context("Function writeInputTS") # v710 ---- sapply(studies, function(study) { setup_study(study, sourcedir) opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(studyPath, "input") test_that("Write new input time series", { # Classic cases ---- area <- sample(x = getOption("antares")$areaList, size = 1) M <- matrix(c(rep(8, 8760), rep(5.1, 8760)), nrow = 8760) writeInputTS(area = area, type = "solar", data = M) values_file <- file.path(pathstd, "test_case", "input", "solar", "series", paste0("solar_", area, ".txt")) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = values_file), #Wrong Area expect_error( writeInputTS(area = "fake area", type = "solar", data = M), regexp = "not a valid area" ) #Run a second time the function without overwrite = TRUE. expect_error( writeInputTS(area = area, type = "solar", data = M, overwrite = FALSE), regexp = "already exist" ) #Wrong dimension for data. expect_error( writeInputTS(area = area, type = "solar", data = matrix(1:3)), regexp = "8760\\*N matrix" ) #unknown type expect_error( writeInputTS(area = area, type = "toto", data = M, overwrite = TRUE), regexp = "'arg'" ) # hydroSTOR case ---- M_hydrostor <- matrix(c(rep(8, 365), rep(5.1, 365)), nrow = 365) writeInputTS(area = area, type = "hydroSTOR", data = M_hydrostor) values_file <- file.path(pathstd, "test_case", "input", "hydro", "series", area, "mod.txt") expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = values_file), #Wrong area expect_error( writeInputTS(area = "fake area", type = "hydroSTOR", data = M_hydrostor), regexp = "not a valid area" ) #Run a second time the function without overwrite = TRUE. expect_error( writeInputTS(area = area, type = "hydroSTOR", data = M_hydrostor, overwrite = FALSE), regexp = "already exist" ) #Wrong dimension for data. expect_error( writeInputTS(area = area, type = "hydroSTOR", data = matrix(1:3)), regexp = "365\\*N matrix" ) #unknown type expect_error( writeInputTS(area = area, type = "toto", data = M_hydrostor, overwrite = TRUE, opts = opts), regexp = "'arg'" ) }) # remove temporary study unlink(x = file.path(pathstd, "test_case"), recursive = TRUE) }) # >= 820 ---- ## Alphabetical order links ---- test_that("Check if writeInputTS() writes time series link regardless alphabetical order", { ant_version <- "8.2.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_820_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "aa" area2 <- "zz" createArea(area) createArea(area2) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) createLink(from = area, to = area2, opts = opts) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) path_direct_link_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "links", area, "capacities", paste0(area2,"_direct.txt")) path_indirect_link_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "links", area, "capacities", paste0(area2,"_indirect.txt")) dat_mat <- c(1,3,2,4) dat_mat_inv <- c(4,2,3,1) nb_cols <- length(dat_mat) # alphabetical order mat_multi_scen <- matrix(data = rep(dat_mat, each = 8760), ncol = nb_cols) writeInputTS(data = mat_multi_scen, link = paste0(area,"%",area2), type = "tsLink", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_direct_link_file),[,seq(1, nb_cols/2)])) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_indirect_link_file),[,seq((nb_cols/2)+1, nb_cols)])) # no alphabetical order mat_multi_scen_inv <- matrix(data = rep(dat_mat_inv, each = 8760), ncol = nb_cols) writeInputTS(data = mat_multi_scen_inv, link = paste0(area2,"%",area), type = "tsLink", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_indirect_link_file),[,seq(1, nb_cols/2)])) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_direct_link_file),[,seq((nb_cols/2)+1, nb_cols)])) }) ## Separator link type ---- test_that("Check if writeInputTS() writes links time series with argument link 'area1 - area2' or 'area1%area2'", { ant_version <- "8.2.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_820_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "aa" area2 <- "zz" createArea(area) createArea(area2) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) createLink(from = area, to = area2, opts = opts) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) path_direct_link_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "links", area, "capacities", paste0(area2,"_direct.txt")) path_indirect_link_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "links", area, "capacities", paste0(area2,"_indirect.txt")) dat_mat_sep_1 <- c(1,3,2,4) nb_cols <- length(dat_mat_sep_1) mat_ts_sep_1 <- matrix(data = rep(dat_mat_sep_1, each = 8760), ncol = nb_cols) dat_mat_sep_2 <- c(5,7,6,8) nb_cols <- length(dat_mat_sep_2) mat_ts_sep_2 <- matrix(data = rep(dat_mat_sep_2, each = 8760), ncol = nb_cols) # link separator '%' writeInputTS(data = mat_ts_sep_1, link = paste0(area,"%",area2), type = "tsLink", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_direct_link_file),[,seq(1, nb_cols/2)])) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_indirect_link_file),[,seq((nb_cols/2)+1, nb_cols)])) # link separator ' - ' writeInputTS(data = mat_ts_sep_2, link = paste0(area," - ",area2), type = "tsLink", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_direct_link_file),[,seq(1, nb_cols/2)])) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_indirect_link_file),[,seq((nb_cols/2)+1, nb_cols)])) }) # >= v860 ---- setup_study_860(sourcedir860) #Avoid warning related to code writed outside test_that. suppressWarnings(opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(study_temp_path, "input")) ## Check column dimension ---- test_that("create mingen file data v860", { #Initialize mingen data M_mingen = matrix(0,8760,5) # [management rules] for mingen data : # file mod.txt (in /series) have to be same column dimension # or column dimension of 1 or NULL (empty file) # check dimensions of mod.txt for every areas path_file_mod <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", getAreas(), "mod.txt") list_dim <- lapply(path_file_mod, function(x){ # read file <- fread(file = x) dim_file <- dim(file)[2] }) names(list_dim) <- getAreas() ## trivial case # mod.txt column dimension == 1 area_1 <- getAreas()[list_dim==1][1] # write for an area with file mod.txt NULL or nb columns == 1 writeInputTS(area = area_1, type = "mingen", data = M_mingen , overwrite = TRUE, opts = opts) # use antaresRead to test read_ts_file <- readInputTS(mingen = "all", opts = opts) # tests correct reading data # check col name "mingen" testthat::expect_true("mingen" %in% names(read_ts_file)) # check your area testthat::expect_true(area_1 %in% unique(read_ts_file$area)) # check dimension data for your area testthat::expect_equal(dim(M_mingen)[2], max(read_ts_file[area %in% area_1, tsId])) # mod.txt column dimension == 0 (empty file) area_0 <- getAreas()[list_dim==0][1] # write for an area with file mod.txt empty columns == 0 writeInputTS(area = area_0, type = "mingen", data = M_mingen , overwrite = TRUE, opts = opts) # use antaresRead to test read_ts_file <- readInputTS(mingen = "all", opts = opts) # check your area testthat::expect_true(area_0 %in% unique(read_ts_file$area)) ## multi columns cas for mod.txt file # mod.txt column dimension >= 1 area_mult <- getAreas()[list_dim>1][1] # write for an area with file mod.txt >1 columns # error case cause mod.txt dimension testthat::expect_error(writeInputTS(area = area_mult, type = "mingen", data = M_mingen , overwrite = TRUE, opts = opts), regexp = 'mingen \'data\' must be either a 8760\\*1 or 8760\\*3 matrix.') # you can write only mingen file with dimension 1 writeInputTS(area = area_mult, type = "mingen", data = as.matrix(M_mingen[,1]) , overwrite = TRUE, opts = opts) # use antaresRead to test read_ts_file <- readInputTS(mingen = "all", opts = opts) # check your area testthat::expect_true(area_mult %in% unique(read_ts_file$area)) # check dimension data for your area testthat::expect_equal(1, max(read_ts_file[area %in% area_mult, tsId])) ## display warning message with type= "hydroSTOR" (minor update function v860) # Wrong format of data, here it must be either 1 or 5 columns. M_hydrostor <- matrix(c(rep(8, 365), rep(5.1, 365)), nrow = 365) # warning about the file format expect_warning(writeInputTS(area = area_1, type = "hydroSTOR", data = M_hydrostor, opts = opts), regexp = "mod 'data' must be") }) ## Rollback to empty file ---- test_that("writeInputTS() in 8.6.0 : rollback to an empty file", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input") path_mingen <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mingen.txt") mat_mingen <- matrix(6,8760,5) expect_error(writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen, type = "mingen", opts = opts ) ,regexp = "can not be updated" ) expect_true(file.size(path_mingen) == 0) unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) ## Error mingen.txt vs mod.txt ---- test_that("writeInputTS() in 8.6.0 : check if there is an error when control is enabled and data is inconsistent between mingen.txt and mod.txt", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input") lst_yearly <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = TRUE, "reservoir" = TRUE) lst_monthly <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = TRUE, "reservoir" = FALSE) lst_weekly <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = FALSE) nb_hours_per_day <- 24 nb_days_per_year <- 365 nb_hours_per_year <- nb_hours_per_day * nb_days_per_year # Put more than 1 ts nb_ts <- 5 mat_maxpower_init <- matrix(data = rep(c(10000, 24, 0, 24), each = 365), ncol = 4) mat_mingen_false <- matrix(1,nb_hours_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mingen_true <- matrix(-1,nb_hours_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mingen_init <- matrix(0,nb_hours_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mod_false <- matrix(-1,nb_days_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mod_true <- matrix(1,nb_days_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mod_init <- matrix(0,nb_days_per_year,nb_ts) writeHydroValues(area= area, type = "maxpower", data = mat_maxpower_init, opts = opts) # YEARLY writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_yearly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # ref mod writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_init, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) expect_error(writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_false, type = "mingen", opts = opts ) ,regexp = "can not be updated" ) # ref mingen writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_init, type = "mingen", opts = opts) expect_error(writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_false, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts ) ,regexp = "can not be updated" ) # MONTHLY writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_monthly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # ref mod writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_init, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) expect_error(writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_false, type = "mingen", opts = opts ) ,regexp = "can not be updated" ) # ref mingen writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_init, type = "mingen", opts = opts) expect_error(writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_false, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts ) ,regexp = "can not be updated" ) # WEEKLY writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_weekly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # ref mod writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_init, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) expect_error(writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_false, type = "mingen", opts = opts ) ,regexp = "can not be updated" ) # ref mingen writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_init, type = "mingen", opts = opts) expect_error(writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_false, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts ) ,regexp = "can not be updated" ) unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) ## Success mingen.txt vs mod.txt ---- test_that("writeInputTS() in 8.6.0 : check if new data is written when control is enabled and data is consistent between mingen.txt and mod.txt", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input") path_mod_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mod.txt") path_mingen_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mingen.txt") lst_yearly <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = TRUE, "reservoir" = TRUE) lst_monthly <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = TRUE, "reservoir" = FALSE) lst_weekly <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = FALSE) nb_hours_per_day <- 24 nb_days_per_year <- 365 nb_hours_per_year <- nb_hours_per_day * nb_days_per_year # Put more than 1 ts nb_ts <- 5 mat_maxpower_init <- matrix(data = rep(c(10000, 24, 0, 24), each = 365), ncol = 4) mat_mingen_false <- matrix(1,nb_hours_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mingen_true <- matrix(-1,nb_hours_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mingen_init <- matrix(0,nb_hours_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mod_false <- matrix(-1,nb_days_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mod_true <- matrix(1,nb_days_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mod_init <- matrix(0,nb_days_per_year,nb_ts) writeHydroValues(area= area, type = "maxpower", data = mat_maxpower_init, opts = opts) # YEARLY writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_yearly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # ref mod writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_init, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_true, type = "mingen", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mingen_file), # ref mingen writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_init, type = "mingen", opts = opts) writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_true, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mod_file), # MONTHLY writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_monthly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # ref mod writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_init, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_true, type = "mingen", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mingen_file), # ref mingen writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_init, type = "mingen", opts = opts) writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_true, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mod_file), # WEEKLY writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_weekly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # ref mod writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_init, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_true, type = "mingen", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mingen_file), # ref mingen writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_init, type = "mingen", opts = opts) writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_true, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mod_file), unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) ## Success when disabled control ---- test_that("writeInputTS() in 8.6.0 : check if new data is written when control is disabled", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input") path_mod_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mod.txt") path_mingen_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mingen.txt") lst_wo_control <- list("use heuristic" = FALSE) nb_hours_per_day <- 24 nb_days_per_year <- 365 nb_hours_per_year <- nb_hours_per_day * nb_days_per_year # Put more than 1 ts nb_ts <- 5 mat_maxpower_init <- matrix(data = rep(c(10000, 24, 0, 24), each = 365), ncol = 4) mat_mingen_false <- matrix(1,nb_hours_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mingen_true <- matrix(-1,nb_hours_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mingen_init <- matrix(0,nb_hours_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mod_false <- matrix(-1,nb_days_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mod_true <- matrix(1,nb_days_per_year,nb_ts) mat_mod_init <- matrix(0,nb_days_per_year,nb_ts) writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_wo_control, mode = "other", opts = opts) writeHydroValues(area= area, type = "maxpower", data = mat_maxpower_init, opts = opts) # ref mod writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_init, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_true, type = "mingen", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mingen_file), writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_false, type = "mingen", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mingen_file), writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_init, type = "mingen", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mingen_file), # ref mingen writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mingen_init, type = "mingen", opts = opts) writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_true, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mod_file), writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_false, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mod_file), writeInputTS(area = area, data = mat_mod_init, type = "hydroSTOR", opts = opts) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_mod_file), unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) })