test_that("get_variable_def returns correct defintion", { my_var <- "hst" matches <- get_variable_def("hst") expect_true(all(startsWith(matches$search_str, "hst"))) exact_match <- get_variable_def("hst", return_exact_only = TRUE) expect_true(nrow(exact_match) == 1 & exact_match$search_str == "hst") }) test_that("get_variable_def returns correct defintion with suffix", { my_var <- "bt_p" matches <- get_variable_def(my_var) expect_equal(matches$description, "tree biomass (plot-level)") }) test_that("get_variable_def returns correct defintion with prefix", { my_var <- "i_bt" matches <- get_variable_def(my_var) expect_equal(matches$description, "tree biomass (increment)") }) test_that("get_variable_def returns correct defintion with prefix and suffix", { my_var <- "i_bt_p" matches <- get_variable_def(my_var) expect_equal(matches$description, "tree biomass (plot-level increment)") }) test_that("prepare_var_defs returns a list equal to the length of the number of measures", { n_measures <- nrow(measure_defs) var_defs <- prepare_var_defs(var_defs_pre, measure_defs, component_defs) expect_equal(length(var_defs), n_measures) }) test_that("get_measure_defs returns a non-empty dataframe", { measure_defs_ <- get_measure_defs() expect_true(is.data.frame(measure_defs_)) expect_true(nrow(measure_defs) > 0) }) test_that("matched model type returns correct value", { matched_type <- get_model_type("dsoh") expect_equal("taper", matched_type) })