context("methods for plotting slab() output") suppressWarnings(library(lattice, quietly = TRUE)) library(grid, quietly = TRUE) # load sample data, upgrade to SoilProfileCollection data(sp1) depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom # aggregate entire collection with two different segment sizes a <- slab(sp1, fm = ~ prop) b <- slab(sp1, fm = ~ prop, slab.structure=5) # stack into long format ab <- make.groups(a, b) ab$which <- factor(ab$which, levels=c('a','b'), labels=c('1-cm Interval', '5-cm Interval')) test_that("lattice helper functions work as expected", { # plot median and IQR # custom plotting function for uncertainty viz. fig <- xyplot(top ~ p.q50 | which, data=ab, ylab='Depth', xlab='median bounded by 25th and 75th percentiles', lower=ab$p.q25, upper=ab$p.q75, ylim=c(250,-5), panel=panel.depth_function, prepanel=prepanel.depth_function, cf=ab$contributing_fraction, alpha=0.5, layout=c(2,1), scales=list(x=list(alternating=1)) ) expect_true(inherits(fig, 'trellis')) })