context("mixing Munsell colors") # reference spectra data("munsell.spectra.wide") test_that("spec2Munsell works as expected", { # try a color, result should be identical chip # depends on SO and illuminant chip <- '10YR 3/3' m <- spec2Munsell(munsell.spectra.wide[, chip], SO = 'CIE1931', illuminant = 'D65') # object structure / contents expect_true(inherits(m, 'data.frame')) # same output as col2Munsell expect_true( all( names(m) == c('hue', 'value', 'chroma', 'sigma') ) ) # input == output expect_true( sprintf("%s %s/%s", m$hue, m$value, m$chroma) == chip ) # expected dE00 expect_equal(m$sigma, 0.64280, tolerance = 1e-4) }) test_that("supporting data match range of Munsell spectra", { # standard illuminants + observers data("spectral.reference") expect_true( all( range(spectral.reference$w) == range(munsell.spectra.wide$wavelength) ) ) })