library(animint2) acontext("Inf") limits <- data.frame( i=1:3, lower=c(-Inf, 0, -1), upper=c(1, 2, Inf)) viz <- list( gg=ggplot()+ ggtitle("Inf Test")+ theme_bw()+ theme( panel.grid.major=element_line(color="red"), panel.grid.minor=element_line(color="blue"), panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ facet_grid(side ~ top, scales="free")+ geom_segment(aes( i, lower, yend=upper, xend=i), data=data.frame(limits, side="yInf", top="left", stringsAsFactors = TRUE))+ geom_segment(aes( lower+10, i+10, xend=upper+10, yend=i+10), data=data.frame(limits, side="xInf", top="right", stringsAsFactors = TRUE))) info <- animint2HTML(viz) ## First panel, test y values. bg.rect <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//g[contains(@class, 'bgr1')]//rect[@class='background_rect']")[[1]] attr.vec <- xmlAttrs(bg.rect) <- as.numeric(attr.vec[["y"]]) h <- as.numeric(attr.vec[["height"]]) panel.bottom <- + h line.list <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//g[contains(@class, 'PANEL1')]//line") attr.mat <- sapply(line.list, xmlAttrs) seg.bottom <- as.numeric(attr.mat["y1",]) <- as.numeric(attr.mat["y2",]) <- sum( == n.bottom <- sum(seg.bottom == panel.bottom) test_that("one y at top of panel", { expect_equal(, 1) }) test_that("one y at bottom of panel", { expect_equal(n.bottom, 1) }) ## Last panel, test x values. bg.rect <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//g[contains(@class, 'bgr4')]//rect[@class='background_rect']")[[1]] attr.vec <- xmlAttrs(bg.rect) panel.left <- as.numeric(attr.vec[["x"]]) w <- as.numeric(attr.vec[["width"]]) panel.right <- panel.left + w line.list <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//g[contains(@class, 'PANEL4')]//line") attr.mat <- sapply(line.list, xmlAttrs) seg.left <- as.numeric(attr.mat["x1",]) seg.right <- as.numeric(attr.mat["x2",]) n.left <- sum(seg.left == panel.left) n.right <- sum(seg.right == panel.right) test_that("one x at left of panel", { expect_equal(n.left, 1) }) test_that("one x at right of panel", { expect_equal(n.right, 1) }) limits <- data.frame( i=1:3, lower=c(-Inf, 0, -1), upper=c(1, 2, Inf)) pfac <- function(x){ factor(x, c("left", "right")) } viz <- list( vert=ggplot()+ ggtitle("vertical segments")+ theme_bw()+ theme( panel.grid.major=element_line(color="red"), panel.grid.minor=element_line(color="blue"), panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ coord_cartesian(ylim=c(-0.5, 1.5))+ geom_segment(aes( i, lower, yend=upper, xend=i), data=limits), hor=ggplot()+ ggtitle("horizontal segments")+ theme_bw()+ theme( panel.grid.major=element_line(color="red"), panel.grid.minor=element_line(color="blue"), panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ coord_cartesian(xlim=c(9.5, 11.5))+ facet_grid(. ~ panel)+ geom_segment(aes( lower+10, i+10, xend=upper+10, yend=i+10), data=data.frame(limits, panel=pfac("left")))+ geom_point(aes( x, y), data=data.frame( x=10, y=12, panel=pfac(c("left", "right"))))) info <- animint2HTML(viz) ## First plot, test y values. bg.rect <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//svg[@id='plot_vert']//rect[@class='background_rect']")[[1]] attr.vec <- xmlAttrs(bg.rect) <- as.numeric(attr.vec[["y"]]) h <- as.numeric(attr.vec[["height"]]) panel.bottom <- + h line.list <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//g[@class='geom1_segment_vert']//line") attr.mat <- sapply(line.list, xmlAttrs) seg.bottom <- as.numeric(attr.mat["y1",]) <- as.numeric(attr.mat["y2",]) <- sum( == n.bottom <- sum(seg.bottom == panel.bottom) test_that("two y at top of panel", { expect_equal(, 2) }) test_that("two y at bottom of panel", { expect_equal(n.bottom, 2) }) ## second plot, test x values. bg.rect <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//svg[@id='plot_hor']//rect[@class='background_rect']")[[1]] attr.vec <- xmlAttrs(bg.rect) panel.left <- as.numeric(attr.vec[["x"]]) w <- as.numeric(attr.vec[["width"]]) panel.right <- panel.left + w line.list <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//g[@class='geom2_segment_hor']//line") attr.mat <- sapply(line.list, xmlAttrs) seg.left <- as.numeric(attr.mat["x1",]) seg.right <- as.numeric(attr.mat["x2",]) n.left <- sum(seg.left == panel.left) n.right <- sum(seg.right == panel.right) test_that("two x at left of panel", { expect_equal(n.left, 2) }) test_that("two x at right of panel", { expect_equal(n.right, 2) })