context("print methods") sapply(studyPathS, function(studyPath){ opts <- setSimulationPath(studyPath) describe("print.antaresDataTable", { data <- readAntares(timeStep="annual", showProgress = FALSE) it ("prints basic information", { expected_message <- sprintf("'antaresDataTable' object with dimension %s x %s", nrow(data), ncol(data)) expect_output(print(data), expected_message) expect_output(print(data), "Type: areas") expect_output(print(data), "Synthesis: TRUE") }) }) describe("print.antaresDataList", { data <- readAntares("all", "all", timeStep="annual", showProgress = FALSE) it("prints basic information", { expect_output(print(data), "'antaresDataList' object with elements areas and links") }) it ("prints dimension of each element", { for (e in c("areas", "links")) { expected_message <- sprintf(".$%s (%s x %s)", e, nrow(data[[e]]), ncol(data[[e]])) } }) it ("handles case when there is only one element", { data$links <- NULL expect_output(print(data), "'antaresDataList' object with element areas") }) }) describe("print.simOptions", { it("prints basic information about the study", { expect_output(print(opts), "Simulation 'test'") }) }) })