test_that(".rd2qmd works", { # .rd2qmd works only in pkg directory rd_file <- fs::path_abs(testthat::test_path("examples/examples-man/between.Rd")) create_local_package() fs::file_copy(rd_file, ".") fs::dir_create("docs") .rd2qmd(rd_file, "docs", path = ".") qmd_file <- fs::path_join(c("docs", "between.qmd")) expect_true(fs::file_exists(qmd_file)) content <- .readlines(qmd_file) h3 <- grep("^### ", content, value = TRUE) expect_equal( h3, c("### Description", "### Usage", "### Arguments") ) h2 <- grep("^## ", content, value = TRUE) expect_equal(h2, "## Do values in a numeric vector fall in specified range? {.unnumbered}") }) test_that(".rd2qmd: basic errors", { expect_error( .rd2qmd("foo"), "must be a valid file path" ) expect_error( .rd2qmd(testthat::test_path("examples/examples-man/between.Rd"), "foo", path = "."), "must be a valid directory" ) })