context("utilities") test_that("checking station argument", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() skip_on_os("windows") expect_error(anyflights("Portland", 2018, 1), "consider using the get_airports") expect_error(anyflights(c("PDX", "Portland", "JFK"), 2018, 1), "consider using the get_airports") expect_error(anyflights(1, 2018, 1), "wasn't a character") }) test_that("checking month argument", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() skip_on_os("windows") expect_error(anyflights("PDX", 2018, -1), "month values within") expect_error(anyflights("PDX", 2018, 13), "month values within") expect_error(anyflights("PDX", 2018, c(12, 13)), "month values within") expect_error(anyflights("PDX", 2018, "1"), "has class character") expect_error(anyflights("PDX", 2018, c("1", "2")), "has class character") expect_error(anyflights("PDX", 2018, list(1)), "has class list") }) test_that("checking year argument", { skip_if(skip_conditions()) skip_on_os("windows") expect_error(anyflights("PDX", as.numeric(substr(Sys.Date(), 1, 4)) + 1, 1), "in the future") expect_error(anyflights("PDX", as.numeric(substr(Sys.Date(), 1, 4)), 1), "for this year") expect_error(anyflights("PDX", 1980, 1), "argument 1980 is really") }) test_that("checking download file wrapper", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() skip_on_os("windows") # set timeout option 1 second original_timeout_value <- options()[['timeout']] options(timeout = 1) expect_warning(expect_error(anyflights("LAX", 2020, 1), "utils::download.file timed out before finishing downloading the file" )) options(timeout = original_timeout_value) })