context("Function writeHydroValues") #WriteHydroValues does not depend on antaresVersion. # waterValues ---- # global params for structure v8.6 setup_study_860(sourcedir860) #Avoid warning related to code writed outside test_that. suppressWarnings(opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(study_temp_path, "input")) test_that("Write hydro values, 'waterValues' case", { #Initialize data for each type of file. m_water <- matrix(1,365,101) area <- sample(x = getOption("antares")$areaList, size = 1) #waterValues case, there is 2 file formats for waterValues. writeHydroValues(area = area,type="waterValues", data = m_water , overwrite = FALSE) values_file <- file.path(study_temp_path, "input", "hydro", "common", "capacity", paste0("waterValues_", tolower(area), ".txt")) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = values_file), M2 <- cbind( date = rep(seq(as.Date("2018-01-01"), by = 1, length.out = 365), each = 101), level = rep(0:100, times = 365), value = rep(1, 365*101) ) expect_error( writeHydroValues(area = area, type="waterValues", data = M2, overwrite = FALSE), regexp = "already exist" ) writeHydroValues(area = area, type="waterValues", data = M2, overwrite = TRUE) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = values_file), #Wrong data format expect_error( writeHydroValues(area = area, type="waterValues", data = matrix(1:4), overwrite = TRUE), regexp = "a 365\\*101 or \\(365\\*101\\)\\*3 matrix" ) #Wrong area expect_error( writeHydroValues(area = "fake area", type="waterValues", data = M2, overwrite = TRUE), regexp = "valid area" ) #unknown type expect_error( writeHydroValues(area = area, type = "toto", data = matrix(1:4), overwrite = TRUE), regexp = "'arg'" ) }) # Other cases ---- test_that("writeHydroValues, reservoir/maxpower/inflowPattern/creditmodulations cases", { #Initialize data m_reservoir <- matrix(2,365,3) m_maxpower <- matrix(3,365,4) m_inflowPattern <- matrix(4,365,1) m_creditmodulations <- matrix(5,2,101) area <- sample(x = getOption("antares")$areaList, size = 1) #reservoir/maxpower/inflowPattern/creditsmodulation for (file_type in c("reservoir", "maxpower", "inflowPattern", "creditmodulations")){ m_data <- switch(file_type, "reservoir" = m_reservoir, "maxpower" = m_maxpower, "inflowPattern" = m_inflowPattern, "creditmodulations" = m_creditmodulations,) #Create the file writeHydroValues(area = area, type = file_type, data = m_data , overwrite = TRUE) values_file <- file.path(study_temp_path, "input", "hydro", "common", "capacity", paste0(file_type, "_", tolower(area), ".txt")) #Test that the created file respect the matrix. expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = values_file), #Expect error when data format does not correspond. expect_error( writeHydroValues(area = area, type=file_type, data = matrix(1:4), overwrite = TRUE), regexp = "'data' must be" ) #unknown type expect_error( writeHydroValues(area = area, type = "toto", data = m_maxpower, overwrite = TRUE), regexp = "'arg'" ) } }) # hydro.ini test_that("Write hydro.ini values for the first area, edit leeway up, leeway low and reservoir", { translate_value <- 23 hydro_ini_path <- file.path("input", "hydro", "hydro.ini") hydro_ini_data <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) area_to_edit <- opts$areaList[1] new_data <- list("leeway low" = hydro_ini_data[["leeway low"]][[area_to_edit]] + translate_value, "leeway up" = hydro_ini_data[["leeway up"]][[area_to_edit]] + translate_value, "reservoir" = !is.null(hydro_ini_data[["reservoir"]][[area_to_edit]]) ) writeIniHydro(area = area_to_edit, params = new_data, mode = "other", opts = opts) hydro_ini_after_edit <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) expect_equal(hydro_ini_after_edit[["leeway low"]][[area_to_edit]] - hydro_ini_data[["leeway low"]][[area_to_edit]], translate_value) expect_equal(hydro_ini_after_edit[["leeway up"]][[area_to_edit]] - hydro_ini_data[["leeway up"]][[area_to_edit]], translate_value) expect_equal(hydro_ini_after_edit[["reservoir"]][[area_to_edit]], !is.null(hydro_ini_data[["reservoir"]][[area_to_edit]])) # Bad section names bad_data <- list("leeway lowwwwwwwwww" = hydro_ini_data[["leeway low"]][[area_to_edit]] + translate_value, "leeway upppppppppp" = hydro_ini_data[["leeway up"]][[area_to_edit]] + translate_value, "reservoirrrrrrrrr" = !is.null(hydro_ini_data[["reservoir"]][[area_to_edit]]) ) expect_error( writeIniHydro(area = area_to_edit, params = bad_data, mode = "other", opts = opts), regexp = "Parameter params must be named with the following elements:" ) # Bad types bad_types <- list("leeway low" = "toto", "leeway up" = "titi", "reservoir" = 35 ) expect_error( writeIniHydro(area = area_to_edit, params = bad_types, mode = "other", opts = opts), regexp = "The following parameters have a wrong type:" ) }) test_that("Write NULL hydro.ini values to ensure its behaviour", { hydro_ini_path <- file.path("input", "hydro", "hydro.ini") hydro_ini_data <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) fname <- names(hydro_ini_data)[1] farea <- names(hydro_ini_data[[fname]])[1] writeIniHydro(area = farea, params = setNames(list(NULL), fname), mode = "other", opts = opts) hydro_ini_after_edit <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) expect_true(!is.null(hydro_ini_data[[fname]][[farea]])) expect_true(is.null(hydro_ini_after_edit[[fname]][[farea]])) }) test_that("fill_empty_hydro_ini_file() : fill specific sections in hydro.ini by default values", { hydro_ini_path <- file.path("input", "hydro", "hydro.ini") hydro_ini_data <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) all_areas <- unique(unlist(lapply(names(hydro_ini_data), function(n) names(hydro_ini_data[[n]])))) farea <- all_areas[1] # With argument mode set to "removeArea" to avoid control at this step suppressWarnings(writeIniHydro(farea, list("use heuristic" = NULL, "follow load" = NULL, "reservoir" = NULL), mode = "removeArea", opts = opts)) hydro_ini_data <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) fill_empty_hydro_ini_file(farea, opts) hydro_ini_data_after_edit <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) expect_true(hydro_ini_data_after_edit[["use heuristic"]][[farea]]) expect_true(hydro_ini_data_after_edit[["follow load"]][[farea]]) expect_true(!hydro_ini_data_after_edit[["reservoir"]][[farea]]) }) test_that("get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage() : type of control to make between mingen.txt and mod.txt", { # 8 combinations # No control hydro_params <- list("use heuristic" = FALSE, "follow load" = TRUE, "reservoir" = TRUE) expect_true(is.null(get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage(hydro_params))) hydro_params <- list("use heuristic" = FALSE, "follow load" = TRUE, "reservoir" = FALSE) expect_true(is.null(get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage(hydro_params))) hydro_params <- list("use heuristic" = FALSE, "follow load" = FALSE, "reservoir" = TRUE) expect_true(is.null(get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage(hydro_params))) hydro_params <- list("use heuristic" = FALSE, "follow load" = FALSE, "reservoir" = FALSE) expect_true(is.null(get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage(hydro_params))) # Control yearly hydro_params <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = TRUE, "reservoir" = TRUE) expect_true(get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage(hydro_params) == "annual") # Control monthly hydro_params <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = TRUE, "reservoir" = FALSE) expect_true(get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage(hydro_params) == "monthly") # Control weekly hydro_params <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = FALSE, "reservoir" = TRUE) expect_true(get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage(hydro_params) == "weekly") # Control weekly hydro_params <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = FALSE, "reservoir" = FALSE) expect_true(get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage(hydro_params) == "weekly") }) test_that("check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage() in 8.6.0 : check if the control between mingen.txt and mod.txt is ok or ko", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) path_mod_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mod.txt") path_mingen_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mingen.txt") nb_ts <- 5 nb_hours_per_day <- 24 nb_days_per_year <- 365 nb_hours_per_year <- nb_hours_per_day * nb_days_per_year mat_mod_false <- matrix(-1, nb_days_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mod_true <- matrix(1, nb_days_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mod_init <- matrix(0, nb_days_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mingen_false <- matrix(1, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mingen_true <- matrix(-1, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mingen_init <- matrix(0, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) lst_annual <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = TRUE, "reservoir" = TRUE) lst_monthly <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = TRUE, "reservoir" = FALSE) lst_weekly <- list("use heuristic" = TRUE, "follow load" = FALSE) # YEARLY writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_annual, mode = "other", opts = opts) # init mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) # inconsistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(!res_check$check) expect_true(startsWith(res_check$msg, "Data does not respect the annual condition.")) # consistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # init mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) # inconsistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(!res_check$check) expect_true(startsWith(res_check$msg, "Data does not respect the annual condition.")) # consistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # MONTHLY writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_monthly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # init mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) # inconsistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(!res_check$check) expect_true(startsWith(res_check$msg, "Data does not respect the monthly condition.")) # consistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # init mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) # inconsistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(!res_check$check) expect_true(startsWith(res_check$msg, "Data does not respect the monthly condition.")) # consistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # WEEKLY writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_weekly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # init mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) # inconsistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(!res_check$check) expect_true(startsWith(res_check$msg, "Data does not respect the weekly condition.")) # consistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # init mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) # inconsistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(!res_check$check) expect_true(startsWith(res_check$msg, "Data does not respect the weekly condition.")) # consistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage() in 8.6.0 : check if the control is always ok between mingen.txt and mod.txt when there is no control", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) path_mod_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mod.txt") path_mingen_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mingen.txt") nb_ts <- 5 nb_hours_per_day <- 24 nb_days_per_year <- 365 nb_hours_per_year <- nb_hours_per_day * nb_days_per_year mat_mod_false <- matrix(-1, nb_days_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mod_true <- matrix(1, nb_days_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mod_init <- matrix(0, nb_days_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mingen_false <- matrix(1, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mingen_true <- matrix(-1, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mingen_init <- matrix(0, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) lst_wo_control <- list("use heuristic" = FALSE) writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_wo_control, mode = "other", opts = opts) # YEARLY # init mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) # inconsistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # consistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # init mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) # inconsistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # consistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # MONTHLY # init mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) # inconsistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # consistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # init mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) # inconsistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # consistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # WEEKLY # init mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) # inconsistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # consistent mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # init mod fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) # inconsistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # consistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("writeHydroValues() in 8.6.0 : check if there is an error when data is inconsistent between mingen data and maxpower data", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5), collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) lst_hourly <- list("reservoir" = FALSE) nb_hours_per_day <- 24 nb_days_per_year <- 365 nb_hours_per_year <- nb_hours_per_day * nb_days_per_year # Put more than 1 ts nb_ts <- 5 mat_maxpower_false <- matrix(-1, nb_days_per_year, 4) mat_mingen_init <- matrix(0, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) # HOURLY # hourly data -- enabled check writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_hourly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # inconsistent maxpower writeInputTS(data = mat_mingen_init, area = area, type = "mingen", opts= opts) expect_error(writeHydroValues(area = area, type = "maxpower", data = mat_maxpower_false, overwrite = TRUE, opts= opts ) ,regexp = "can not be updated" ) unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("writeHydroValues() in 8.6.0 : check if new data is written when control is enabled and data is consistent between mingen.txt and maxpower.txt", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) path_maxpower_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "common", "capacity", paste0("maxpower_", area, ".txt")) lst_hourly <- list("reservoir" = FALSE) nb_hours_per_day <- 24 nb_days_per_year <- 365 nb_hours_per_year <- nb_hours_per_day * nb_days_per_year # Put more than 1 ts nb_ts <- 5 mat_maxpower_true <- matrix(12345, nb_days_per_year, 4) mat_mingen_init <- matrix(0, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) # HOURLY # hourly data -- enabled check writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_hourly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # consistent maxpower writeInputTS(data = mat_mingen_init, area = area, type = "mingen", opts= opts) writeHydroValues(area = area, type = "maxpower", data = mat_maxpower_true, overwrite = TRUE, opts= opts ) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_maxpower_file), unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("writeHydroValues() in 8.6.0 : check if new data is written when there is no control", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) path_maxpower_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "common", "capacity", paste0("maxpower_", area, ".txt")) lst_wo_control <- list("reservoir" = TRUE) writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_wo_control, mode = "other", opts = opts) nb_hours_per_day <- 24 nb_days_per_year <- 365 nb_hours_per_year <- nb_hours_per_day * nb_days_per_year # Put more than 1 ts nb_ts <- 5 mat_maxpower_true <- matrix(12345, nb_days_per_year, 4) mat_maxpower_false <- matrix(-12345, nb_days_per_year, 4) mat_mingen_init <- matrix(0, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) writeInputTS(data = mat_mingen_init, area = area, type = "mingen", opts= opts) # HOURLY # consistent maxpower writeHydroValues(area = area, type = "maxpower", data = mat_maxpower_true, overwrite = TRUE, opts= opts ) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_maxpower_file), # inconsistent maxpower writeHydroValues(area = area, type = "maxpower", data = mat_maxpower_false, overwrite = TRUE, opts= opts ) expect_equal(antaresRead:::fread_antares(opts = opts, file = path_maxpower_file), unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("replicate_missing_ts() : control if data is replicated if 2 data.tables have not same number of tsId", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) path_mingen_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mingen.txt") path_mod_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mod.txt") nb_hours_per_day <- 24 nb_days_per_year <- 365 nb_hours_per_year <- nb_hours_per_day * nb_days_per_year val <- 2 values_ts1 <- rep(val, nb_hours_per_year) values_ts2 <- rep(val - 0.1, nb_hours_per_year) nb_rep_ts_mingen <- 4 mat_mod <- matrix(data = seq(1,nb_days_per_year)*5, nrow = nb_days_per_year) fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mod_file ) mat_mingen <- matrix(data = rep(c(values_ts1, values_ts2), nb_rep_ts_mingen), nrow = nb_hours_per_year) fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) ts_mingen <- antaresRead::readInputTS(mingen = area, opts = opts) ts_mod_before <- antaresRead::readInputTS(hydroStorage = area, opts = opts) ts_mod_after <- replicate_missing_ts(ts_mod_before, ts_mingen) expect_equal(max(ts_mod_after$tsId), max(ts_mingen$tsId)) expect_equal(max(ts_mod_after$tsId), nb_rep_ts_mingen * 2) expect_equal(nrow(ts_mod_after), nrow(ts_mingen)) ts_mod_after_agg <- ts_mod_after[, .N, by = tsId] expect_true(all(ts_mod_after_agg$N == opts$timeIdMax) & nrow(ts_mod_after_agg) == nb_rep_ts_mingen * 2) unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("check_mingen_vs_maxpower() in 8.6.0 : control data consistency between mingen.txt and maxpower.txt", { ant_version <- "8.6.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_860_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" createArea(area) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) path_maxpower_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "common", "capacity", paste0("maxpower_", area, ".txt")) path_mingen_file <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "hydro", "series", area, "mingen.txt") nb_hours_per_day <- 24 nb_days_per_year <- 365 nb_hours_per_year <- nb_hours_per_day * nb_days_per_year # Put more than 1 ts nb_ts <- 5 lst_hourly <- list("use heuristic" = FALSE, "reservoir" = FALSE) lst_wo_control <- list("use heuristic" = FALSE, "reservoir" = TRUE) mat_maxpower_false <- matrix(-1, nb_days_per_year, 4) mat_maxpower_true <- matrix(1, nb_days_per_year, 4) mat_maxpower_init <- matrix(data = rep(c(0, 24, 0, 24), each = 365), ncol = 4) mat_mingen_false <- matrix(1, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mingen_true <- matrix(-1, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) mat_mingen_init <- matrix(0, nb_hours_per_year, nb_ts) # HOURLY # hourly data -- enabled check writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_hourly, mode = "other", opts = opts) # inconsistent maxpower fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_maxpower_file ) fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_maxpower(area, opts) expect_true(!res_check$check) expect_true(startsWith(res_check$msg, "Data does not respect the hourly condition.")) # consistent maxpower fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_maxpower_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_maxpower(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # inconsistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_maxpower_file ) fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_maxpower(area, opts) expect_true(!res_check$check) expect_true(startsWith(res_check$msg, "Data does not respect the hourly condition.")) # consistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_maxpower(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # hourly data -- disabled check writeIniHydro(area, params = lst_wo_control, mode = "other", opts = opts) # inconsistent