context("SoilProfileCollection combination methods") ## make sample data data(sp1, package = 'aqp') depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom site(sp1) <- ~ group sp1$x <- seq(-119, -120, length.out = length(sp1)) sp1$y <- seq(38, 39, length.out = length(sp1)) initSpatial(sp1) <- ~ x + y prj(sp1) <- 'OGC:CRS84' test_that("basic combination tests", { # test data x <- sp1 y <- sp1 # alter horizon and site data in copy y$random <- runif(length(y)) y$chroma <- NULL # add diagnostic hz diagnostic_hz(y) <- data.frame(id = 'P001', type = 'pizza') # this should not work, IDs aren't unqiue expect_error(combine(list(x, y))) # fix IDs manually profile_id(y) <- sprintf("%s-copy", profile_id(y)) # this should work z <- combine(list(x, y)) # as should this z2 <- combine(x, y) expect_true(inherits(z, 'SoilProfileCollection')) expect_true(inherits(z2, 'SoilProfileCollection')) expect_equal(length(z), length(x) + length(y)) expect_equal(length(z2), length(x) + length(y)) # full site/hz names expect_equal(siteNames(z), unique(c(siteNames(x), siteNames(y)))) expect_equal(horizonNames(z), unique(c(horizonNames(x), horizonNames(y)))) # diagnostic features expect_equal(diagnostic_hz(z)[[idname(z)]], 'P001-copy') }) test_that("non-conformal combination tests", { # random data ids <- sprintf("%02d", 1:5) x <-'rbind', lapply(ids, random_profile, n=c(6, 7, 8), n_prop=1, method='LPP', lpp.a=5, lpp.b=15, lpp.d=5, lpp.e=5, lpp.u=25)) depths(x) <- id ~ top + bottom # more random data ids <- sprintf("%s", letters[1:5]) y <-'rbind', lapply(ids, random_profile, n=c(6, 7, 8), n_prop=4, method='LPP', lpp.a=5, lpp.b=15, lpp.d=5, lpp.e=5, lpp.u=25)) # alter ID, top, bottom column names y$pID <- y$id y$hztop <- y$top y$hzbot <- y$bottom y$id <- NULL y$top <- NULL y$bottom <- NULL depths(y) <- pID ~ hztop + hzbot # very different data data('jacobs2000', package = 'aqp') # alter depth units depth_units(y) <- 'in' # should throw an error expect_error(combine(x, y), "inconsistent depth units") # reset depth units depth_units(y) <- 'cm' # attempt combine z <- combine(list(x, y, jacobs2000)) # there should be a total of 17 profiles in the result expect_equal(sum(sapply(list(x, y, jacobs2000), length)), 17) expect_equal(length(z), sum(sapply(list(x, y, jacobs2000), length))) # see data(sp4) depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom # profile to general realizations of p.idx <- 1 # spike profile spike.idx <- 6 horizons(sp4)$bdy <- 4 p <- perturb(sp4[p.idx, ], n = 10, boundary.attr = 'bdy', min.thickness = 2) site(p)$id <- NULL # these calls should produce same order result # .:. combine uses depths<- internally z.1 <- combine(list(sp4[c(p.idx, spike.idx), ], p)) z.2 <- combine(list(p, sp4[c(p.idx, spike.idx), ])) expect_true(spc_in_sync(z.1)$valid) expect_true(spc_in_sync(z.2)$valid) expect_true(all(profile_id(z.1) == profile_id(z.2))) }) test_that("combine with non-conformal spatial data", { # test data x <- sp1 y <- sp1 z <- sp1 # alter CRS, this generates an sp warning # 2020-07-12: now caught with all other rgdal 1.5-8+ warnings in proj4string,SoilProfileCollection-method prj(y) <- 'EPSG:26910' # NAD83 UTM Zone 10 # this should not work, IDs aren't unique expect_error(expect_message(combine(list(x, y)), "inconsistent CRS, dropping spatial metadata"), "non-unique profile IDs detected") # make IDs unique profile_id(y) <- sprintf("%s-copy", profile_id(y)) profile_id(z) <- sprintf("%s-copy-copy", profile_id(z)) # create non-conformal sp data for x=z z@sp <- new('SpatialPoints') res <- combine(list(x, y, z)) # remove CRS (avoids "inconsistent CRS, dropping spatial metadata") # equivalent ways to "unset" CRS: "", NA, NULL prj(x) <- '' prj(y) <- NULL expect_message(res <- combine(list(x, y, z)), "inconsistent CRS, dropping spatial metadata") expect_true(inherits(res, 'SoilProfileCollection')) # coordinates are preserved, but projection is not expect_null(metadata(res)$projection) expect_null(metadata(res)$coordinates) ## TODO: different coordinate names }) test_that("filtering NULL/NA elements", { # test data x <- sp1 y <- sp1 profile_id(y) <- sprintf("%s-copy", profile_id(y)) # add NULLs s <- list(NULL, x, y, NULL) # this should work res <- combine(s) expect_true(inherits(res, 'SoilProfileCollection')) # add NULLs, different arrangement s <- list(x, NULL) # should work res <- combine(s) expect_true(inherits(res, 'SoilProfileCollection')) # add NAs s <- list(NA, x, y, NA) # this should work res <- combine(s) expect_true(inherits(res, 'SoilProfileCollection')) # this should NOT work expect_error(combine(s, na.rm = FALSE)) # all NA ---> result is NULL s <- list(NA, NA, NA) expect_null(combine(s)) # all NULL ---> result is NULL s <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL) expect_null(combine(s)) })