acontext("geom_abline") p <- qplot(wt, mpg, data = mtcars) + geom_abline(intercept = c(20, 5), slope = c(1,4)) + facet_wrap(~cyl) info <- animint2HTML(list(p = p)) tsv.file <- file.path("animint-htmltest", "geom2_abline_p_chunk1.tsv") <- read.table(tsv.file, header=TRUE, comment.char = "") test_that("columns of abline tsv", { expected.names <- sort(c("PANEL", "x", "xend", "y", "yend")) computed.names <- sort(names( expect_identical(computed.names, expected.names) }) ablines <- getNodeSet(info$html, '//svg//g[@class="geom2_abline_p"]//line') attr_ablines <- sapply(ablines, xmlAttrs) start_ends <- attr_ablines[c("x1", "x2", "y1", "y2"), ] test_that("All six ablines render", { expect_equal(length(ablines), 6) }) test_that("Start and end of ablines are not NA", { expect_true(all(start_ends != "NaN")) }) test_that("lines do not exceed ranges of plot", { expect_true(all(as.numeric(start_ends) >= 0)) })