context("Test matching function") library("anticlust") test_that("Matching function behaves correctly with `p` argument", { # generate some random data m <- sample(1:4, size = 1) n <- sample(10:100, size = 1) data <- matrix(rnorm(n * m), ncol = m) p <- sample(2:5, size = 1) # feature input # test that matches are of size p matches <- matching(data, p = p) expect_true(all(table(matches) == p)) # non-fitting elements have NA expect_equal(sum(, n %% p) # are all matches objective sorted by distance objective? objectives <- sapply( 1:max(matches, na.rm = TRUE), function(x) sum(dist(data[! & matches == x, ])) ) expect_true(!is.unsorted(objectives)) # repeat the above for distance input data <- as.matrix(dist(data)) matches <- matching(data, p = p) expect_true(all(table(matches) == p)) expect_equal(sum(, n %% p) objectives <- sapply( 1:max(matches, na.rm = TRUE), function(x) sum(as.dist(data[! & matches == x, ! & matches == x])) ) expect_true(!is.unsorted(objectives)) }) test_that("Matching function behaves correctly with `match_between` argument", { # generate some random data m <- sample(1:4, size = 1) n <- sample(20:100, size = 1) data <- matrix(rnorm(n * m), ncol = m) p <- sample(2:5, size = 1) groups <- sample(1:p, size = n, replace = TRUE) while (any(table(groups) < 2)) { groups <- sample(1:p, size = n, replace = TRUE) } # feature input # test that matches are of size matches <- matching(data, match_between = groups) expect_true(all(table(matches) == p)) # non-fitting elements have NA n_matched <- (min(table(groups)) * p) # how many elements were matched expect_equal(sum(, n - n_matched) # are all matches objective sorted by distance objective? objectives <- sapply( 1:max(matches, na.rm = TRUE), function(x) sum(dist(data[! & matches == x, ])) ) expect_true(!is.unsorted(objectives)) # repeat the above for distance input data <- as.matrix(dist(data)) matches <- matching(data, match_between = groups) expect_true(all(table(matches) == p)) # non-fitting elements have NA n_matched <- (min(table(groups)) * p) # how many elements were matched expect_equal(sum(, n - n_matched) objectives <- sapply( 1:max(matches, na.rm = TRUE), function(x) sum(as.dist(data[! & matches == x, ! & matches == x])) ) expect_true(!is.unsorted(objectives)) }) test_that("Matching function behaves correctly with `match_within` argument", { # generate some random data m <- sample(1:4, size = 1) n <- sample(40:100, size = 1) data <- matrix(rnorm(n * m), ncol = m) p <- sample(2:5, size = 1) n_groups <- sample(2:5, size = 1) groups <- sample(1:n_groups, size = n, replace = TRUE) while (any(table(groups) < p) || length(unique(groups)) != n_groups) { groups <- sample(1:p, size = n, replace = TRUE) } # feature input # test that matches are of size p matches <- matching(data, p = p, match_within = groups) expect_true(all(table(matches) == p)) # test that all matches are within a category tab <- table(matches, groups) expect_true(all(apply(tab, 1, function(x) sum(x == p)) == 1)) expect_true(all(apply(tab, 1, function(x) sum(x == 0)) == (n_groups - 1))) # non-fitting elements have NA not_matched <- sum(table(groups) %% p) # how many elements were matched expect_equal(sum(, not_matched) # are all matches objective sorted by distance objective? objectives <- sapply( 1:max(matches, na.rm = TRUE), function(x) sum(dist(data[! & matches == x, ])) ) expect_true(!is.unsorted(objectives)) # repeat the above for distance input # test that matches are of size p matches <- matching(dist(data), p = p, match_within = groups) expect_true(all(table(matches) == p)) tab <- table(matches, groups) expect_true(all(apply(tab, 1, function(x) sum(x == p)) == 1)) expect_true(all(apply(tab, 1, function(x) sum(x == 0)) == (n_groups - 1))) not_matched <- sum(table(groups) %% p) expect_equal(sum(, not_matched) objectives <- sapply( 1:max(matches, na.rm = TRUE), function(x) sum(dist(data[! & matches == x, ])) ) expect_true(!is.unsorted(objectives)) }) test_that("Matching