context("L1 profiles") ## TODO: think about a good test dataset test_that("works as expected", { skip_if_not_installed('Gmedian') # overly simplistic example data p <- lapply(as.character(1:20), random_profile, method = 'LPP', SPC = TRUE) p <- combine(p) # init site data with groups site(p)$group <- rep(letters[1:2], times = 10) p$group <- factor(p$group) # set horizon designation horizons(p)$name <- 'XX' hzdesgnname(p) <- 'name' # try it z <- L1_profiles(p, fm = group ~ p1 + p2 + p3, method = 'constant', maxDepthRule = 'max', maxDepthConstant = 100) # plotSPC(z, color = 'p1', divide.hz = FALSE, name = NA, width = 0.2) # result is an SPC expect_true(inherits(z, 'SoilProfileCollection')) # conservation of group IDs expect_true(all(profile_id(z) == c('a', 'b'))) })