R Under development (unstable) (2024-05-04 r86521 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > ## Run a few tests for the examples > require(apsimx) Loading required package: apsimx APSIM(X) not found. If APSIM(X) is installed in an alternative location, set paths manually using 'apsimx_options' or 'apsim_options'. You can still try as the package will look into the registry (under Windows) > apsimx_options(warn.versions = FALSE) > > ## Run inspect tests > > run.inspect.tests <- get(".run.local.tests", envir = apsimx.options) > > if(run.inspect.tests) ex.dir <- auto_detect_apsimx_examples() > > if(run.inspect.tests){ + + ## Barley + i <- "Barley.apsimx" + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Clock") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Weather") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "MicroClimate") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Physical") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater", parm = "SummerDate") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater", parm = "SummerCona") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Organic") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "InitialWater") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Chemical") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "SurfaceOrganicMatter") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Crop") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list("Fertilise", NA)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list("Sow on a fixed date", NA)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list("Sow on a fixed date", 1)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list("Sow on a fixed date", 2)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list("Sow on a fixed date", 3)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list("Sow on a fixed date", 4)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list("Sow on a fixed date", 5)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list("Sow on a fixed date", 6)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report", parm = "VariableNames") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report", parm = "EventNames") + + ## Maize + i <- "Maize.apsimx" + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Clock") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Weather") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "MicroClimate") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Physical") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Organic") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Chemical") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "InitialWater") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "SurfaceOrganicMatter") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Crop") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', NA)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('Fertilise', NA)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report", parm = "VariableNames") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report", parm = "EventNames") + + ## Oats + i <- "Oats" + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Clock") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Weather") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "MicroClimate") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Water") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater", parm = "SummerDate") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Organic") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Chemical") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "SurfaceOrganicMatter") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Crop") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('Fert', NA)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', NA)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', 1)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', 2)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', 3)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', 4)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', 5)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', 6)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', 7)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', 8)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list('variable', 9)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report", parm = "VariableNames") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report", parm = "EventNames") + + ## OilPalm is good for testing Report + i <- "OilPalm.apsimx" + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Clock") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Weather") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "MicroClimate") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Physical") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater", parm = "SummerDate") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Organic") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Chemical") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "SurfaceOrganicMatter") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list("Palm Management", NA)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Manager", parm = list("Palm Management", 3)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report", parm = list("Annual", NA)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report", parm = list("Monthly", NA)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report", parm = list("Annual", "Variable")) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, node = "Report", parm = list("Monthly", "Event")) + + + } > > run.inspect.print.path.tests <- get(".run.local.tests", envir = apsimx.options) > > if(run.inspect.print.path.tests){ + + i <- "Barley.apsimx" + #### Clock #### + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Clock") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Clock, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = ex.dir, parm = "Start", print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Clock.Start") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Start, print.path") + #### Weather #### + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Weather", src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Weather") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Weather, print.path") + #### Soil - Metadata #### + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, Metadata, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", src.dir = ex.dir, + parm = "Latitude", print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.Latitude") ## I think this currently works as expected... ?? + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, Metadata, Latitude, print.path") + #### Soil - Physical #### + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Physical", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.Physical") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, Physical, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Physical", + parm = "DUL", src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.Physical.DUL") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, Physical, DUL, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Physical", + parm = "Barley XF", src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.Physical.Barley XF") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, Physical, Barley XF, print.path") + #### Soil - SoilWater #### + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.SoilWater") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, SoilWater, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater", parm = "Salb", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.SoilWater.Salb") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, SoilWater, SWCON, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "SoilWater", parm = "SWCON", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.SoilWater.SWCON") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, SoilWater, SWCON, print.path") + #### Soil - Chemical #### + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Chemical", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.Chemical") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, Chemical, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Chemical", parm = "PH", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.Chemical.PH") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, Chemical, PH, print.path") + #### Soil - InitialWater #### + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "InitialWater", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.Water") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, InitialWater, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "InitialWater", parm = "RelativeTo", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.Water.RelativeTo") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, InitialWater, FractionFull, print.path") + #### Soil - Organic #### + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Organic", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.Organic") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, Organic, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "Organic", parm = "Carbon", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.Organic.Carbon") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, Organic, Carbon, print.path") + #### Soil - InitialN #### + ## Note (2023-12-10) Need to change this to NO3, NH3, Urea + # pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Soil", soil.child = "InitialN", + # src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + # if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Soil.InitialN") + # stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Soil, InitialN, print.path") + #### Soil - CERESSoilTemperature and Nutrient #### + ## There is not much here to test or implement at the moment + + #### Manager #### + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Manager", src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Manager, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Manager", parm = list("Fertilise", NA), + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Fertilise at sowing") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Manager, Fertilise at sowing, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Manager", parm = list("Fertilise", 3), + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.Fertilise at sowing.Amount") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, Manager, Fertilise at sowing, Amount, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Surface", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.SurfaceOrganicMatter") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, SurfaceOrganicMatter, print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "Surface", parm = "InitialResidueMass", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + if(pp != ".Simulations.Simulation.Field.SurfaceOrganicMatter.InitialResidueMass") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx, Barley, SurfaceOrganicMatter, InitialResidueMass print.path") + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "MicroClimate", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, node = "MicroClimate", parm = "SoilHeatFluxFraction", + src.dir = ex.dir, print.path = TRUE) + } > > > inspect.replacement.test <- get(".run.local.tests", envir = apsimx.options) > > if(inspect.replacement.test){ + + ## Define the highest level + inspect_apsimx_replacement("Factorial", src.dir = ex.dir, + root = list("Experiment", 1), + node = "Base", node.child = "Clock") + ## inspect_apsimx version + inspect_apsimx("Factorial.apsimx", src.dir = ex.dir, + root = c("Experiment", "Base"), + node = "Clock") + + inspect_apsimx_replacement("Factorial", src.dir = ex.dir, + root = list("Experiment", 1), + node = "Base", node.child = "Weather") + + ## inspect_apsimx version + inspect_apsimx("Factorial.apsimx", src.dir = ex.dir, + root = c("Experiment", "Base"), + node = "Weather") + + inspect_apsimx_replacement("Factorial", src.dir = ex.dir, + root = list("Experiment", 1), + node = "Base", node.child = "Field", + node.subchild = "Soil", + display.available = TRUE) + + ## inspect_apsimx version + inspect_apsimx("Factorial.apsimx", src.dir = ex.dir, + root = c("Experiment", "Base"), + node = "Soil") + + ## If we want to look at the second Factorial 'Experiment' + inspect_apsimx_replacement("Factorial", src.dir = ex.dir, + root = list("Experiment", 2), + node = "Base", node.child = "Field", + node.subchild = "Soil", + display.available = TRUE) + + ## Look at Water + inspect_apsimx_replacement("Factorial", src.dir = ex.dir, + root = list("Experiment", 2), + node = "Base", node.child = "Field", + node.subchild = "Soil", + node.subsubchild = "Water", + display.available = TRUE) + + ## For a specific parameter + inspect_apsimx_replacement("Factorial", src.dir = ex.dir, + root = list("Experiment", 2), + node = "Base", node.child = "Field", + node.subchild = "Soil", + node.subsubchild = "Water", + parm = "Depth") + } > > inspect.replacement.test2 <- get(".run.local.tests", envir = apsimx.options) > > extd.dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "apsimx") > > if(inspect.replacement.test2){ + + ## Testing inspect_apsimx on MaizeSoybean.apsimx + pp <- inspect_apsimx("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Weather", + root = "SimulationSoybean", + parm = "FileName", + print.path = TRUE) + + if(pp != ".Simulations.SimulationSoybean.Weather.FileName") + stop("pp does not match for inspect_apsimx MaizeSoybean.apsimx root = SimulationSoybean", call. = FALSE) + + pp <- inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", src.dir = extd.dir, + root = "SimulationSoybean", + node = "Weather", parm = "FileName", print.path = TRUE) + + if(pp != ".Simulations.SimulationSoybean.Weather.FileName") + stop("pp does not match for inspect_apsimx_replacement MaizeSoybean.apsimx root = SimulationSoybean", call. = FALSE) + + ## Looking at values within Leaf + inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + display.available = TRUE) + + inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Leaf", + display.available = TRUE) + + ## We can look at parameters at this level + inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Leaf", + parm = "Albedo") + + inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Leaf", + parm = "Gsmax350") + + inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Leaf", + parm = "R50") + + inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Leaf", + node.subchild = "Photosynthesis", + node.subsubchild = "RUE") + + inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Leaf", + node.subchild = "Photosynthesis", + node.subsubchild = "RUE", + parm = "FixedValue") + + ## Soybean Cultivars + pp <- inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Cultivars", + node.subchild = "USA", + node.subsubchild = "PioneerP22T61_MG22", + parm = "Vegetative.Target.FixedValue", + print.path = TRUE) + + if(pp != ".Simulations.Replacements.Soybean.Cultivars.USA.PioneerP22T61_MG22.Vegetative.Target.FixedValue") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx_replacement, MaizeSoybean, PioneerP22T61_MG22, Vegetative.Target.FixedValue, print.path") + + pp <- inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Cultivars", + node.subchild = "USA", + node.subsubchild = "PioneerP22T61_MG22", + parm = "EarlyFlowering", + print.path = TRUE) + + if(pp != ".Simulations.Replacements.Soybean.Cultivars.USA.PioneerP22T61_MG22.EarlyFlowering") + stop("Error in inspect_apsimx_replacement, MaizeSoybean, PioneerP22T61_MG22, EarlyFlowering, print.path") + + ## Testing the root + inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + root = "SimulationSoybean", + node = "Weather", + parm = "FileName") + + inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + root = "SimulationMaize", + node = "Weather", + parm = "FileName") + + ## WheatRye version + inspect_apsimx_replacement("WheatRye.apsimx", src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Wheat", node.child = "Cultivars", + node.subchild = "USA", node.subsubchild = "Yecora") + + ## Now with parameter + inspect_apsimx_replacement("WheatRye.apsimx", src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Wheat", node.child = "Cultivars", + node.subchild = "USA", node.subsubchild = "Yecora", + parm = "MinimumLeafNumber") + ## This only works for the first one + inspect_apsimx_replacement("WheatRye.apsimx", src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Wheat", node.child = "Cultivars", + node.subchild = "USA", node.subsubchild = "Yecora", + parm = "Vrn") + + } > > > inspect.replacement.test.parm.path <- get(".run.local.tests", envir = apsimx.options) > > if(inspect.replacement.test.parm.path){ + + pp <- inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + print.path = TRUE) + + pp <- inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + print.path = TRUE) + + pp <- inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Leaf", + print.path = TRUE) + + pp <- inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Leaf", + parm = "Albedo", + print.path = TRUE) + + pp <- inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean.apsimx", + src.dir = extd.dir, + node = "Soybean", + node.child = "Leaf", + parm = "Gsmax350", + print.path = TRUE) + + ### Testing replacement with new simulations (Dec 2023) + ### Not normal testing as these files are not distributed with APSIM + ### In the future, I will create some and distribute with the package + + if(FALSE){ + + csm.dir <- "~/Desktop/csm/lab_05" + + pp1 <- inspect_apsimx_replacement("MaizeSoybean_replacement.apsimx", + src.dir = csm.dir, + node = "Maize", + node.child = "Leaf", + node.subchild = "Photosynthesis", + node.subsubchild = "RUE", + parm = "FixedValue", + display.available = FALSE, + print.path = TRUE) + + ### Need to look at whether I can edit this + } + } > > #### Test inspect Other ---- > inspect.factorial.test.parm.path <- get(".run.local.tests", envir = apsimx.options) > > if(inspect.factorial.test.parm.path){ + + tmp.dir <- tempdir() + dir(tmp.dir) + ex.dir <- auto_detect_apsimx_examples() + + ### Test with all examples + ex.dir.list <- dir(ex.dir, recursive = FALSE, pattern = "apsimx$") + + ## Trying node = "Other" + for(i in ex.dir.list){ + if(!file.exists(file.path(tmp.dir, i))) file.copy(from = file.path(ex.dir, i), to = tmp.dir) + cat("Simulation:", i, "\n") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other") + cat("\n") + } + + for(i in ex.dir.list){ + cat("Simulation:", i, "\n") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = 2) + } + + for(i in ex.dir.list){ + ## file.copy(from = file.path(ex.dir, i), to = tmp.dir) + cat("Simulation:", i, "\n") + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = 3) + } + + ## Next need to test if inspect_apsimx works well when parm is a string + ## pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(".Simulations.AgPastureExample.Field")) + ## Would like to implement list(1, 2, 3) + i <- "AgPasture.apsimx" + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 3), print.path = TRUE) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 0)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 1:3)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, c(3, 5))) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, c(3, 5)), print.path = TRUE) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 3, 0)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 3, 5, 8, 0)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 3, 5, 1, 0)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 3, 5, 1, 3), print.path = TRUE) + pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = ".Simulations.AgPasture.Field", print.path = TRUE) + i <- "WhiteClover.apsimx" + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = 3) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 2, 5, 6, 0)) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = ".Simulations.Simulation.Field") + ## Developing/Testing list/grep + ## This should work for SimpleGrazing and it doesn't at the moment + i <- "AgPasture.apsimx" + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 3, 5, 1, 0)) + (pp <- inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 3, 5, 1, 2), print.path = TRUE)) + rootp <- inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", parm = list(1, 3)) + rut <- strsplit(rootp, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][3] + # inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", root = rut, + # parm = list("SimpleGrazingFrequencyString")) + inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", + parm = list("AgPastureExample.SimpleGrazingFrequencyString")) + ## These examples below do not work well (yet) + ##inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Other", + ## parm = list("AgPastureExample", "SimpleGrazingFrequencyString")) + + ## inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, root = "AgPastureExample", node = "Other") + ##inspect_apsimx(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, root = "AgPastureExample", + ## node = "Other", parm = list("SimpleGrazingFrequencyString", "SimpleGrazingResidual")) + + ## This works now, but not for all parameters, not sure why + inspect_apsimx_json(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, parm = "AgPastureExample.SimpleGrazingFrequencyString") + inspect_apsimx_json(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, parm = "AgPastureExample.SimpleMinGrazable") + inspect_apsimx_json(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, parm = "AgPastureExample.GrazingRotationType") + + + ## Inspect Replacement version + inspect_apsimx_replacement(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, + root = list("AgPastureExample", 2), + display.available = TRUE) + + pp <- inspect_apsimx_replacement(i, src.dir = tmp.dir, + root = list("AgPastureExample", 2), + node = "Field", + node.child = "SimpleGrazing", + parm = "SimpleGrazingFrequencyString", + display.available = TRUE, + verbose = FALSE) + + inspect_apsimx("Factorial.apsimx", src.dir = tmp.dir, + root = list("RangeExperiment", "Base1"), + node = "Soil", + soil.child = "Physical", + print.path = TRUE) + + inspect_apsimx_replacement("Factorial.apsimx", src.dir = tmp.dir, + root = list("RangeExperiment"), + display.available = TRUE, + print.path = TRUE) + + # inspect_apsimx_json("Factorial.apsimx", src.dir = tmp.dir, + # parm = "Clock", + # print.path = TRUE) + + inspect_apsimx_json("Factorial.apsimx", src.dir = tmp.dir, + parm = "Permutation", + print.path = TRUE) + + + inspect_apsimx_json("AgPasture.apsimx", src.dir = tmp.dir, + parm = "CO2xBaseTemperature", + print.path = TRUE) + + inspect_apsimx("AgPasture.apsimx", src.dir = tmp.dir, + root = list("CO2xBaseTemperature", "CO2xTb"), + print.path = TRUE) + + inspect_apsimx("AgPasture.apsimx", src.dir = tmp.dir, + root = list("PastureByWaterAndNitrogen", "Base"), + print.path = TRUE) + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.71 0.18 0.85