context("Function editCluster") sapply(studies, function(study) { setup_study(study, sourcedir) opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(studyPath, "input") test_that("Edit nominal capacity", { editCluster(area = "a", cluster_name = "peak", nominalcapacity = 10600, add_prefix = FALSE) res <- antaresRead::readClusterDesc()[area == "a" & cluster == "peak", nominalcapacity] expect_equal(res, 10600) }) test_that("Edit time series", { editCluster(area = "a", cluster_name = "peak", time_series = rep(8, 8760), add_prefix = FALSE) res <- fread(file.path(opts$inputPath, "thermal", "series", "a", "peak", "series.txt")) expect_equal(res$V1, rep(8, 8760)) }) test_that("Edit pre-process data", { m <- matrix(5, nrow = 365, ncol = 6) editCluster(area = "a", cluster_name = "peak", prepro_data = m, add_prefix = FALSE) res <- fread(file.path(opts$inputPath, "thermal", "prepro", "a", "peak", "data.txt")) m_res <- as.matrix(res) dimnames(m_res) <- NULL expect_equal(m_res, m) }) test_that("Edit pre-process modulation", { m <- matrix(1, nrow = 8760, ncol = 4) editCluster(area = "a", cluster_name = "peak", prepro_modulation = m, add_prefix = FALSE) res <- fread(file.path(opts$inputPath, "thermal", "prepro", "a", "peak", "modulation.txt")) m_res <- as.matrix(res) dimnames(m_res) <- NULL expect_equal(m_res, m) }) # remove temporary study unlink(x = file.path(pathstd, "test_case"), recursive = TRUE) }) # v860 ---- # global params for structure v8.6 setup_study_860(sourcedir860) opts_test <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(study_temp_path, "input") test_that("Edit cluster with pollutants params (new feature v8.6)",{ pollutants_params <- list( "nh3"= 0.25, "nox"= 0.45, "pm2_5"= 0.25, "pm5"= 0.25, "pm10"= 0.25, "nmvoc"= 0.25, "so2"= 0.25, "op1"= 0.25, "op2"= 0.25, "op3"= 0.25, "op4"= 0.25, "op5"= 0.25, "co2"= NULL ) opts_test <- createCluster( area = getAreas()[1], cluster_name = "mycluster_pollutant", group = "Other", unitcount = 1, nominalcapacity = 8000, `min-down-time` = 0, `marginal-cost` = 0.010000, `market-bid-cost` = 0.010000, list_pollutants = pollutants_params, time_series = matrix(rep(c(0, 8000), each = 24*364), ncol = 2), prepro_modulation = matrix(rep(c(1, 1, 1, 0), each = 24*365), ncol = 4), opts = opts_test ) res_cluster <- antaresRead::readClusterDesc(opts = opts_test) # NULL as to effect to delete parameters opts_test <- editCluster(area = getAreas()[1], cluster_name = levels(res_cluster$cluster)[1], list_pollutants = list( "nh3"= 0.07, "nox"= 0.07, "pm2_5"= 0.07, "pm5"= NULL), add_prefix = FALSE, opts = opts_test) res_cluster <- antaresRead::readClusterDesc(opts = opts_test) res_cluster <- res_cluster[cluster %in% levels(res_cluster$cluster)[1]] vect_params <- as.vector(res_cluster[, c("nh3", "nox", "pm2_5")]) # check values edited testthat::expect_true(all(c("nh3"= 0.07, "nox"= 0.07, "pm2_5"= 0.07) %in% vect_params)) # remove temporary study unlink(x = opts_test$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) })