#Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité options("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_cran" = TRUE) options("antaresRead.skip_h5" = TRUE) options("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_travis" = TRUE) options("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_appveyor" = TRUE) # Copy the test study in a temporary folder path0 <- tempdir() dir.create(file.path(path0, "v6")) dir.create(file.path(path0, "latest")) # path_v6 <- file.path(path0, "v6") path_latest <- file.path(path0, "latest") # sourcedir <- system.file("inst/testdata", package = "antaresRead") # if(sourcedir == "") sourcedir <- system.file("testdata", package = "antaresRead") # check_if_h5_is_in_tmp<-function(h5filePath=NULL,path=NULL, stop=FALSE, printMessage=TRUE){ # # resH5NotInTmp<-!grepl("Temp", h5filePath, ignore.case = TRUE) & !grepl("tmp", h5filePath, ignore.case = TRUE) # if(resH5NotInTmp){ # if(printMessage){ # print(paste0("h5file : ", h5filePath)) # print(paste0("path : ", path_v6)) # } # } else { # return(TRUE) # } # # messageToPrint<-"h5file is not in temp folder" # if(stop & resH5NotInTmp){ # stop(messageToPrint) # } # if(resH5NotInTmp){ # if(printMessage){ # message(messageToPrint) # } # } # # return(FALSE) # } Sys.unsetenv("R_TESTS") # Hack: For some unknown reason, this script is executed at some point of # the R CMD CHECK before package is correctly installed and tests actually run. # The following "if" prevents errors at this step if (sourcedir != "") { if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows") { # untar(file.path(sourcedir, "antares-test-study-v6.tar.gz"), exdir = path_v6) untar(file.path(sourcedir, "antares-test-study.tar.gz"), exdir = path_latest) # extras = "--force-local") } else { # untar(file.path(sourcedir, "antares-test-study-v6.tar.gz"), exdir = path_v6) untar(file.path(sourcedir, "antares-test-study.tar.gz"), exdir = path_latest) } # if(requireNamespace("rhdf5", quietly = TRUE)){ # assign("h5file", NULL, envir = globalenv()) # nameH5File<-"20170707-1355eco-test.h5" # for(i in .libPaths()){ # h5file<-file.path(system.file("testdata", package="antaresProcessing", lib.loc = c(i)), nameH5File) # if(file.exists(h5file)){ # break # } # } # # if(h5file != ""){ # if(file.copy(from = h5file, to = path_v6, overwrite = TRUE)){ # assign("h5file", file.path(path_v6, nameH5File), envir = globalenv()) # #WE MUST assign h5file variable in the test environnement and not in the global environnement # if(!check_if_h5_is_in_tmp(h5file, path_v6, printMessage = FALSE)){ # assign("h5file", file.path(path_v6, nameH5File)) # } # # check_if_h5_is_in_tmp(h5file, path_v6) # } # } # # deprintize<-function(f){ # return(function(...) {capture.output(w<-f(...));return(w);}); # } # # if(is.null(h5file)){ # print(paste0("h5file : ", h5file)) # print(paste0("path : ", path_v6)) # stop("h5file must not be null") # } # # check_if_h5_is_in_tmp(h5file, path_v6, stop = FALSE) # # silentf <- deprintize(showAliases) # assign("silentf", silentf, envir = globalenv()) # # } assign("studyPathS", c( # file.path(path_v6, "test_case"), file.path(path_latest, "test_case") ), envir = globalenv()) assign("nweeks", 2, envir = globalenv()) assign("pathtodelete", path_latest, envir = globalenv()) } skip_according_to_options <- function() { if (isTRUE(getOption("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_cran"))) skip_on_cran() if (isTRUE(getOption("antaresRead.skip_h5"))) skip("h5 test skipped") if (isTRUE(getOption("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_travis"))) skip_on_travis() if (isTRUE(getOption("antaresRead.skip_h5_on_appveyor"))) skip_on_appveyor() }