context("SoilProfileCollection depth error checking") ## sample data data(sp3) expect_silent({depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom}) test_that("hzDepthTests works as expected", { hdep <- horizonDepths(sp3) # vector of top and bottom depths -> 4 logical test results res <- hzDepthTests(sp3[[hdep[1]]], sp3[[hdep[2]]]) expect_equal(names(res)[res], c("depthLogic","overlapOrGap")) # depthLogic & overlapOrGap errors expect_equal(length(res), 4) # mismatched lengths (top and bottom must have same number of values) expect_error(hzDepthTests(sp3[[hdep[1]]], sp3[[hdep[2]]][1])) }) test_that("checkHzDepthLogic() works as expected", { # these data should be clean res <- checkHzDepthLogic(sp3) # result is an data.frame expect_true(inherits(res, 'data.frame')) # number of rows should match length(SPC) expect_true(nrow(res) == length(sp3)) # all clear expect_true(all(!res$depthLogic)) expect_true(all(!res$sameDepth)) expect_true(all(!res$missingDepth)) expect_true(all(!res$overlapOrGap)) expect_true(all(res$valid)) # works on a horizons()-like data.frame h <- horizons(sp3) h$foo <- h$id h$id <- NULL h$hzdept <- h$top h$top <- NULL h$hzdepb <- h$bottom h$bottom <- NULL expect_true(all(checkHzDepthLogic(h, c("hzdept","hzdepb"), "foo", fast = TRUE)$valid)) expect_true(all(checkHzDepthLogic(h, c("hzdept","hzdepb"), "foo", fast = TRUE, byhz = TRUE)$valid)) }) test_that("preservation of hzID", { # modify hzID in-place hzID(sp3) <- sprintf("%04d", as.integer(sp3$hzID)) res <- checkHzDepthLogic(sp3, byhz = TRUE, fast = FALSE) expect_true( all(hzID(sp3) == res$hzID) ) res <- checkHzDepthLogic(sp3, byhz = TRUE, fast = TRUE) expect_true( all(hzID(sp3) == res$hzID) ) # data.frame interface res <- checkHzDepthLogic(horizons(sp3), idname = idname(sp3), hzdepths = horizonDepths(sp3), byhz = TRUE, fast = FALSE) # data.frame interface always returns calculated integer hzID expect_true( all(1:nrow(sp3) == res$hzID) ) res <- checkHzDepthLogic(horizons(sp3), idname = idname(sp3), hzdepths = horizonDepths(sp3), byhz = TRUE, fast = TRUE) expect_true( all(1:nrow(sp3) == res$hzID) ) }) test_that("checkHzDepthLogic() depth logic errors", { # local copy x <- sp3[1, ] x$top[1] <- 10 res <- checkHzDepthLogic(x) # errors only affect the first profile in this set expect_true(res$depthLogic[1]) expect_false(res$valid[1]) res2 <- checkHzDepthLogic(x, byhz = TRUE) expect_true(res2$depthLogic[1]) expect_false(res2$valid[1]) }) test_that("checkHzDepthLogic() same top / bottom depths", { # local copy x <- sp3[7, ] x$bottom[3] <- x$top[3] res <- checkHzDepthLogic(x) # errors only affect the first profile in this set expect_true(res$sameDepth[1]) expect_false(res$valid[1]) res2 <- checkHzDepthLogic(x, byhz = TRUE) expect_true(res2$sameDepth[3]) expect_false(res2$valid[3]) }) test_that("checkHzDepthLogic() NA in depths", { # local copy x <- sp3[4, ] x$bottom[3] <- NA res <- checkHzDepthLogic(x) # errors only affect the first profile in this set expect_true(res$missingDepth[1]) expect_false(res$valid[1]) res2 <- checkHzDepthLogic(x, byhz = TRUE) expect_true(res2$missingDepth[3]) expect_false(res2$valid[3]) }) test_that("checkHzDepthLogic() gap", { # local copy x <- sp3[8, ] # create a gap x$top[4] <- 82 res <- checkHzDepthLogic(x) # errors only affect the first profile in this set expect_true(res$overlapOrGap[1]) expect_false(res$valid[1]) # NOTE: OVERLAP OR GAP NOT MEANINGFUL FOR byhz=TRUE # result is NA res2 <- checkHzDepthLogic(x, byhz = TRUE) expect_true($overlapOrGap[1])) expect_true(res2$valid[1]) }) test_that("checkHzDepthLogic() overlap", { # local copy x <- sp3[8, ] # create overlap x$top[4] <- 75 res <- checkHzDepthLogic(x) # errors only affect the first profile in this set expect_true(res$overlapOrGap[1]) expect_false(res$valid[1]) # NOTE: OVERLAP OR GAP NOT MEANINGFUL FOR byhz=TRUE # result is NA res2 <- checkHzDepthLogic(x, byhz = TRUE) expect_true($overlapOrGap[1])) expect_true(res2$valid[1]) }) test_that("splitLogicErrors", { data(sp4) depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom # no errors (all list elements return NULL) expect_equal(unlist(splitLogicErrors(sp4)), c(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) # NA in top depth triggers depth logic and missing depth errors data(sp4) sp4$top[1] <- NA expect_message(depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom) res <- splitLogicErrors(sp4) # the same profile occurs in two groups, since NA causes depth logic and missingDepth errors expect_true(profile_id(res$depthLogic) == profile_id(res$missingDepth)) # interact = TRUE gets these in the same (interaction) group # each SPC profile occurs once, name/number elements varies with your data # (and whether or not you use split.default(..., drop = TRUE)) res2 <- splitLogicErrors(sp4, interact = TRUE, sep = "_", drop = TRUE) expect_true(length(res2$depthLogic__missingDepth_) == 1) })