acontext("aes(href)") color.df <- data.frame( x=c(1, 1, 2, 1, 2), university=c( "Stanford", rep("UC Berkeley", 2), rep("Oregon State", 2)), color=c("red", "blue", "gold", "orange", "black")) university.df <-$university)) names(university.df) <- c("university", "colors") test_that("clickSelects and href is an error", { viz <- list( colors=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( x, university, color=color, href=color), clickSelects="university", data=color.df)+ scale_color_identity()) expect_error({ animint2dir(viz, open.browser=FALSE) }, "clickSelects can not be used with aes(href)", fixed=TRUE) }) test_that("aes(href) becomes ", { viz <- list( universities=ggplot()+ geom_bar(aes( university, colors, id=university), clickSelects="university", data=university.df, stat="identity"), colors=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes( x, university, color=color, href=paste0("", color)), showSelected="university", data=color.df, size=5)+ scale_color_identity(), first=list(university="UC Berkeley")) info <- animint2HTML(viz) expected.links <- c( "", "") expect_links(info$html, expected.links) }) test_that("clicking updates href", { stanford.html <- clickHTML("id"="Stanford") expect_links(stanford.html, "") }) test_that("clicking updates href (again)", { osu.html <- clickHTML("id"="Oregon State") expect_links(osu.html, c("", "")) }) test_that("aes(href) works with geom_polygon", { USpolygons <- map_data("state") USpolygons$href <- paste0("", USpolygons$region) viz.href <- list( map=ggplot()+ ggtitle("click a state to read its Wikipedia page")+ coord_equal()+ geom_polygon( aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group, href=href), data=USpolygons, fill="black", colour="grey") ) info <- animint2HTML(viz.href) (expected.vec <- unique(USpolygons$href)) expect_links(info$html, expected.vec) })