#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité # Copy the test study in a temporary folder ## force tests to be executed if in dev release which we define as ## having a sub-release, eg is one whereas 0.9.16 is not if (length(strsplit(packageDescription("antaresViz")$Version, "\\.")[[1]]) > 3) { Sys.setenv("RunAllAntaresVizTests"="yes") } .runThisTest <- FALSE .runThisTest <- Sys.getenv("RunAllAntaresVizTests") == "yes" if(.runThisTest){ .runProdStackTest <- TRUE .runExchangesStackTest <- TRUE .runTsPlotTest <- TRUE #bug when executing in the Test environment, so keep # .runPlotMapTest to FALSE .runPlotMapTest <- FALSE }else{ .runProdStackTest <- FALSE .runExchangesStackTest <- FALSE .runTsPlotTest <- FALSE .runPlotMapTest <- FALSE } path <- tempdir() sourcedir <- system.file("inst/testdata", package = "antaresRead") if (sourcedir == ""){ sourcedir <- system.file("testdata", package = "antaresRead") } # Hack: For some unknown reason, this script is executed at some point of # the R CMD CHECK before package is correctly installed and tests actually run. # The following "if" prevents errors at this step if (sourcedir != "") { ar_path_study <- file.path(sourcedir, "antares-test-study.tar.gz") if (!file.exists(ar_path_study)) { ar_path_study <- file.path(sourcedir, "antares-test-study-latest.tar.gz") } # if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") { # untar( # tarfile = ar_path_study, # exdir = path, # extras = "--force-local" # ) # } else { untar( tarfile = ar_path_study, exdir = path ) # } assign("studyPath", file.path(path, "test_case"), envir = globalenv()) assign("nweeks", 2, envir = globalenv()) assign("pathtemp", path, envir = globalenv()) } opts <- setSimulationPath(get("studyPath", envir = globalenv()))