context("segment") test_that("data.frame interface works as expected", { # init local copy of sample data data(sp1) # trimming z <- segment(sp1, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE, hzdepcols = c('top', 'bottom')) # correct object type and segment label expect_true(inherits(z, 'data.frame')) expect_true('segment_id' %in% names(z)) # label class expect_true(inherits(z[['segment_id']], 'character')) # no triming z <- segment(sp1, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = FALSE, hzdepcols = c('top', 'bottom')) # correct object type and segment label expect_true(inherits(z, 'data.frame')) expect_true('segment_id' %in% names(z)) # label class expect_true(inherits(z[['segment_id']], 'character')) }) test_that("SPC interface works as expected", { # init local copy of sample data data(sp1) depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom # trimming z <- segment(sp1, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(z, 'SoilProfileCollection')) expect_true('segment_id' %in% horizonNames(z)) # label class expect_true(inherits(z[['segment_id']], 'character')) # no trimming z <- segment(sp1, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(z, 'SoilProfileCollection')) expect_true('segment_id' %in% horizonNames(z)) # label class expect_true(inherits(z[['segment_id']], 'character')) }) test_that("expected outcome with NA horizon depths", { # init local copy of sample data data(sp1) # copies good <- sp1 bad <- sp1 # add NA to horizon depths bad$top[c(1, 5)] <- NA # segment z.bad <- segment(bad, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE, hzdepcols = c('top', 'bottom')) z.good <- segment(good, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE, hzdepcols = c('top', 'bottom')) # label class expect_true(inherits(z.good[['segment_id']], 'character')) expect_true(inherits(z.bad[['segment_id']], 'character')) ## TODO: is this expected? # row count expect_false(nrow(z.good) == nrow(z.bad)) # same values # expect_false(all(z.good$segment_id == z.bad$segment_id)) }) test_that("expected outcome with bogus horizon depths", { # init local copy of sample data data(sp1) # copies good <- sp1 bad <- sp1 # add NA to horizon depths bad$top[c(1, 5)] <- bad$bottom[c(1, 5)] # segment z.bad <- segment(bad, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE, hzdepcols = c('top', 'bottom')) z.good <- segment(good, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE, hzdepcols = c('top', 'bottom')) # label class expect_true(inherits(z.good[['segment_id']], 'character')) expect_true(inherits(z.bad[['segment_id']], 'character')) ## TODO: is this expected? # row count expect_false(nrow(z.good) == nrow(z.bad)) # same values # expect_false(all(z.good$segment_id == z.bad$segment_id)) }) test_that("same results as weighted mean via slab", { # 100 random data s <- lapply(1:100, random_profile, n_prop = 1, SPC = TRUE, method = 'random_walk') s <- combine(s) # weighted mean via slab a.slab <- slab(s, fm = ~ p1, slab.structure = c(0, 10, 20, 30), = mean, na.rm = TRUE) # segment z <- segment(s, intervals = c(0, 10, 20, 30), trim = TRUE) # compute horizon thickness weights z <- horizons(z) z$thick <- z$bottom - z$top # weighted mean from segment output a.segment <- sapply(split(z, z$segment_id), function(i) { weighted.mean(i$p1, i$thick) }) # inspect as needed res <- data.frame( slab = a.slab$value, segment = a.segment, diff = a.slab$value - a.segment ) expect_true(all(res$diff < 0.001)) })