acontext("global variables") viz <- list(scatter=ggplot()+ geom_point(aes(y=Petal.Length, x=Sepal.Length, color=Species), showSelected="Species", data=iris)) myScript <- 'myArray = []; for(var b in window) { if(window.hasOwnProperty(b)) {myArray.push(b);} } return myArray;' getVariables <- function(){ vars <- remDr$executeScript(myScript) # ignore the "plot" variable -- # # also ignore jQuery1238915281937 variable: grep("plot|jQuery", vars, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE) } test_that("animint.js only defines 1 object, called animint", { info <- animint2HTML(viz) animint.vars <- getVariables() index.file <- file.path("animint-htmltest", "index.html") html.lines <- readLines(index.file) html.without <- html.lines[!grepl("animint.js", html.lines)] cat(html.without, file=index.file, sep="\n") # Note: It's OK for the webdriver to spit out # ReferenceError: Can't find variable: animint # since we've removed the animint.js script remDr$refresh() without.vars <- getVariables() diff.vars <- animint.vars[!animint.vars %in% without.vars] print(diff.vars) expect_identical(diff.vars, "animint") })