acontext("compiler errors") test_that("aes(showSelected=var1, showSelected2=var2) is an error", { viz <- list( petals=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(Petal.Width, Petal.Length, showSelected=Species, showSelected2=Sepal.Width), data=iris) ) expect_error({ animint2dir(viz, open.browser=FALSE) }, "Use of clickSelects and showSelected as aesthetics has been deprecated. Please use as parameters") }) test_that("informative error for time option with no showSelected", { viz <- list( petals=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(Petal.Width, Petal.Length), data=iris), time=list(variable="Species", ms=3000) ) expect_error({ animint2dir(viz, open.browser=FALSE) }, "no interactive aes for time variable Species") }) test_that("no error for time option with clickSelects", { viz <- list( petals=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(Petal.Width, Petal.Length), clickSelects="Species", data=iris), time=list(variable="Species", ms=3000) ) info <- animint2dir(viz, open.browser=FALSE) expect_identical(info[["time"]][["ms"]], 3000) }) test_that("no error for time option with showSelected", { viz <- list( petals=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(Petal.Width, Petal.Length), showSelected="Species", data=iris), time=list(variable="Species", ms=3000) ) info <- animint2dir(viz, open.browser=FALSE) expect_identical(info[["time"]][["ms"]], 3000) }) test_that("no error for time option with color", { viz <- list( petals=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(Petal.Width, Petal.Length, color=Species), data=iris), time=list(variable="Species", ms=3000) ) info <- animint2dir(viz, open.browser=FALSE) expect_identical(info[["time"]][["ms"]], 3000) }) data("WorldBank", package="animint2") <- list( scatter=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(x=life.expectancy, y=fertility.rate, color=region, key=country), showSelected="year", clickSelects="country", data=WorldBank)+ geom_text(aes(x=life.expectancy, y=fertility.rate, label=country), data=WorldBank, showSelected=c("year", "country", "region"), clickSelects="country"), first=list( year=1970, country=c("Canada", "India", "Pakistan", "Japan"), region=c("North America", "South Asia")), selector.types=list(country="multiple") ) test_that("no warning for no duration vars", { expect_no_warning({ info <- animint2dir(, open.browser=FALSE) }) }) test_that("warn no key for geom_text with showSelected=duration var", { viz.duration <- viz.duration$duration <- list(year=2000) expect_warning({ info <- animint2dir(viz.duration, open.browser=FALSE) }, "to ensure that smooth transitions are interpretable, aes(key) should be specifed for geoms with showSelected=year, problem: geom2_text_scatter", fixed=TRUE) }) viz.key.duration <- list( scatter=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(x=life.expectancy, y=fertility.rate, color=region, key=country), showSelected="year", clickSelects="country", data=WorldBank)+ geom_text(aes(x=life.expectancy, y=fertility.rate, label=country, key=country), showSelected=c("year", "country", "region"), clickSelects="country", data=WorldBank), first=list( year=1970, country=c("Canada", "India", "Pakistan", "Japan"), region=c("North America", "South Asia")), selector.types=list(country="multiple"), duration=list(year=2000) ) test_that("no warning when key specified", { expect_no_warning({ info <- animint2dir(viz.key.duration, open.browser=FALSE) }) }) test_that("warning for position=stack and showSelected", { set.seed(1) df <- data.frame( letter = c(replicate(4, LETTERS[1:5])), count = c(replicate(4, rbinom(5, 50, 0.5))), stack = rep(rep(1:2, each = 5), 2), facet = rep(1:2, each = 10) ) df$key <- with(df, paste(stack, letter)) gg <- ggplot() + theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ geom_bar( aes(letter, count, fill = stack, key=key), showSelected="facet", data = df, stat = "identity", position="stack" ) complicated <- list( plot = gg, time = list(variable = "facet", ms = 1000), duration = list(facet = 1000) ) expect_warning({ animint2dir(complicated, open.browser=FALSE) }, "showSelected only works with position=identity, problem: geom1_bar_plot") }) test_that("no warning for position=stack without showSelected", { set.seed(1) df <- data.frame( letter = c(replicate(4, LETTERS[1:5])), count = c(replicate(4, rbinom(5, 50, 0.5))), stack = rep(rep(1:2, each = 5), 2), facet = rep(1:2, each = 10) ) gg <- ggplot() + theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ geom_bar( aes(letter, count, fill = stack), data = df, stat = "identity", position="stack" ) <- list( plot = gg ) expect_no_warning({ animint2dir(, open.browser=FALSE) }) }) test_that("warning for _off param without clickSelects", { viz.point1 <- list( pointone = ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(x = wt, y = mpg, colour = disp), size = 10, colour="red", alpha_off=0.6, colour_off="transparent", data = mtcars)) expect_warning({ animint2dir(viz.point1, open.browser = FALSE) }, "geom1_point_pointone has alpha_off, colour_off which is not used because this geom has no clickSelects; please specify clickSelects or remove alpha_off, colour_off") })