context("Differenct preclustering interfaces should produce the same outputs") library("anticlust") test_that("different options for preclustering have the same result - variance objective", { for (M in 1:4) { for (K in 2:5) { N <- K * 3 features <- matrix(rnorm(N * M), ncol = M) # determine a random seed to make the exchange method reproducible seed <- sample(1000, size = 1) set.seed(seed) ## First option # Set `preclustering = TRUE` ac1 <- anticlustering( features, K = K, objective = "variance", preclustering = TRUE ) ## Second option # Call `balanced_clustering` and use output as `categories` argument preclusters <- balanced_clustering( features, K = N / K ) set.seed(seed) ac2 <- anticlustering( features, K = K, objective = "variance", categories = preclusters ) ## Third option # Use `fast_anticlustering` function set.seed(seed) ac3 <- fast_anticlustering( features, K = K, categories = preclusters ) expect_equal(all(ac1 == ac2), TRUE) expect_equal(all(ac2 == ac3), TRUE) } } }) test_that("different options for preclustering have the same result - distance objective", { for (M in 1:4) { for (K in 2:5) { N <- K * 3 features <- matrix(rnorm(N * M), ncol = M) # determine a random seed to make the exchange method reproducible seed <- sample(1000, size = 1) set.seed(seed) ## First option # Set `preclustering = TRUE` ac1 <- anticlustering( features, K = K, objective = "distance", preclustering = TRUE ) ## Second option # Call `balanced_clustering` and use output as `categories` argument preclusters <- balanced_clustering( features, K = N / K ) set.seed(seed) ac2 <- anticlustering( features, K = K, objective = "distance", categories = preclusters ) ## Third option # Use distance input (and categories for preclusters because the # preclustering algorithm is slightly different for distance input) set.seed(seed) ac3 <- anticlustering( dist(features), K = K, objective = "distance", categories = preclusters ) expect_equal(all(ac1 == ac2), TRUE) expect_equal(all(ac2 == ac3), TRUE) } } })