R Under development (unstable) (2024-02-20 r85959 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(altdoc) > > test_check("altdoc") v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a054305c4d' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0258e2943' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0373a7335' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a01c13401' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a01a7e5fca' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Leaving 'README.md' unchanged * Update 'README.md' to include installation instructions. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0745566d0' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Leaving 'README.md' unchanged * Update 'README.md' to include installation instructions. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a042aeea4' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a03be447c8' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a055415bf8' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0419d2c51' v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a01ae84a01' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i Found 1 vignette to convert. \ Converting vignette 1/1: foo.Rmd | Converting vignette 1/1: foo.Rmd v Converting vignette 1/1: foo.Rmd [3.7s] x 0The conversion failed for the following vignettes: * 'foo.Rmd' v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0447c1b92' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i Found 1 man page to convert. \ Converting function reference 1/1: foo | Converting function reference 1/1: foo v Converting function reference 1/1: foo [3s] x The conversion failed for the following man pages: * 'foo' -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a054468cc' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a07d0674a5' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testproj210a01460bbc' v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a06a0f2f40' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0735950c2' v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0567960e2' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0781831dc' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a04f3d3163' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a075951d38' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v '.github/workflows/altdoc.yaml' created. v Added `altdoc` in Suggests. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a011bf4be5' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Leaving 'README.md' unchanged * Update 'README.md' to include installation instructions. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0492d6041' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. v Leaving 'README.md' unchanged * Update 'README.md' to include installation instructions. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a01671e3a' v Writing 'NEWS.md' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'NEWS' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'NEWS' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0714866f7' v Writing 'NEWS.md' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'NEWS' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'NEWS' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0310471a4' v Writing 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md' v Adding '^CODE_OF_CONDUCT\\.md$' to '.Rbuildignore' * You may also want to describe the code of conduct in your README: ## Code of Conduct Please note that the testpkg210a0310471a4 project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](https://contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html). By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms. i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a013004137' v Writing 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md' v Adding '^CODE_OF_CONDUCT\\.md$' to '.Rbuildignore' * You may also want to describe the code of conduct in your README: ## Code of Conduct Please note that the testpkg210a013004137 project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](https://contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html). By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms. i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0620968e2' v Adding 'MIT + file LICENSE' to License v Writing 'LICENSE' v Writing 'LICENSE.md' v Adding '^LICENSE\\.md$' to '.Rbuildignore' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'LICENSE' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'LICENSE' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a064f33da0' v Adding 'MIT + file LICENSE' to License v Writing 'LICENSE' v Writing 'LICENSE.md' v Adding '^LICENSE\\.md$' to '.Rbuildignore' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'LICENSE' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'LICENSE' imported. v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No vignettes to convert. -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a03d6e5cd1' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i Found 1 vignette to convert. \ Converting vignette 1/1: basic.Rmd | Converting vignette 1/1: basic.Rmd v Converting vignette 1/1: basic.Rmd [3.2s] -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i Found 2 vignettes to convert. \ Converting vignette 1/2: basic.Rmd | Converting vignette 1/2: basic.Rmd v Converting vignette 1/2: basic.Rmd [2.7s] \ Converting vignette 2/2: several-outputs.Rmd | Converting vignette 2/2: several-outputs.Rmd v Converting vignette 2/2: several-outputs.Rmd [3.5s] -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a02d324f8' i Creating `altdoc/` directory. i Creating `docs/` directory. i Adding ^docs$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding ^altdoc$ to .Rbuildignore i Adding altdoc/freeze.rds to .gitignore i Importing default settings file(s) to `altdoc/` i README.md is mandatory. `altdoc` created a dummy README file in the package directory. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i Found 1 vignette to convert. \ Converting vignette 1/1: basic.Rmd | Converting vignette 1/1: basic.Rmd v Converting vignette 1/1: basic.Rmd [3.3s] -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. -- Basic files ----------------------------------------------------------------- v 'README' imported. -- Man pages ------------------------------------------------------------------- i No man pages to convert. -- Vignettes ------------------------------------------------------------------- i Found 2 vignettes to convert. \ Converting vignette 1/2: basic.Rmd | Converting vignette 1/2: basic.Rmd v Converting vignette 1/2: basic.Rmd [3.3s] \ Converting vignette 2/2: several-outputs.Rmd | Converting vignette 2/2: several-outputs.Rmd v Converting vignette 2/2: several-outputs.Rmd [2.8s] -- Update HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- v HTML updated. -- Complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- v Documentation updated. v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a07bcc7e19' v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a0741175fe' v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a065876dac' v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a043ac174e' v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a05dac38ea' v Setting active project to '' v Setting active project to 'D:/temp/RtmpcXCw69/testpkg210a053ed418' v Setting active project to '' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 7 | PASS 63 ] ══ Skipped tests (7) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • .venv_exists() is not TRUE (2): 'test-setup_docs.R:49:5', 'test-setup_github_actions.R:23:3' • On CRAN (4): 'test-render_docs.R:2:3', 'test-render_docs.R:33:3', 'test-render_docs.R:65:3', 'test-render_docs.R:106:3' • tool == "mkdocs" && !.venv_exists() is TRUE (1): 'test-parallel.R:3:5' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 7 | PASS 63 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 11.64 2.12 46.92