acontext("stat bin") set.seed(1) make <- function(count, stack, facet){ data.frame(count, row=1:count, stack, facet) } df <- rbind( make(2, 1, 1), make(5, 1, 1), make(3, 2, 1), make(4, 2, 1), make(2, 2, 2), make(5, 2, 2), make(3, 1, 2), make(4, 1, 2) ) test_that("error for stat=bin and showSelected", { gg <- ggplot() + theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ geom_histogram( aes(count, group=stack, fill=stack), showSelected="facet", binwidth=1, data = df, stat = "bin", position="identity" ) gg+facet_grid(facet~.) complicated <- list( plot = gg ) expect_error({ animint2HTML(complicated) }, "showSelected does not work with StatBin, problem: geom1_bar_plot") }) test_that("no warning for stat=bin without showSelected", { gg <- ggplot() + theme_bw()+ theme(panel.margin=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ geom_histogram( aes(count, group=stack, fill=stack), binwidth=1, data = df, stat = "bin", position="identity" )+ facet_grid(facet~.) complicated <- list(plot = gg) expect_no_warning({ info <- animint2HTML(complicated) }) for(panel in 1:2){ xpath <- sprintf('//g[@class="PANEL%d"]//rect', panel) style.vec <- getStyleValue(info$html, xpath, "fill") fill.counts <- table(style.vec) expect_equal(length(fill.counts), 2) } })