context("bindingConstraints") # >= v710 ---- opts <- setSimulationPath(studyPathS, 0) test_that("returns an object of class 'bindingConstraints'", { constraints <- readBindingConstraints(opts) expect_is(constraints, "bindingConstraints") }) test_that("summary.bindingConstraints",{ constraints <- readBindingConstraints(opts) sumConstraints <- summary(constraints) expect_is(sumConstraints, "data.frame") expect_true(all(c("enabled", "timeStep", "equation") %in% names(sumConstraints))) }) test_that("Both operator",{ constraints <- readBindingConstraints(opts) constraints[[1]]$properties$operator <- "both" sumConstraints <- summary(constraints) expect_is(sumConstraints, "data.frame") expect_true(all(c("enabled", "timeStep", "equation") %in% names(sumConstraints))) }) # >= v800 ---- opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(studyPathSV8[1], "input") test_that("test if exist data value file", { bc <- antaresRead::readBindingConstraints(opts = opts) # test class object return testthat::expect_equal(class(bc), "bindingConstraints") names_bc_test <- paste0(names(bc), ".txt") path_test_bc <- paste0(file.path(opts$inputPath, "bindingconstraints", names_bc_test)) # test if values files exists testthat::expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(path_test_bc, file.exists)))) }) # >= v870 ---- # read latest version of empty study study_empty_latest_version <- setup_study_empty(sourcedir_empty_study) opts_test_empty <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(study_empty_latest_version, "input") # read latest version study path_study_test <- grep(pattern = "test_case_study_v870", x = studyPathSV8, value = TRUE) opts_study_test <- setSimulationPath(path_study_test, simulation = "input") ## empty study test ---- test_that("Read scenarised BC with empty study", { bc <- readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_test_empty) # test exception testthat::expect_equal(bc, NULL) }) ## test object structure ---- test_that("test object structure", { bc <- readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_study_test) # test class object testthat::expect_equal(class(bc), "bindingConstraints") # test structure object # every BC must have 3 named elements nb_items <- unlist(lapply(bc, length)) testthat::expect_true(all(nb_items %in% 3)) # every BC must be named names_items <- unlist(lapply(bc, names)) testthat::expect_true(all(names_items %in% c("properties", "coefs", "values"))) }) # test values / operator ---- test_that("data verification based on the 'operator' property", { bc <- readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_study_test) # test values # one or two txt files are associated with one BC # only "both" values have two .txt files bc_prop <- lapply(bc, `[[`, "properties") bc_id <- lapply(bc_prop, `[[`, "id") bc_operator <- lapply(bc_prop, `[[`, "operator") # list all values path_bc_values <- file.path(opts_study_test$inputPath, "bindingconstraints") list_values_bc <- list.files(path = path_bc_values, pattern = ".txt") # test "less" (one file must be present) index <- bc_operator %in% "less" id_bc <- names(bc_operator[index]) nb_file_present <- length(grep(pattern = id_bc, x = list_values_bc)) testthat::expect_true(nb_file_present %in% 1) # test "greater" (one file must be present) index <- bc_operator %in% "greater" id_bc <- names(bc_operator[index]) nb_file_present <- length(grep(pattern = id_bc, x = list_values_bc)) testthat::expect_true(nb_file_present %in% 1) # test "equal" (one file must be present) index <- bc_operator %in% "equal" id_bc <- names(bc_operator[index]) nb_file_present <- length(grep(pattern = id_bc, x = list_values_bc)) testthat::expect_true(nb_file_present %in% 1) # test "both" (two file must be present) index <- bc_operator %in% "both" id_bc <- names(bc_operator[index]) nb_file_present <- length(grep(pattern = id_bc, x = list_values_bc)) testthat::expect_true(nb_file_present %in% 2) }) ## test default values ---- test_that("test if default values are well returned", { bc <- readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_study_test) # if txt values files are empty, default value is returned # check empty values files # list all values path_bc_values <- file.path(opts_study_test$inputPath, "bindingconstraints") list_path_values_bc <- list.files(path = path_bc_values, pattern = ".txt", full.names = TRUE) list_values_bc <- list.files(path = path_bc_values, pattern = ".txt") # check empty size is_value_null <- file.size(list_path_values_bc) %in% 0 list_values_bc_null <- list_values_bc[is_value_null] # check bindings concerned list_null_values <- lapply(names(bc), grepl, x= list_values_bc_null) is_true_null <- unlist(lapply(list_null_values, all)) bc_default_values <- bc[is_true_null] # two data frames are returned for "both" case less_values_default <- bc_default_values[[names(bc_default_values)]]$values$less testthat::expect_true(sum(less_values_default) %in% 0) greater_values_default <- bc_default_values[[names(bc_default_values)]]$values$greater testthat::expect_true(sum(greater_values_default) %in% 0) # test if length of default values are ok with timestep # daily => 364 testthat::expect_true(dim(bc_default_values[[names(bc_default_values)]]$values$greater)[1] %in% 364) })