#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité options("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_cran" = TRUE) options("antaresRead.skip_h5" = TRUE) options("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_travis" = TRUE) options("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_appveyor" = TRUE) # Copy the test study in a temporary folder path0 <- tempdir() #sourcedir <- system.file("inst/testdata", package = "antaresRead") sourcedir <- system.file("testdata", package = "antaresRead") testH5 <- TRUE #if(sourcedir == ""){ } ## force tests to be executed if in dev release which we define as ## having a sub-release, eg is one whereas 0.9.16 is not ## we test dev version locally, on travis and appveyor but not in CRAN if (length(strsplit(packageDescription("antaresRead")$Version, "\\.")[[1]]) > 3) { Sys.setenv("RunAllAntaresReadTests"="yes") } .runH5Test <- FALSE #Sys.getenv("RunAllAntaresReadTests") == "yes" compareValue <- function(A, B, res = NULL){ if(class(A)[3] == "list"){ res <- c(res, sapply(c("areas", "links", "cluster", "districts"), function(x){ if(!is.null(A[[x]])) { compareValue(A[[x]], B[[x]], res = res)}})) }else{ res <- c(res,sapply(names(A), function(X){ if(identical(A[[X]], B[[X]])){ TRUE }else{ if(class(A[[X]]) %in% c("integer", "numeric")){ identical(as.numeric(A[[X]]), as.numeric(B[[X]])) } else if(class(A[[X]]) %in% c("character", "factor")){ identical(as.character(A[[X]]), as.character(B[[X]])) } else { FALSE } } })) } } # Hack: For some unknown reason, this script is executed at some point of # the R CMD CHECK before package is correctly installed and tests actually run. # The following "if" prevents errors at this step if (sourcedir != "") { studies <- list.files( path = sourcedir, pattern = "^antares-test-study.*\\.tar\\.gz$" ) studies_names <- basename(studies) studies_names <- sub("\\.tar\\.gz$", "", studies_names) for (s in seq_along(studies)) { dir.create(file.path(path0, studies_names[s])) untar(file.path(sourcedir, studies[s]), exdir = file.path(path0, studies_names[s])) } if(.requireRhdf5_Antares(stopP = FALSE) & .runH5Test){ path_v6 <- file.path(path0, "antares-test-study-v6") opts <- setSimulationPath(file.path(path_v6, "/test_case")) suppressMessages({ suppressWarnings({ #On cran we have only 2 threads so nbCore <- 1 if(.runH5Test){ nbCoresTestHelper <- 4 }else{ nbCoresTestHelper <- 1 } writeAntaresH5(path = path_v6, misc = TRUE, thermalAvailabilities = TRUE, hydroStorage = TRUE, hydroStorageMaxPower = TRUE, reserve = TRUE, linkCapacity = TRUE,mustRun = TRUE, thermalModulation = TRUE, overwrite=TRUE, nbCores = nbCoresTestHelper) }) }) #if you change the tar file then you must also change this file # h5file <- "20190321-2217eco-test.h5" h5file <- "20180423-1734eco-test.h5" deprintize<-function(f){ return(function(...) {capture.output(w<-f(...));return(w);}); } silentf <- deprintize(showAliases) alias <- silentf()$name alias <- as.character(alias) timeStep <- c("hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "annual") assign("silentf", silentf, envir = globalenv()) assign("tpDir", path_v6, envir = globalenv()) assign("pathF", file.path(path_v6, "/", h5file), envir = globalenv()) assign("h5file", h5file, envir = globalenv()) assign("alias", alias, envir = globalenv()) assign("compareValue", compareValue, envir = globalenv()) assign("timeStep", timeStep, envir = globalenv()) assign("optsG", opts, envir = globalenv()) } assign( x = "studyPathS", value = file.path(path0, studies_names, "test_case"), envir = globalenv() ) assign("nweeks", 2, envir = globalenv()) assign("nmonths", 2, envir = globalenv()) assign("firstDay", 113, envir = globalenv()) assign("lastDay", 126, envir = globalenv()) } ##Source dir for V8 #sourcedir_V8 <- system.file("inst/test_v8", package = "antaresRead") sourcedir_V8 <- system.file("test_v8", package = "antaresRead") #if(sourcedir_V8 == ""){ sourcedir_V8 <- system.file("test_v8", package = "antaresRead")} if(sourcedir_V8 != ""){ studies <- list.files( path = sourcedir_V8, pattern = "^test_case_study_v8.*\\.tar\\.gz$" ) studies_names <- basename(studies) studies_names <- sub("\\.tar\\.gz$", "", studies_names) for (s in seq_along(studies)) { dir.create(file.path(path0, studies_names[s])) untar(file.path(sourcedir_V8, studies[s]), exdir = file.path(path0, studies_names[s])) } assign( x = "studyPathSV8", value = file.path(path0, studies_names, "test_case"), envir = globalenv() ) } skip_according_to_options <- function() { if (isTRUE(getOption("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_cran"))) skip_on_cran() if (isTRUE(getOption("antaresRead.skip_h5"))) skip("h5 test skipped") if (isTRUE(getOption("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_travis"))) skip_on_travis() if (isTRUE(getOption("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_appveyor"))) skip_on_appveyor() } pathAPI <- "http://localhost:8080/studies/antaresStd/"