context("Function createBindingConstraint") sapply(studies, function(study) { setup_study(study, sourcedir) opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(studyPath, "input") test_that("Create a new binding constraint", { createBindingConstraint( name = "myconstraint", values = matrix(data = rep(0, 8760 * 3), ncol = 3), enabled = FALSE, timeStep = "hourly", operator = "both" ) expect_true("myconstraint" %in% names(antaresRead::readBindingConstraints())) }) test_that("Create a new binding constraint with named values", { values_named <- data.frame( less = as.integer(rep(0, 365)), greater = as.integer(rep(0, 365)), equal = as.integer(rep(0, 365)) ) createBindingConstraint( name = "namedvalues", values = values_named, timeStep = "daily" ) expect_true("namedvalues" %in% names(antaresRead::readBindingConstraints())) expect_equal(, matrix(rep(0, 3), ncol = 3, dimnames = list(list(), names(values_named))))),[["namedvalues"]]$values) ) }) test_that("Create a new binding constraint with BAD named values", { values_named <- data.frame( leeess = as.integer(rep(0, 365)), greaaaater = as.integer(rep(0, 365)), equaaaal = as.integer(rep(0, 365)) ) expect_error( createBindingConstraint( name = "badnamedvalues", values = values_named, timeStep = "daily" ) ) }) test_that("Bad values for timestep", { values_named <- data.frame( less = as.integer(rep(0, 365)), greater = as.integer(rep(0, 365)), equal = as.integer(rep(0, 365)) ) expect_error( createBindingConstraint( name = "hourlyvalue", values = values_named, timeStep = "hourly" ) ) }) test_that("No values", { expect_silent( createBindingConstraint( name = "silent", timeStep = "hourly" ) ) }) test_that("Create a new binding constraint with SINGLE named value", { values_named <- data.frame( greater = as.integer(rep(0, 365)) ) expect_silent( createBindingConstraint( name = "singlenamedvalue", values = values_named, timeStep = "daily" ) ) }) test_that("Create a new binding constraint with coefficients", { coefs <- antaresRead::readBindingConstraints()[[1]]$coefs createBindingConstraint( name = "coeffs", timeStep = "weekly", values = matrix(data = rep(0, 365 * 3), ncol = 3), coefficients = coefs ) expect_identical(antaresRead::readBindingConstraints()[["coeffs"]]$coefs, coefs) }) test_that("Create a new binding constraint with BAD coefficients", { expect_error( createBindingConstraint( name = "badcoeffs", timeStep = "weekly", values = matrix(data = rep(0, 365 * 3), ncol = 3), coefficients = c("z%psp in" = 12, "b%null" = 0, "fr%de" = 0.5) ) ) }) test_that("Create a new binding constraint with cluster coefficients (not with %)", { coefs <- antaresRead::readBindingConstraints()[[1]]$coefs coefs <- c(coefs, "" = 1) createBindingConstraint( name = "coeffs", timeStep = "weekly", values = matrix(data = rep(0, 365 * 3), ncol = 3), coefficients = coefs, overwrite = TRUE ) expect_identical(antaresRead::readBindingConstraints()[["coeffs"]]$coefs, coefs) }) test_that("Remove a binding constraint", { removeBindingConstraint(name = "myconstraint") expect_false("myconstraint" %in% names(antaresRead::readBindingConstraints())) }) test_that("Remove a binding constraint that doesn't exist", { expect_warning(removeBindingConstraint(name = "myimaginaryconstraint")) }) # remove temporary study unlink(x = file.path(pathstd, "test_case"), recursive = TRUE) })