library(survival) # misc functions used for tests ---- no_miss_list <- function(l){ sapply(l, function(x){ if(is.list(x)) {return(no_miss_list(x))} any( | any(is.nan(x)) | any(is.infinite(x)) }) } add_noise <- function(x, eps = .Machine$double.eps){ noise <- runif(length(x), min = -eps, max = eps) x + noise } change_scale <- function(x, mult_by = 1/2){ x * mult_by } #' Find cut-point boundaries (R version) #' #' Used to test the cpp version for finding cutpoints #' #' @param y_node outcome matrix #' @param w_node weight vector #' @param XB linear combination of predictors #' @param xb_uni unique values in XB #' @param leaf_min_events min no. of events in a leaf #' @param leaf_min_obs min no. of observations in a leaf #' #' @noRd #' #' @return data.frame with description of valid cutpoints cp_find_bounds_R <- function(y_node, w_node, XB, xb_uni, leaf_min_events, leaf_min_obs){ status = y_node[, 'status'] cp_stats <- sapply( X = xb_uni, FUN = function(x){ c( cp = x, e_right = sum(status[XB > x] * w_node[XB > x]), e_left = sum(status[XB <= x] * w_node[XB <= x]), n_right = sum(as.numeric(XB > x) * w_node), n_left = sum(as.numeric(XB <= x) * w_node) ) } ) cp_stats <- cp_stats$valid_cp = with( cp_stats, e_right >= leaf_min_events & e_left >= leaf_min_events & n_right >= leaf_min_obs & n_left >= leaf_min_obs ) cp_stats } # oobag functions ---- oobag_fun_brier <- function(y_mat, w_vec, s_vec){ # risk = 1 - survival r_vec <- 1 - s_vec y <- y_mat[, 2L] # mean of the squared differences between predicted and observed risk bri <- mean( (y - r_vec)^2 ) y_mean <- mean(y) ref <- mean( (y - y_mean)^2 ) answer <- 1 - bri / ref answer } oobag_fun_bad_name <- function(nope, w_vec, s_vec){ # risk = 1 - survival r_vec <- 1 - s_vec # mean of the squared differences between predicted and observed risk mean( (y_mat[, 2L] - r_vec)^2 ) } oobag_fun_bad_name_2 <- function(y_mat, w_vec, nope){ # risk = 1 - survival r_vec <- 1 - s_vec # mean of the squared differences between predicted and observed risk mean( (y_mat[, 2L] - r_vec)^2 ) } oobag_fun_bad_name_3 <- function(y_mat, nope, s_vec){ # risk = 1 - survival r_vec <- 1 - s_vec # mean of the squared differences between predicted and observed risk mean( (y_mat[, 2L] - r_vec)^2 ) } oobag_fun_bad_out <- function(y_mat, w_vec, s_vec){ # risk = 1 - survival r_vec <- 1 - s_vec # mean of the squared differences between predicted and observed risk quantile( (y_mat[, 2L] - r_vec)^2, probs = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75) ) } oobag_fun_bad_out_2 <- function(y_mat, w_vec, s_vec){ # mean of the squared differences between predicted and observed risk return("A") } oobag_fun_4_args <- function(y_mat, w_vec, s_vec, nope){ # risk = 1 - survival r_vec <- 1 - s_vec y <- y_mat[, 2L] # mean of the squared differences between predicted and observed risk bri <- mean( (y - r_vec)^2 ) y_mean <- mean(y) ref <- mean( (y - y_mean)^2 ) answer <- 1 - bri / ref answer } oobag_fun_errors_on_test <- function(y_mat, w_vec, s_vec){ stop("expected error occurred!", call. = FALSE) } # linear combo functions ---- f_pca <- function(x_node, y_node, w_node) { # estimate two principal components. pca <- stats::prcomp(x_node, rank. = 2) # use a random principal component to split the node pca$rotation[, 2, drop = FALSE] } # testing functions ---- expect_equal_leaf_summary <- function(x, y){ expect_equal(x$forest$leaf_summary, y$forest$leaf_summary, tolerance = 1e-9) } expect_equal_oobag_eval <- function(x, y){ expect_equal(x$eval_oobag$stat_values, y$eval_oobag$stat_values, tolerance = 1e-9) } expect_no_missing <- function(x){ expect_true(!any( } # data processing ---- prep_test_matrices <- function(data, outcomes = c("time", "status")){ names_y_data <- outcomes names_x_data <- setdiff(names(data), outcomes) fi <- fctr_info(data, names_x_data) types_x_data <- check_var_types(data, names_x_data, valid_types = c('numeric', 'integer', 'units', 'factor', 'ordered')) names_x_numeric <- grep(pattern = "^integer$|^numeric$|^units$", x = types_x_data) means <- standard_deviations<- modes <- numeric_bounds <- NULL numeric_cols <- names_x_data[names_x_numeric] nominal_cols <- fi$cols if(!is_empty(nominal_cols)){ modes <- vapply( select_cols(data, nominal_cols), collapse::fmode, FUN.VALUE = integer(1) ) } if(!is_empty(numeric_cols)){ numeric_data <- select_cols(data, numeric_cols) numeric_bounds <- matrix( data = c( collapse::fnth(numeric_data, 0.1), collapse::fnth(numeric_data, 0.25), collapse::fnth(numeric_data, 0.5), collapse::fnth(numeric_data, 0.75), collapse::fnth(numeric_data, 0.9) ), nrow =5, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(c('10%', '25%', '50%', '75%', '90%'), names(numeric_data)) ) means <- collapse::fmean(numeric_data) standard_deviations <- collapse::fsd(numeric_data) } if(any(, names_y_data)))) stop("Please remove missing values from the outcome variable(s)", call. = FALSE) cc <- stats::complete.cases(data[, names_x_data]) data <- data[cc, ] y <- prep_y(data, names_y_data) x <- prep_x(data, fi, names_x_data, means, standard_deviations) w <- sample(1:3, nrow(y), replace = TRUE) sorted <- collapse::radixorder(y[, 1], -y[, 2]) return( list( x = x[sorted, ], y = y[sorted, ], w = w[sorted] ) ) }