context("coord_train") test_that("NA's don't appear in breaks", { # Returns true if any major/minor breaks have an NA any_NA_major_minor <- function(trained) { ns <- names(trained)[grepl("(\\.major)|(\\.minor)$", names(trained))] for (n in ns) { if (!is.null(trained[n]) && any([n]))) return(TRUE) } return(FALSE) } scales <- list( x = scale_x_continuous(limits = c(1, 12)), y = scale_y_continuous(limits = c(1, 12)) ) # First have to test that scale_breaks_positions will return a vector with NA # This is a test to make sure the later tests will be useful! # It's possible that changes to the the way that breaks are calculated will # make it so that scale_break_positions will no longer give NA for range 1, 12 expect_true(any($x$break_positions())))) expect_true(any($y$break_positions())))) # Check the various types of coords to make sure they don't have NA breaks expect_false(any_NA_major_minor(coord_polar()$train(scales))) expect_false(any_NA_major_minor(coord_cartesian()$train(scales))) expect_false(any_NA_major_minor(coord_trans()$train(scales))) expect_false(any_NA_major_minor(coord_fixed()$train(scales))) expect_false(any_NA_major_minor(coord_map()$train(scales))) })