acontext('facet_grid(space="free")') no.panels <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + geom_point(colour='grey50', size = 4) + geom_point(aes(colour = cyl)) viz <- list(freeBoth = no.panels + facet_grid(.~am, space = "free", scales = "free", labeller=label_both), freeScale = no.panels + facet_grid(.~am, scales="free", labeller=label_both), fixed = no.panels + facet_grid(.~am, labeller=label_both)) info <- animint2HTML(viz) ## For some reason the "space between panels" tests only work on ## travis/wercker if the rect class is "background_rect". Not ## "border_rect"! Even though they both should appear, only ## background_rect appears on travis/wercker... is this because we ## don't wait long enough before calling getHTML()? panel.rect.xpath.tmp <- '//svg[@id="plot_%s"]//rect[@class="background_rect"]' test_that("some horizontal space between panels", { for( in names(viz)){ xpath <- sprintf(panel.rect.xpath.tmp, rect.list <- getNodeSet(info$html, xpath) expect_equal(length(rect.list), 2) first <- xmlAttrs(rect.list[[1]]) first.left <- as.numeric(first[["x"]]) first.right <- first.left+as.numeric(first[["width"]]) second <- xmlAttrs(rect.list[[2]]) second.left <- as.numeric(second[["x"]]) second.right <- second.left+as.numeric(second[["width"]]) expect_lt(first.right, second.left) ## Also make sure the xtitle is placed in the middle of the ## plotting region. xpath <- sprintf('//svg[@id="plot_%s"]//text[@class="xtitle"]', text.list <- getNodeSet(info$html, xpath) expect_equal(length(text.list), 1) transform.str <- xmlAttrs(text.list[[1]])[["transform"]] transform.mat <- str_match_perl(transform.str, translatePattern) xtitle.x.computed <- as.numeric(transform.mat[, "x"]) xtitle.x.expected <- (first.left + second.right)/2 expect_equal(xtitle.x.computed, xtitle.x.expected) } }) test_that("each plot has two x axes and 1 y axis", { for( in names(viz)){ svg.xpath <- sprintf("//svg[@id='plot_%s']", x.xpath <- paste0(svg.xpath, "//g[contains(@class, 'xaxis')]") x.axes <- getNodeSet(info$html, x.xpath) y.xpath <- paste0(svg.xpath, "//g[contains(@class, 'yaxis')]") y.axes <- getNodeSet(info$html, y.xpath) expect_equal(length(y.axes), 1) } }) test_that("top strips present in each plot", { for( in names(viz)){ xpath <- sprintf( "//svg[@id='plot_%s']//g[@class='topStrip']//text", strip.text <- getNodeSet(info$html, xpath) expect_equal(length(strip.text), 2) text.values <- sapply(strip.text, xmlValue) expect_identical(text.values, c("am: 0", "am: 1")) } }) test_that("pixels between 15 and 20 is constant or variable", { ## scale="fixed" means the distance between ticks 15 and 20 should ## be the same across the 2 panels. x.axes <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//svg[@id='plot_fixed']//g[contains(@class, 'xaxis')]") expect_equal(length(x.axes), 2) xdiff <- lapply(x.axes, getTickDiff) expect_true(both.equal(xdiff)) ## scale="free" means the distance between ticks 15 and 20 should ## be different across the 2 panels. x.axes <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//svg[@id='plot_freeScale']//g[contains(@class, 'xaxis')]") expect_equal(length(x.axes), 2) xdiff <- lapply(x.axes, getTickDiff) expect_true(!both.equal(xdiff)) ## scale="free" and space="free" means the distance between ticks 15 ## and 20 should be the same across the 2 panels. x.axes <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//svg[@id='plot_freeBoth']//g[contains(@class, 'xaxis')]") expect_equal(length(x.axes), 2) xdiff <- lapply(x.axes, getTickDiff) expect_true(both.equal(xdiff)) }) test_that("width_proportion is constant or variable", { expect_true(both.equal(info$plots$fixed$layout$width_proportion)) expect_true(both.equal(info$plots$freeScale$layout$width_proportion)) expect_true(!both.equal(info$plots$freeBoth$layout$width_proportion)) }) no.panels <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) + geom_point(colour='grey50', size = 4) + geom_point(aes(colour = cyl)) viz <- list(freeBoth = no.panels + facet_grid(am ~ ., space = "free", scales = "free", labeller=label_both), freeScale = no.panels + facet_grid(am ~ ., scales="free", labeller=label_both), fixed = no.panels + facet_grid(am ~ ., labeller=label_both)) info <- animint2HTML(viz) test_that("some vertical space between panels", { for( in names(viz)){ xpath <- sprintf(panel.rect.xpath.tmp, rect.list <- getNodeSet(info$html, xpath) expect_equal(length(rect.list), 2) first <- xmlAttrs(rect.list[[1]]) <- as.numeric(first[["y"]]) first.bottom <-[["height"]]) second <- xmlAttrs(rect.list[[2]]) <- as.numeric(second[["y"]]) second.bottom <-[["height"]]) expect_lt(first.bottom, ## Also check that ytitle is placed in the middle of the plotting ## region. xpath <- sprintf('//svg[@id="plot_%s"]//text[@class="ytitle"]', text.list <- getNodeSet(info$html, xpath) expect_equal(length(text.list), 1) transform.str <- xmlAttrs(text.list[[1]])[["transform"]] transform.mat <- str_match_perl(transform.str, translatePattern) ytitle.y.computed <- as.numeric(transform.mat[, "y"]) ytitle.y.expected <- ( + second.bottom)/2 expect_equal(ytitle.y.computed, ytitle.y.expected) } }) test_that("right strips present in each plot", { for( in names(viz)){ xpath <- sprintf( "//svg[@id='plot_%s']//g[@class='rightStrip']//text", strip.text <- getNodeSet(info$html, xpath) expect_equal(length(strip.text), 2) text.values <- sapply(strip.text, xmlValue) expect_identical(text.values, c("am: 0", "am: 1")) } }) test_that("y pixels between 15 and 20 is constant or variable", { ## scale="fixed" means the distance between ticks 15 and 20 should ## be the same across the 2 panels. y.axes <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//svg[@id='plot_fixed']//g[contains(@class, 'yaxis')]") expect_equal(length(y.axes), 2) ydiff <- lapply(y.axes, getTickDiff, axis="y") expect_true(both.equal(ydiff)) ## scale="free" means the distance between ticks 15 and 20 should ## be different across the 2 panels. y.axes <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//svg[@id='plot_freeScale']//g[contains(@class, 'yaxis')]") expect_equal(length(y.axes), 2) ydiff <- lapply(y.axes, getTickDiff, axis="y") expect_true(!both.equal(ydiff)) ## scale="free" and space="free" means the distance between ticks 15 ## and 20 should be the same across the 2 panels. y.axes <- getNodeSet( info$html, "//svg[@id='plot_freeBoth']//g[contains(@class, 'yaxis')]") expect_equal(length(y.axes), 2) ydiff <- lapply(y.axes, getTickDiff, axis="y") expect_true(both.equal(ydiff)) }) test_that("height_proportion is constant or variable", { expect_true(both.equal(info$plots$fixed$layout$height_proportion)) expect_true(both.equal(info$plots$freeScale$layout$height_proportion)) expect_true(!both.equal(info$plots$freeBoth$layout$height_proportion)) })