test_that("must be a package", { create_local_project() expect_error( setup_docs(tool = "docute", path = getwd()), "only works in packages" ) }) test_that("setup_docs doesn't automatically overwrite", { create_local_package() setup_docs(tool = "docute", path = getwd()) expect_error( setup_docs("docsify", path = getwd()), "already exists" ) }) test_that("setup_docs errors if missing tool", { create_local_package() expect_error( setup_docs(path = getwd()), "argument must be \"docsify\", \"docute\"" ) }) test_that("overwrite=TRUE works: docute", { create_local_package() setup_docs(tool = "docute", path = getwd()) cat("Cruft", file = "altdoc/docute.html", append = TRUE) txt <- readLines("altdoc/docute.html", warn = FALSE) expect_true("Cruft" %in% txt) setup_docs(tool = "docute", path = getwd(), overwrite = TRUE) txt <- readLines("altdoc/docute.html", warn = FALSE) expect_false("Cruft" %in% txt) }) test_that("overwrite=TRUE works: docsify", { create_local_package() setup_docs(tool = "docsify", path = getwd()) cat("Cruft", file = "altdoc/docsify.html", append = TRUE) txt <- readLines("altdoc/docsify.html", warn = FALSE) expect_true("Cruft" %in% txt) setup_docs(tool = "docsify", path = getwd(), overwrite = TRUE) txt <- readLines("altdoc/docsify.html", warn = FALSE) expect_false("Cruft" %in% txt) }) test_that("overwrite=TRUE works: mkdocs", { skip_if_not(.venv_exists()) create_local_package() setup_docs(tool = "mkdocs", path = getwd()) cat("Cruft", file = "altdoc/mkdocs.yml", append = TRUE) txt <- readLines("altdoc/mkdocs.yml", warn = FALSE) expect_true("Cruft" %in% txt) setup_docs(tool = "mkdocs", path = getwd(), overwrite = TRUE) txt <- readLines("altdoc/mkdocs.yml", warn = FALSE) expect_false("Cruft" %in% txt) }) test_that("quarto: README.qmd", { create_local_package() expect_false(file.exists("README.qmd")) setup_docs("quarto_website", overwrite = TRUE) expect_false(file.exists("README.qmd")) })