library(animint2) library(testthat) library(XML) wb_data <- data.frame( year = rep(2000:2005, each = 3), country = rep(c("USA", "Canada", "Mexico"), times = 6), life_expectancy = c(78, 80, 76, 79, 81, 77, 80, 82, 78, 81, 83, 79, 82, 84, 80, 83, 85, 81), fertility_rate = c(1.8, 1.7, 2.1, 1.9, 1.8, 2.2, 1.9, 1.8, 2.3, 2.0, 1.9, 2.4, 2.1, 2.0, 2.5, 2.2, 2.1, 2.6), population = c(300, 100, 150, 310, 110, 160, 320, 120, 170, 330, 130, 180, 340, 140, 190, 350, 150, 200) ) wb_viz <- list( pointPlot = ggplot(wb_data, aes(x = life_expectancy, y = fertility_rate)) + geom_point( aes(size = population, color = country), title = "One country", help = "Each point represents life expectancy and fertility rate for a given country.", showSelected = "year", clickSelects = "country" ) + labs(title = "Life Expectancy vs. Fertility Rate", x = "Life Expectancy", y = "Fertility Rate"), vlinePlot = ggplot(wb_data, aes(x = life_expectancy, y = fertility_rate)) + geom_vline( xintercept = 80, linetype = "dashed", color = "red" ) ) info <- animint2HTML(wb_viz) djs.list <- driverjs_get(info$html) test_that("World Bank no title nor description initially", { expect_identical(djs.list$title, list()) expect_identical(djs.list$description, list()) }) djs.list.start <- driverjs_start() test_that("World Bank first element of Start Tour", { expect_identical(djs.list.start$title, list( text="One country", .attrs=c( class="driver-popover-title", style="display: block;"))) expect_identical(djs.list.start$description, list( text = "Each point represents life expectancy and fertility rate for a given country.", br = NULL, text = "Data are shown for the current selection of: year,country", br = NULL, text = "Click to select: country", .attrs = c( class = "driver-popover-description", style = "display: block;"))) }) <- driverjs_next() test_that("World Bank tour after clicking Next", { expect_identical($title, list( text = "geom2_vline_vlinePlot", .attrs = c( class = "driver-popover-title", style = "display: block;"))) expect_identical($description, list( text = "No interactions available", .attrs = c( class = "driver-popover-description", style = "display: block;"))) }) viz <- animint( pointRect=ggplot()+ geom_line(aes( x = year, y = fertility_rate, group=country, color = country), data=wb_data, )+ make_tallrect(wb_data, "year"), duration=list(year=2000) ) info <- animint2HTML(viz) djs.list <- driverjs_get(info$html) test_that("driver tallrect no title nor description initially", { expect_identical(djs.list$title, list()) expect_identical(djs.list$description, list()) }) djs.list.start <- driverjs_start() test_that("driver tallrect Start Tour", { expect_identical(djs.list.start$title, list( text="geom1_line_pointRect", .attrs=c( class="driver-popover-title", style="display: block;"))) expect_identical(djs.list.start$description, list( text = "Data are shown for the current selection of: country", .attrs = c( class = "driver-popover-description", style = "display: block;"))) }) <- driverjs_next() test_that("driver tallrect after clicking Next", { expect_identical($title, list( text = "geom2_tallrect_pointRect", .attrs = c( class = "driver-popover-title", style = "display: block;"))) expect_identical($description, list( text = "Data are shown for the current selection of: year", br=NULL, text = "Click to select: year", .attrs = c( class = "driver-popover-description", style = "display: block;"))) }) sel_df <- data.frame( selectorName=sprintf("model_%d_size", 1:10), selectorValue=1:100) sel_viz <- animint( points=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( selectorValue, selectorName), data=sel_df, size=5, clickSelects=c(selectorName="selectorValue")) ) info <- animint2HTML(sel_viz) djs.list <- driverjs_get(info$html) test_that("driver sel no title nor description initially", { expect_identical(djs.list$title, list()) expect_identical(djs.list$description, list()) }) djs.list.start <- driverjs_start() test_that("driver sel Start Tour", { expect_identical(djs.list.start$title, list( text="geom1_point_points", .attrs=c( class="driver-popover-title", style="display: block;"))) expect_identical(djs.list.start$description, list( text = "Click to select: one of: [model_1_size, model_2_size, ..., model_9_size, model_10_size]", .attrs = c( class = "driver-popover-description", style = "display: block;"))) })