acontext("tooltip-interactivity") ## !!! wercker has some problem with this test, so not using this !!! data("WorldBank", package = "animint") WorldBank1975 <- WorldBank[WorldBank$year == 1975, ] test_that("Interactivity does not mess up tooltip titles",{ ## Take only first 3 chars of region names. Avoid non-alphanumerics WorldBank1975$region <- tolower( substring(as.character(WorldBank1975$region), 1, 3)) ex_plot <- ggplot() + geom_point(aes(fertility.rate, life.expectancy, color = region, tooltip = country, href = ""), data = WorldBank1975) viz <- list(ex = ex_plot) info <- animint2HTML(viz) # Apply clickID with some time difference apply_with_interval <- function(func, list, interval){ for (elem in list){ acontext(paste0("id - ", elem)) Sys.sleep(interval) func(elem) } } # Hide some points first and check rendered titles hide_these_first <- c("plot_ex_region_variable_eas_label", "plot_ex_region_variable_eur_label", "plot_ex_region_variable_lat_label", "plot_ex_region_variable_mid_label", "plot_ex_region_variable_sub_label") b <- apply_with_interval(clickID, hide_these_first, 1) Sys.sleep(1) info$html <- getHTML() displayed_regions <- WorldBank1975$region == "nor" | WorldBank1975$region == "sou" displayed_countries <- unique(WorldBank1975$country[displayed_regions]) title_nodes1 <- getNodeSet(info$html, '//g[@class="geom1_point_ex"]//a//title') rendered_titles1 <- sapply(title_nodes1, xmlValue) expect_identical(sort(rendered_titles1), sort(displayed_countries)) # Hide all countries -> No titles hide_these_second <- c("plot_ex_region_variable_nor_label", "plot_ex_region_variable_sou_label") b <- apply_with_interval(clickID, hide_these_second, 1) Sys.sleep(2) info$html <- getHTML() title_nodes2 <- getNodeSet(info$html, '//g[@class="geom1_point_ex"]//a//title') expect_equal(length(title_nodes2), 0) # Show previous points again and compare titles b <- apply_with_interval(clickID, hide_these_second, 1) Sys.sleep(1) info$html <- getHTML() title_nodes3 <- getNodeSet(info$html, '//g[@class="geom1_point_ex"]//a//title') rendered_titles3 <- sapply(title_nodes3, xmlValue) expect_identical(sort(rendered_titles3), sort(displayed_countries)) })