R Under development (unstable) (2024-08-17 r87027 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > #### Testing get_worldmodeler_soil_profile > require(apsimx) Loading required package: apsimx APSIM(X) not found. If APSIM(X) is installed in an alternative location, set paths manually using 'apsimx_options' or 'apsim_options'. You can still try as the package will look into the registry (under Windows) > apsimx_options(warn.versions = FALSE) > > run.test.worldmodeler <- get(".run.local.tests", envir = apsimx.options) > > if(run.test.worldmodeler && Sys.info()[["user"]] == "fernandomiguez"){ + + ### Simple example which cleans up + sp0 <- get_worldmodeler_soil_profile(lonlat = c(-93, 42)) + plot(sp0[[1]], property = "water") + + tdir <- "~/Dropbox/apsimx-other/worldmodeler" + get_worldmodeler_soil_profile(lonlat = c(-93, 42), wrt.dir = tdir, + filename = "temp_soils.soils") + + lonlat.mat <- rbind(c(-93, 42), c(-92, 41), c(-91, 40)) + get_worldmodeler_soil_profile(lonlat = lonlat.mat, wrt.dir = tdir, + filename = "mat_temp_soils.soils") + + sp1 <- read_apsim_soils("temp_soils.soils", src.dir = tdir) + + plot(sp1[[1]], property = "Carbon") + + sps <- read_apsim_soils("mat_temp_soils.soils", src.dir = tdir) + + plot(sps[[2]], property = "Carbon") + + } > > if(run.test.worldmodeler && Sys.info()[["user"]] == "fernandomiguez"){ + + am0 <- get_worldmodeler_apsim_met(lonlat = c(-93, 42), dates = c("1990-01-01", "2020-12-31")) + + if(inherits(am0[[1]], 'met')){ + plot(am0[[1]], met.var = "rain", cumulative = TRUE, climatology = TRUE) + } + + tdir <- "~/Dropbox/apsimx-other/worldmodeler" + + lonlat.mat <- rbind(c(-93, 42), c(-92, 41), c(-91, 40)) + + am1 <- get_worldmodeler_apsim_met(lonlat = lonlat.mat, + dates = c("1990-01-01", "2020-12-31")) + + if(inherits(am1[[1]], 'met')){ + plot(am1[[1]], met.var = "rain", cumulative = TRUE, climatology = TRUE) + } + + if(inherits(am1[[2]], 'met')){ + plot(am1[[2]], met.var = "rain", cumulative = TRUE, climatology = TRUE) + } + + am2 <- get_worldmodeler_apsim_met(lonlat = lonlat.mat, + dates = c("1990-01-01", "2020-12-31"), + wrt.dir = tdir, + filenames = c("marshall1.met", "marshall2.met", "marshall3.met")) + + sapply(am2, class) + + if(inherits(am2[[1]], 'met')){ + plot(am2[[1]], met.var = "rain", cumulative = TRUE, climatology = TRUE) + } + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.50 0.14 0.62