behaves correctly when combining `match_within` and `match_between`", { # generate some random data p <- sample(2:5, size = 1) tab <- p - 1 while (any(tab < p)) { m <- sample(1:4, size = 1) n <- sample(20:200, size = 1) data <- matrix(rnorm(n * m), ncol = m) n_groups_within <- sample(2:5, size = 1) groups_between <- sample(1:p, size = n, replace = TRUE) groups_within <- sample(1:n_groups_within, size = n, replace = TRUE) tab <- table(groups_between, groups_within) } # feature input # test that matches are of size p matches <- matching( data, p = p, match_between = groups_between, match_within = groups_within ) expect_true(all(table(matches) == p)) # predict number of matches tab <- table(groups_within, groups_between) # for each group_within, there are as many matches as the minimum groups_between n_matches <- sum(apply(tab, 1, min)) expect_equal(n_matches, max(matches, na.rm = TRUE)) # all not-matched elements have NA expect_equal(n - (n_matches * p), sum( # check the balancing across all grouping variables tab <- table(matches, groups_within, groups_between) expect_true(all(tab %in% c(0, 1))) expect_true(all(apply(tab, 3, rowSums) == 1)) # feature input # repeat the same for distance input matches <- matching( dist(data), p = p, match_between = groups_between, match_within = groups_within ) expect_true(all(table(matches) == p)) # predict number of matches tab <- table(groups_within, groups_between) # for each group_within, there are as many matches as the minimum groups_between n_matches <- sum(apply(tab, 1, min)) expect_equal(n_matches, max(matches, na.rm = TRUE)) # all not-matched elements have NA expect_equal(n - (n_matches * p), sum( # check the balancing across all grouping variables tab <- table(matches, groups_within, groups_between) expect_true(all(tab %in% c(0, 1))) expect_true(all(apply(tab, 3, rowSums) == 1)) }) # this test is monster code; it tests that the first target element # is selected as it should be and paired with its nearest neighbour, # for different input. Fun fact: I made a lot of mistakes implementing # this test, but the code itself was fine all the time ... test_that("Algorithm matches the element it should match", { # generate some random data m <- sample(1:4, size = 1) n <- sample(40:100, size = 1) data <- matrix(rnorm(n * m), ncol = m) p <- sample(2:5, size = 1) for (most_extreme in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { if (most_extreme == TRUE) { FUN <- which.max } else { FUN <- which.min } for (dat in c("features", "distance")) { if (dat == "distances") { df <- dist(data) distances <- as.matrix(data) } else { df <- data distances <- as.matrix(dist(data)) } # vary if I use p or matches_between as input for (j in c("p", "groups")) { if (j == "p") { matches <- matching(df, p = p, match_extreme_first = most_extreme) first_target <- FUN(distances_from_centroid(data)) target_group <- FALSE } else { groups <- to_numeric(sample(1:p, size = n, replace = TRUE)) while (any(table(groups) < 2) || length(unique(table(groups))) == 1) { groups <- sample(1:p, size = n, replace = TRUE) } groups <- merge_into_one_variable(groups) matches <- matching(df, match_between = groups, match_extreme_first = most_extreme) centroid_distances <- distances_from_centroid(data) smallest_group <- which.min(table(groups)) # select index of element in smallest group based on distance to centroid target_group <- groups == smallest_group centroid_distances[!target_group] <- NA first_target <- FUN(centroid_distances) } target_distances <- distances[, first_target] target_distances[target_group] <- NA # only select from «other» groups closest <- min(target_distances[-first_target], na.rm = TRUE) closest_neighbours <- which(target_distances == closest) # ensure that at least one of the neighbours with minimum distance # is in the same match expect_true(closest_neighbours %in% which(matches == matches[first_target])) } } } })