acontext("Text") library(animint2) data(WorldBank, package = "animint2") wb2010 <- subset(WorldBank, year==2010) subset(wb2010, population==min(population)) ### This test does not pass if we use the wb2010 data set above rather ### than the wb data set below. The problem is that the scales are ### trained before NAs are removed from the data. There are NA values ### in life.expectancy/fertility.rate for Tuvalu, but not in ### population. So Tuvalu will not be rendered on the plot, and in ### fact there will be no text element with fontsize=10! wb <- subset(wb2010, ! & ! & ! viz <- list( scatter=ggplot()+ geom_text(aes( y=fertility.rate, x=life.expectancy, label=country, size=population, colour=population, id=country), data=wb)+ scale_size_continuous(range=c(10,20))) test_that("text size range translates to ", { info <- animint2HTML(viz) expect_attrs(info$html, 'text[@class="geom"]', "font-size", c("10", "20")) }) test_that("text do not have stroke style", { info <- animint2HTML(viz) node.set <- getNodeSet(info$html, '//g[@class="geom1_text_scatter"]//text[@id="Vietnam"]') expect_no_style(node.set, "stroke") }) test_that("text may contain commas and parentheses", { info <- animint2HTML(viz) geom <- getNodeSet(info$html, '//text[@class="geom"]') txt <- sapply(geom, xmlValue) expect_true(any(grepl("\\.", txt))) expect_true(any(grepl("\\(", txt))) expect_true(any(grepl(",", txt))) }) ### Test text rotation option labs <- sapply(0:8, function (x) paste("rot", x, sep="")) angle <- sapply(0:8, function(x) x * 45) plot.vec <- data.frame( x = 0:8, y = 0:8, labs, angle ) viz.aes.angle <- list( scatter = ggplot() + geom_text( data=plot.vec, aes(x = x, y = y, label = labs, angle = angle), clickSelects = "x", size = 30 )) test_that("text rotation applies to when applied in aes", { info <- animint2HTML(viz.aes.angle) # can't use expect_attrs because the exact x and y coordinates in the # transform are not known to in advance geom <- getNodeSet(info$html, '//text[@class="geom"]') transform <- data.frame(t(sapply(geom, xmlAttrs)))$transform expect_true(any(grepl("-45", transform))) expect_true(any(grepl("-90", transform))) expect_true(any(grepl("0", transform))) }) viz.geom.angle <- list( scatter = ggplot() + geom_text( data = plot.vec, aes(x = x, y = y, label = labs), angle = 90, clickSelects = "x", size = 30 )) test_that("text rotation applies to when used in geom", { info <- animint2HTML(viz.geom.angle) # can't use expect_attrs because the exact x and y coordinates in the # transform are not known to in advance geom <- getNodeSet(info$html, '//text[@class="geom"]') transform <- data.frame(t(sapply(geom, xmlAttrs)))$transform expect_true(any(grepl("-90", transform))) })