#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité context("Function readInputThermal") sapply(studyPathS, function(studyPath){ opts <- setSimulationPath(studyPath) test_that("Thermal availabilities importation works", { # read /series files (default) input <- readInputThermal(clusters = "peak_must_run_partial", showProgress = FALSE) expect_is(input, "antaresDataTable") expect_gt(nrow(input), 0) expect_equal(nrow(input) %% (24 * 7 * nweeks), 0) }) test_that("Thermal modulation importation works", { # read /series + /prepro/modulation.txt input <- readInputThermal(clusters = "peak_must_run_partial", thermalModulation = TRUE, showProgress = FALSE) expect_is(input, "antaresDataList") expect_is(input$thermalModulation, "antaresDataTable") expect_gt(nrow(input$thermalModulation), 0) expect_equal(nrow(input$thermalModulation) %% (24 * 7 * nweeks), 0) }) test_that("Thermal data importation works", { # read /series + /prepro/data.txt input <- readInputThermal(clusters = "peak_must_run_partial", thermalData = TRUE, showProgress = FALSE) expect_is(input, "antaresDataList") expect_is(input$thermalData, "antaresDataTable") expect_gt(nrow(input$thermalData), 0) expect_equal(nrow(input$thermalData) %% (24 * 7 * nweeks), 0) }) test_that("Wrong area", { expect_error(readInputThermal(areas = "BAD_AREA", clusters = "peak_must_run_partial"), regexp = "areas are not available") }) test_that("Wrong cluster", { expect_error(readInputThermal(areas = "all", clusters = "BAD_CLUSTER"), regexp = "clusters are not available") }) test_that("No thermal data selected", { expect_error(readInputThermal(clusters = "peak_must_run_partial", thermalAvailabilities = FALSE), regexp = "one type of data should be selected") }) }) # >= v870 ---- ## RES ---- test_that("test reading TS RES", { # read latest version study path_study_test <- grep(pattern = "test_case_study_v870", x = studyPathSV8, value = TRUE) setSimulationPath(path_study_test, simulation = "input") res_clust_properties <- readClusterResDesc() test_that("read one cluster", { # read /series files (default) input <- readInputRES(areas = "all", clusters = unique(res_clust_properties$cluster)[1]) expect_is(input, "antaresDataTable") expect_gt(nrow(input), 0) expect_equal(nrow(input) %% (24 * 7 * nweeks), 0) }) test_that("read various clusters", { nb_cluster <- length(unique(res_clust_properties$cluster)) # read /series files (default) input <- readInputRES(areas = "all", clusters = unique(res_clust_properties$cluster)) expect_is(input, "antaresDataTable") expect_gt(nrow(input), 0) expect_equal(nrow(input) %% (24 * 7 * nweeks), 0) }) }) # >= v870 ---- ## RES ---- test_that("test reading TS RES", { # read latest version study path_study_test <- grep(pattern = "test_case_study_v870", x = studyPathSV8, value = TRUE) setSimulationPath(path_study_test, simulation = "input") res_clust_properties <- readClusterResDesc() test_that("read one cluster", { # read /series files (default) input <- readInputRES(areas = "all", clusters = unique(res_clust_properties$cluster)[1]) expect_is(input, "antaresDataTable") expect_gt(nrow(input), 0) expect_equal(nrow(input) %% (24 * 7 * nweeks), 0) }) test_that("read various clusters", { nb_cluster <- length(unique(res_clust_properties$cluster)) # read /series files (default) input <- readInputRES(areas = "all", clusters = unique(res_clust_properties$cluster)) expect_is(input, "antaresDataTable") expect_gt(nrow(input), 0) expect_equal(nrow(input) %% (24 * 7 * nweeks), 0) }) })