test_that("docute: main files are correct", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(.is_windows() && .on_ci(), "Windows on CI") ### setup: create a temp package using the structure of testpkg.altdoc path_to_example_pkg <- fs::path_abs(test_path("examples/testpkg.altdoc")) create_local_project() fs::dir_delete("R") fs::dir_copy(path_to_example_pkg, ".") all_files <- list.files("testpkg.altdoc", full.names = TRUE) for (i in all_files) { fs::file_move(i, ".") } fs::dir_delete("testpkg.altdoc") ### generate docs install.packages(".", repos = NULL, type = "source") setup_docs("docute") render_docs(verbose = .on_ci()) ### test expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/README.md"), variant = "docute") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/docute.html"), variant = "docute") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/NEWS.md"), variant = "docute") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/man/hello_base.md"), variant = "docute") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/man/hello_r6.md"), variant = "docute") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/vignettes/test.md"), variant = "docute") }) test_that("docsify: main files are correct", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(.is_windows() && .on_ci(), "Windows on CI") ### setup: create a temp package using the structure of testpkg.altdoc path_to_example_pkg <- fs::path_abs(test_path("examples/testpkg.altdoc")) create_local_project() fs::dir_delete("R") fs::dir_copy(path_to_example_pkg, ".") all_files <- list.files("testpkg.altdoc", full.names = TRUE) for (i in all_files) { fs::file_move(i, ".") } fs::dir_delete("testpkg.altdoc") ### generate docs install.packages(".", repos = NULL, type = "source") setup_docs("docsify") render_docs(verbose = .on_ci()) ### test expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/README.md"), variant = "docsify") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/_sidebar.md"), variant = "docsify") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/index.html"), variant = "docsify") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/NEWS.md"), variant = "docsify") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/man/hello_base.md"), variant = "docsify") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/man/hello_r6.md"), variant = "docsify") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/vignettes/test.md"), variant = "docsify") }) test_that("mkdocs: main files are correct", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() # we download mkdocs every time skip_if(.is_windows() && .on_ci(), "Windows on CI") ### setup: create a temp package using the structure of testpkg.altdoc path_to_example_pkg <- fs::path_abs(test_path("examples/testpkg.altdoc")) create_local_project() fs::dir_delete("R") fs::dir_copy(path_to_example_pkg, ".") all_files <- list.files("testpkg.altdoc", full.names = TRUE) for (i in all_files) { fs::file_move(i, ".") } fs::dir_delete("testpkg.altdoc") ### special mkdocs stuff if (.is_windows()) { shell("python3 -m venv .venv_altdoc") shell(".venv_altdoc\\Scripts\\activate.bat && python3 -m pip install mkdocs --quiet") } else { system2("python3", "-m venv .venv_altdoc") system2("bash", "-c 'source .venv_altdoc/bin/activate && python3 -m pip install mkdocs --quiet'", stdout = FALSE) } ### generate docs install.packages(".", repos = NULL, type = "source") setup_docs("mkdocs") render_docs(verbose = .on_ci()) ### test # no good way to test the site structure ("docs/mkdocs.yml" only shows # the old yaml, not the one with replaced variables) expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/NEWS.md"), variant = "mkdocs") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/man/hello_base.md"), variant = "mkdocs") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/man/hello_r6.md"), variant = "mkdocs") expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/vignettes/test.md"), variant = "mkdocs") }) test_that("quarto: no error for basic workflow", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(.is_windows() && .on_ci(), "Windows on CI") ### setup: create a temp package using the structure of testpkg.altdoc path_to_example_pkg <- fs::path_abs(test_path("examples/testpkg.altdoc")) create_local_project() fs::dir_delete("R") fs::dir_copy(path_to_example_pkg, ".") all_files <- list.files("testpkg.altdoc", full.names = TRUE) for (i in all_files) { fs::file_move(i, ".") } fs::dir_delete("testpkg.altdoc") ### generate docs install.packages(".", repos = NULL, type = "source") fs::file_move("README.Rmd", "README.qmd") # special thing quarto setup_docs("quarto_website") expect_no_error(render_docs(verbose = .on_ci())) ### Quarto output changes depending on the version, I don't have a solution for ### now. ### test # expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/index.html")) # expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/NEWS.html")) # expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/man/hello_base.html")) # expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/man/hello_r6.html")) # expect_snapshot(.readlines("docs/vignettes/test.html")) }) # Test failures ------------------------------ test_that("render_docs errors if vignettes fail", { create_local_package() fs::dir_create("vignettes") cat("# Get Started\n```{r}\n1 +\n```\n", file = "vignettes/foo.Rmd") setup_docs("docute", path = getwd()) expect_error( render_docs(path = getwd()), "some failures when rendering vignettes" ) }) test_that("render_docs errors if man fail", { create_local_package() fs::dir_create("man") cat("\\name{hi}\n\\title{hi}\n\\usage{\nhi()\n}\n\\examples{\n1 +\n}\n", file = "man/foo.Rd") setup_docs("docute", path = getwd()) expect_error( render_docs(path = getwd()), "some failures when rendering man pages" ) })