# v710 ---- test_that("editBindingConstraint v710", { setup_study(studies, sourcedir) opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(studyPath, "input") # reading bc existing_bc <- antaresRead::readBindingConstraints() bc_names <- names(antaresRead::readBindingConstraints()) details_bc <- existing_bc[[bc_names[1]]] details_bc$coefs # edit BC data_hourly <- matrix(data = rep(15, 8760 * 3), ncol = 3) data_daily <- matrix(data = rep(15, 365 * 3), ncol = 3) editBindingConstraint(name = bc_names[1], values = data_hourly, timeStep = "hourly", operator = "less", coefficients = list("b%psp in"= 1.75, "b%psp out"= 2, "a%a_offshore"= "2%-5"), opts = simOptions()) bc_modified <- antaresRead::readBindingConstraints() new_coef <- bc_modified[[bc_names[1]]]$coefs # test testthat::expect_true(all(new_coef %in% c(1.75, 2, "2%-5"))) # remove temporary study unlink(x = file.path(pathstd, "test_case"), recursive = TRUE) }) # v870 Scenarized RHS ---- # read script to generate study v8.7.0 sourcedir_last_study <- system.file("study_test_generator/generate_test_study_870.R", package = "antaresEditObject") # create study source(file = sourcedir_last_study) opts_test <- simOptions() ## global data ---- # scenarized data # hourly n <- 10 lt_data <- matrix(data = rep(1, 8760 * n), ncol = n) gt_data <- matrix(data = rep(2, 8760 * n), ncol = n) eq_data <- matrix(data = rep(3, 8760 * n), ncol = n) scenar_values_hourly <- list(lt= lt_data, gt= gt_data, eq= eq_data) # daily lt_data <- matrix(data = rep(1, 365 * n), ncol = n) gt_data <- matrix(data = rep(2, 365 * n), ncol = n) eq_data <- matrix(data = rep(3, 365 * n), ncol = n) scenar_values_daily <- list(lt= lt_data, gt= gt_data, eq= eq_data) ## default group ---- test_that("editBindingConstraint paramater one by one", { name_bc <- "bc_minimal" createBindingConstraint(name = name_bc) # read bc_read <- readBindingConstraints() # edit nothing editBindingConstraint(name = name_bc) # read updated bc_read_updated <- readBindingConstraints() # test if is identical testthat::expect_equal(bc_read, bc_read_updated) # edit ["values"] (created by default with "both") # "operator" muy be filled testthat::expect_error( editBindingConstraint(name = name_bc, values = scenar_values_hourly[c("lt", "gt")]), regexp = "To modify the 'values' you must enter the 'operator'" ) editBindingConstraint(name = name_bc, operator = "both", values = scenar_values_hourly[c("lt", "gt")]) # read updated bc_read_updated <- readBindingConstraints() # test dim dim_bc <- dim(bc_read_updated$bc_minimal$values$less) testthat::expect_equal(dim_bc[2], 10) # edit ["enabled "] (TRUE by default) editBindingConstraint(name = name_bc, enabled = FALSE) # read updated bc_read_updated <- readBindingConstraints() testthat::expect_equal(bc_read_updated$bc_minimal$properties$enabled, FALSE) }) ## default group ---- test_that("editBindingConstraint with 'default' group v8.7.0", { # INIT with creation BC # multi properties data_terms <- list("at%fr" = "1%10", "at%fr" = "1%11", "fr%it" = "1%-5", "at.at_gas" = "1%10") name_bc <- "bc_multi_offset" createBindingConstraint( name = name_bc, values = scenar_values_hourly, enabled = TRUE, timeStep = "hourly", operator = "greater", overwrite = TRUE, coefficients = data_terms) # PS : in this study, "default" have 1 column dimension bc <- readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_test) ### greater to both ---- # edit properties + values (good dimension) # edit "greater" to "both" bc_names_v870 <- bc[[name_bc]]$properties$id editBindingConstraint(name = bc_names_v870, values = scenar_values_daily, timeStep = "daily", operator = "both", filter_year_by_year = "daily", filter_synthesis = "daily", coefficients = list("fr%it"= 7.45)) # read bc_modified <- readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_test) new_coef <- bc_modified[[bc_names_v870]]$coefs timeStep <- bc_modified[[bc_names_v870]]$properties$timeStep operator <- bc_modified[[bc_names_v870]]$properties$operator filter_year <- bc_modified[[bc_names_v870]]$properties$`filter-year-by-year` filter_synthesis <- bc_modified[[bc_names_v870]]$properties$`filter-synthesis` # test properties testthat::expect_true(7.45 %in% new_coef) testthat::expect_true(timeStep %in% "daily") testthat::expect_true(operator %in% "both") testthat::expect_true(filter_year %in% "daily") testthat::expect_true(filter_synthesis %in% "daily") # test dim values dim_col_values_input <- dim(scenar_values_daily$lt)[2] dim_col_values_edited <- dim(bc_modified[[bc_names_v870]]$values$less)[2] testthat::expect_equal(dim_col_values_input, dim_col_values_edited) # test real values # for both operator_bc <- c("_lt", "_gt") path_bc <- file.path(opts_test$inputPath, "bindingconstraints") path_file_bc <- paste0(file.path(path_bc, bc_names_v870), operator_bc, ".txt") # read .txt (test values) res <- lapply(path_file_bc, antaresRead:::fread_antares, opts = opts_test) # txt files (test real value) # test just first values cause code convert 8760 to 8784 with 0 testthat::expect_equal(head(res[[1]]), head(data.table::as.data.table(scenar_values_daily$lt))) testthat::expect_equal(head(res[[2]]), head(data.table::as.data.table(scenar_values_daily$gt))) ### greater to equal ---- # edit properties + values (good dimension) # edit "both" to "equal" bc_names_v870 <- bc[[name_bc]]$properties$id editBindingConstraint(name = bc_names_v870, values = scenar_values_daily, timeStep = "daily", operator = "equal", filter_year_by_year = "daily", filter_synthesis = "daily", coefficients = list("fr%it"= 7.45)) # test real values # for equal operator_bc <- c("_eq") path_bc <- file.path(opts_test$inputPath, "bindingconstraints") path_file_bc <- paste0(file.path(path_bc, bc_names_v870), operator_bc, ".txt") # read .txt (test values) res <- lapply(path_file_bc, antaresRead:::fread_antares, opts = opts_test) # txt files (test real value) # test just first values cause code convert 8760 to 8784 with 0 testthat::expect_equal(head(res[[1]]), head(data.table::as.data.table(scenar_values_daily$eq))) ### equal to less ---- # edit properties + values (good dimension) # edit "equal" to "less" bc_names_v870 <- bc[[name_bc]]$properties$id editBindingConstraint(name = bc_names_v870, values = scenar_values_daily, timeStep = "daily", operator = "less", filter_year_by_year = "daily", filter_synthesis = "daily", coefficients = list("fr%it"= 7.45)) # test real values # for equal operator_bc <- c("_lt") path_bc <- file.path(opts_test$inputPath, "bindingconstraints") path_file_bc <- paste0(file.path(path_bc, bc_names_v870), operator_bc, ".txt") # read .txt (test values) res <- lapply(path_file_bc, antaresRead:::fread_antares, opts = opts_test) # txt files (test real value) # test just first values cause code convert 8760 to 8784 with 0 testthat::expect_equal(head(res[[1]]), head(data.table::as.data.table(scenar_values_daily$lt))) # edit properties + values (bad dimension) ### error dimension ---- n <- 9 # daily lt_data <- matrix(data = rep(1, 365 * n), ncol = n) gt_data <- matrix(data = rep(2, 365 * n), ncol = n) eq_data <- matrix(data = rep(3, 365 * n), ncol = n) scenar_values_daily_n <- list(lt= lt_data, gt= gt_data, eq= eq_data) testthat::expect_error( editBindingConstraint(name = bc_names_v870, values = scenar_values_daily_n, timeStep = "daily", operator = "both", coefficients = list("fr%it"= 7.45)), regexp = "Put right columns dimension" ) ### multi coeff ---- editBindingConstraint(name = bc_names_v870, values = NULL, timeStep = "daily", operator = "both", coefficients = list("fr%it" = 12, "fr%at" = 0)) # read bc_modified <- readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_test) new_coef <- bc_modified[[bc_names_v870]]$coefs # test coefs testthat::expect_true(all( c(12, 0) %in% new_coef)) }) ## exisintg group ---- test_that("editBindingConstraint with existing group v8.7.0", { # INIT with creation BC # multi properties data_terms <- list("at%fr" = "1%10", "at%fr" = "1%11", "fr%it" = "1%-5", "at.at_gas" = "1%10") name_bc <- "bc_group_multi_offset" name_group <- "group_test" createBindingConstraint( name = name_bc, values = scenar_values_hourly, enabled = TRUE, timeStep = "hourly", operator = "both", group = name_group, overwrite = TRUE, coefficients = data_terms) createBindingConstraint( name = "bc_test_default_group", values = scenar_values_hourly, enabled = TRUE, timeStep = "hourly", operator = "both", overwrite = TRUE, coefficients = data_terms) # read existing binding bc <- readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_test) # list names group (none default) # dimension according BC/group info_bc <- lapply(bc, function(x){ if(x$properties$operator %in% "both") list(group = x$properties$group, dim_values = dim(x$values$less)[2]) else list(group = x$properties$group, dim_values = dim(x$values)[2]) }) index <- !lapply(info_bc, `[[`, 1) %in% "default" # select on bc none "default" bc_no_default <- names(info_bc[index])[1] group_bc <- info_bc[index][[bc_no_default]]$group dim_bc <- info_bc[index][[bc_no_default]]$dim_values # edit bc with good dim n <- dim_bc # daily lt_data <- matrix(data = rep(1, 365 * n), ncol = n) gt_data <- matrix(data = rep(2, 365 * n), ncol = n) eq_data <- matrix(data = rep(3, 365 * n), ncol = n) scenar_values_daily_n <- list(lt= lt_data, gt= gt_data, eq= eq_data) editBindingConstraint(name = bc_no_default, values = scenar_values_daily_n, group = group_bc, timeStep = "daily", operator = "both", coefficients = list("fr%it" = 12), opts = opts_test) # read bc_modified <- readBindingConstraints(opts = opts_test) new_coef <- bc_modified[[bc_no_default]]$coefs timeStep <- bc_modified[[bc_no_default]]$properties$timeStep operator <- bc_modified[[bc_no_default]]$properties$operator # test properties testthat::expect_true(12 %in% new_coef) testthat::expect_true("daily" %in% timeStep) testthat::expect_true("both" %in% operator) # test values dim_col_values_input <- dim(scenar_values_daily_n$lt)[2] dim_col_values_edited <- dim(bc_modified[[bc_no_default]]$values$less)[2] testthat::expect_equal(dim_col_values_input, dim_col_values_edited) # edit properties + values (bad dimension) ### error dimension ---- n <- 9 # daily lt_data <- matrix(data = rep(1, 365 * n), ncol = n) gt_data <- matrix(data = rep(2, 365 * n), ncol = n) eq_data <- matrix(data = rep(3, 365 * n), ncol = n) scenar_values_daily_n <- list(lt= lt_data, gt= gt_data, eq= eq_data) testthat::expect_error( editBindingConstraint(name = bc_no_default, values = scenar_values_daily_n, timeStep = "daily", operator = "both", coefficients = list("fr%it"= 7.45)), regexp = "Put right columns dimension" ) }) # remove study ---- deleteStudy()