context("Function createArea") sapply(studies, function(study) { setup_study(study, sourcedir) opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(studyPath, 1) test_that("Cannot initialize a new area if not in 'Input' mode", { expect_error(createArea(name = "myarea")) }) # set simulation path in mode input opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(studyPath, 'input') test_that("Backup study/input", { skip_on_cran() # issue 115 backupStudy(what = "study", extension = ".zip") backupStudy(what = "input", extension = ".tar.gz") expect_true(file.exists(paste0(opts$studyPath, ".zip"))) expect_true(file.exists(paste0(opts$inputPath, ".tar.gz"))) }) test_that("Initialize a new area", { n_before <- length(getOption("antares")$areaList) createArea(name = "myarea") n_after <- length(getOption("antares")$areaList) expect_equal(n_before + 1, n_after) expect_true("myarea" %in% getOption("antares")$areaList) }) test_that("nodal optimization options are properly written", { createArea( name = "testarea", nodalOptimization = nodalOptimizationOptions( non_dispatchable_power = FALSE, dispatchable_hydro_power = TRUE, other_dispatchable_power = FALSE, spread_unsupplied_energy_cost = 10, spread_spilled_energy_cost = 3.14, average_unsupplied_energy_cost = 239, average_spilled_energy_cost = 1000 ) ) optim_testarea <- readIniFile(file.path(opts$inputPath, "areas", "testarea", "optimization.ini")) expect_equal(optim_testarea$`nodal optimization`$`dispatchable-hydro-power`, TRUE) expect_equal(optim_testarea$`nodal optimization`$`spread-unsupplied-energy-cost`, 10) expect_equal(optim_testarea$`nodal optimization`$`non-dispatchable-power`, FALSE) expect_equal(optim_testarea$`nodal optimization`$`other-dispatchable-power`, FALSE) expect_equal(optim_testarea$`nodal optimization`$`spread-spilled-energy-cost`, 3.14) thermal_areas <- readIniFile(file.path(opts$inputPath, "thermal", "areas.ini")) expect_equal(thermal_areas$spilledenergycost$testarea, 1000) expect_equal(thermal_areas$unserverdenergycost$testarea, 239) }) # Initialize hydro.ini values for a new area test_that("Check if hydro.ini default values are initialized when creating an area", { default_hydro_params <- get_default_hydro_ini_values() hydro_ini_path <- file.path("input", "hydro", "hydro.ini") hydro_ini_data <- readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) new_area <- "area_check_hydro" createArea(new_area) hydro_ini_data_after_area_creation <- readIni(pathIni = hydro_ini_path, opts = opts) # Check if each section is in the hydro.ini file name_ref <- setdiff(names(default_hydro_params), "reservoir capacity") name_ref <- name_ref[order(name_ref)] name_ <- names(hydro_ini_data_after_area_creation) name_ <- name_[order(name_)] expect_equal(name_, name_ref) # Check if new_area has an entry for each section check_by_section <- sapply(names(hydro_ini_data_after_area_creation), FUN = function(name) new_area %in% names(hydro_ini_data_after_area_creation[[name]]) ) expect_true(all(check_by_section)) # Check if the value for new_area is the default value value_by_section <- sapply(names(hydro_ini_data_after_area_creation), FUN = function(name) hydro_ini_data_after_area_creation[[name]][[new_area]], simplify = FALSE ) for(key in name_ref){ expect_equal(default_hydro_params[[key]], value_by_section[[key]]) } }) test_that("Remove an area", { area2remove <- "myareatoremove" createArea(name = area2remove) ra <- checkRemovedArea(area = area2remove) expect_true(length(ra$areaResiduFiles) > 0) expect_true(length(ra$areaResidus) > 0) removeArea(name = area2remove) ra <- checkRemovedArea(area = area2remove) expect_length(ra$areaResiduFiles, 0) expect_length(ra$areaResidus, 0) }) # remove temporary study unlink(x = file.path(pathstd, "test_case"), recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("adequacy patch options are properly written", { tmp <- tempfile() suppressWarnings({ createStudy(path = tmp, antares_version = "8.3.0") opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(tmp) }) #activateRES(quietly = TRUE) createArea( name = "testarea_adq", adequacy = adequacyOptions( adequacy_patch_mode = "inside" ) ) adq_testarea <- readIniFile(file.path(opts$inputPath, "areas", "testarea_adq", "adequacy_patch.ini")) expect_equal(adq_testarea$`adequacy-patch`$`adequacy-patch-mode`, "inside") unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE) }) # v860 ---- test_that("create area / st-storage in 8.6.0", { tmp <- tempfile() suppressWarnings({ temp_study_860 <- createStudy(path = tmp, antares_version = "8.6.0") opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(tmp) }) # check area createArea(name = "myarea", opts = temp_study_860) areas_created <- getAreas() expect_true("myarea" %in% areas_created) expect_true(dir.exists(file.path(tmp,"input","st-storage","clusters","myarea"))) # check ini file ini_path_file <- file.path(temp_study_860$inputPath, "st-storage","clusters","myarea", "list.ini") expect_true(file.exists(ini_path_file)) # check mingen.txt file (hydro) mingen_path_file <- file.path(temp_study_860$inputPath, "hydro", "series","myarea", "mingen.txt") expect_true(file.exists(mingen_path_file)) # REMOVE TESTS test_that("Remove an area in 8.6.0", { area2remove <- "myareatoremove" createArea(name = area2remove, opts = temp_study_860) ra <- checkRemovedArea(area = area2remove) expect_true(length(ra$areaResiduFiles) > 0) expect_true(length(ra$areaResidus) > 0) removeArea(name = area2remove) ra <- checkRemovedArea(area = area2remove) expect_length(ra$areaResiduFiles, 0) expect_length(ra$areaResidus, 0) expect_equal(getAreas(select = area2remove), character(0)) }) # remove temp study unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("removeArea() in 8.2.0 : check that properties.ini are all there", { ## V8 ant_version <- "8.2.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_820_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) # prop is taken cause it is a substring included in the char properties.ini area <- "prop" area2 <- "zone51" area3 <- "zone52" createArea(name = area, opts = opts) createArea(name = area2, opts = opts) createArea(name = area3, opts = opts) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) createLink(from = area, to = area2, opts = opts) createLink(from = area, to = area3, opts = opts) createLink(from = area2, to = area3, opts = opts) opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input") removeArea(name = area, opts = opts) links_path <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "links") dirs_links <- list.dirs(path = links_path, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE) files_properties <- list.files(path = links_path, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, pattern = "properties.ini$") expect_true(length(dirs_links) == length(files_properties)) expect_true(all(file.exists(file.path(dirs_links, "properties.ini")))) unlink(opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) ## V7 ant_version <- "7.1.0" st_test <- paste0("my_study_710_", paste0(sample(letters,5),collapse = "")) suppressWarnings(opts <- createStudy(path = pathstd, study_name = st_test, antares_version = ant_version)) # prop is taken cause it is a substring included in the char properties.ini area <- "prop" area2 <- "zone51" area3 <- "zone52" createArea(name = area, opts = opts) createArea(name = area2, opts = opts) createArea(name = area3, opts = opts) suppressWarnings(opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input")) createLink(from = area, to = area2, opts = opts) createLink(from = area, to = area3, opts = opts) createLink(from = area2, to = area3, opts = opts) opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$studyPath, simulation = "input") removeArea(name = area, opts = opts) links_path <- file.path(opts$inputPath, "links") dirs_links <- list.dirs(path = links_path, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE) files_properties <- list.files(path = links_path, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, pattern = "properties.ini$") expect_true(length(dirs_links) == length(files_properties)) expect_true(all(file.exists(file.path(dirs_links, "properties.ini")))) unlink(opts$studyPath, recursive = TRUE) })