maxpower fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_maxpower_file ) fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_maxpower(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # consistent maxpower fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_maxpower_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_maxpower(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # inconsistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_maxpower_file ) fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_maxpower(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) # consistent mingen fwrite( x =, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", file = path_mingen_file ) res_check <- check_mingen_vs_maxpower(area, opts) expect_true(res_check$check) expect_true(identical(res_check$msg,"")) unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("writeIniHydro(): check if consistency between reservoir and reservoir capacity is preserved", { custom_reservoir_capa <- 123456 ant_version <- "8.2.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_820_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) area <- "zone51" area2 <- "zone52" createArea(area) createArea(area2) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) hydro_ini_path <- file.path("input", "hydro", "hydro.ini") ## Both params with reservoir TRUE # reservoir capacity > 0 my_params <- list("reservoir" = TRUE, "reservoir capacity" = custom_reservoir_capa) writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts) hydro_ini_data <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) expect_equal(my_params[["reservoir"]], hydro_ini_data[["reservoir"]][[area]]) expect_equal(my_params[["reservoir capacity"]], hydro_ini_data[["reservoir capacity"]][[area]]) # reservoir capacity = 0 my_params <- list("reservoir" = TRUE, "reservoir capacity" = 0) expect_error(writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts), regexp = "Invalid reservoir capacity") ## Both params with reservoir FALSE # reservoir capacity > 0 my_params <- list("reservoir" = FALSE, "reservoir capacity" = custom_reservoir_capa) writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts) hydro_ini_data <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) expect_equal(my_params[["reservoir"]], hydro_ini_data[["reservoir"]][[area]]) expect_true(is.null(hydro_ini_data[["reservoir capacity"]][[area]])) # reservoir capacity = 0 my_params <- list("reservoir" = FALSE, "reservoir capacity" = 0) writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts) expect_equal(my_params[["reservoir"]], hydro_ini_data[["reservoir"]][[area]]) expect_true(is.null(hydro_ini_data[["reservoir capacity"]][[area]])) ## One param with reservoir TRUE # init FALSE (no capacity reservoir) my_params <- list("reservoir" = FALSE) writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts) my_params <- list("reservoir" = TRUE) expect_warning(writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts), regexp = "Reservoir capacity not defined.") hydro_ini_data <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) expect_equal(my_params[["reservoir"]], hydro_ini_data[["reservoir"]][[area]]) expect_true(is.null(hydro_ini_data[["reservoir capacity"]][[area]])) # One param with reservoir FALSE # init TRUE (with capacity reservoir) my_params <- list("reservoir" = TRUE, "reservoir capacity" = custom_reservoir_capa) writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts) my_params <- list("reservoir" = FALSE) writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts) hydro_ini_data <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) expect_equal(my_params[["reservoir"]], hydro_ini_data[["reservoir"]][[area]]) expect_true(is.null(hydro_ini_data[["reservoir capacity"]][[area]])) # One param with reservoir capacity > 0 # init reservoir to TRUE (with capacity reservoir) my_params <- list("reservoir" = TRUE, "reservoir capacity" = custom_reservoir_capa) writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts) my_params <- list("reservoir capacity" = custom_reservoir_capa * 2) writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts) hydro_ini_data <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) expect_equal(my_params[["reservoir capacity"]], hydro_ini_data[["reservoir capacity"]][[area]]) expect_true(hydro_ini_data[["reservoir"]][[area]]) my_params <- list("reservoir capacity" = 0) expect_error(writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts), regexp = "Invalid reservoir capacity") # One param with reservoir capacity > 0 # init reservoir to FALSE (no capacity reservoir) my_params <- list("reservoir" = FALSE, "reservoir capacity" = custom_reservoir_capa) writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts) my_params <- list("reservoir capacity" = custom_reservoir_capa * 2) writeIniHydro(area = area, params = my_params, opts = opts) hydro_ini_data <- antaresRead::readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) expect_true(is.null(hydro_ini_data[["reservoir capacity"]][[area]])) unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) }) # remove temporary study unlink(x = opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE)