(c('10YR 5/3', '10YR 3/2', '10YR 5/3'))$munsell, "10YR 4/3") # 0 weights to filter NA expect_equal(mixMunsell(c(NA, '10YR 3/4'), w = c(0, 1))$munsell, "10YR 3/4") }) # mixingMethod = 'reference' test_that("multiple matches", { skip_if_not_installed('gower') m <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 6/2', '10YR 2/2'), mixingMethod = 'reference', n = 3) # verified results expect_true(nrow(m) == 3) # first match expect_true(m$munsell[1] == '10Y 4/3') # second match expect_true(m$munsell[2] == '5Y 4/2') }) # mixingMethod = 'reference' test_that("mixed spectra option", { skip_if_not_installed('gower') mx <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 6/2', '10YR 2/2'), n = 3, mixingMethod = 'reference', keepMixedSpec = TRUE) # results are a list vs. data.frame expect_true(inherits(mx, 'list')) # mixture candidates are here m <- mx$mixed # verified results expect_true(nrow(m) == 3) # first match expect_true(m$munsell[1] == '10Y 4/3') # second match expect_true(m$munsell[2] == '5Y 4/2') }) test_that("mixing methods, except reference", { ## all reference spectra available # each method gives a slightly different result # exact mx <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 6/2', '10YR 2/2'), mixingMethod = 'exact') expect_true(mx$munsell[1] == '10YR 4/2') # wt. mean CIELAB, results are slightly different mx <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 6/2', '10YR 2/2'), mixingMethod = 'estimate') expect_true(mx$munsell[1] == '10YR 4/2') # adaptive, should get exact mixture mx <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 6/2', '10YR 2/2'), mixingMethod = 'adaptive') expect_true(mx$munsell[1] == '10YR 4/2') ## some reference spectra missing # fall-back to wt.mean CIELAB expect_message(mx <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 6/2', '10YR 1/1'), mixingMethod = 'adaptive')) expect_true(mx$munsell[1] == '2.5Y 3/2') }) test_that("reference mixing methods", { skip_if_not_installed('gower') # reference # requires gower package mx <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 6/2', '10YR 2/2'), mixingMethod = 'reference') expect_true(mx$munsell[1] == '10Y 4/3') ## some reference spectra missing # message and NA expect_message(mx <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 6/2', '10YR 1/1'), mixingMethod = 'reference')) expect_true($munsell[1])) }) test_that("additional arguments via ...", { # NO conversion to closest Munsell chip via rgb2munsell() m <- mixMunsell(c('10YR 6/2', '10YR 2/2'), mixingMethod = 'exact', convert = FALSE) # verified results expect_true(nrow(m) == 1) # additional columns expect_true( all(c('r', 'g', 'b') %in% names(m)) ) })