fixed_effects_model <- FixedEffectsModel( response = list( vsia = units::as_units("ft^3") ), covariates = list( dsob = units::as_units("in") ), parameters = list( a = 1 ), predict_fn = function(dsob) { intermediate <- dsob + 1 a * dsob^2 } ) test_that("a tibble can make a model_tbl", { expect_s3_class(new_model_tbl( tibble::tibble(a=1) ), "model_tbl") }) model_tbl_good <- new_model_tbl( tibble::tibble( model = list(fixed_effects_model), country = "test", id = 'this_id' ) ) model_tbl_bad <- new_model_tbl( tibble::tibble( bad = list(fixed_effects_model) ) ) test_that("model_tbl can reconstruct if model column", { expect_true(model_tbl_can_reconstruct(model_tbl_good)) }) test_that("model_tbl cannot reconstruct if no model column", { expect_false(model_tbl_can_reconstruct(model_tbl_bad)) }) test_that("df_reconstruct creates a new data.frame with new attributes", { test_df <- data.frame(a=1) test_to <- data.frame(b=1) expect_error(df_reconstruct(test_df, test_to), NA) }) test_that("new_bare_tibble runs", { expect_error(new_bare_tibble(model_tbl_good), NA) }) test_that("model_tbl_reconstruct returns model_tbl for good model_tbl", { expect_s3_class(model_tbl_reconstruct(model_tbl_good, model_tbl_good), "model_tbl") }) test_that("model_tbl_reconstruct returns tibble for bad model_tbl", { expect_s3_class(model_tbl_reconstruct(model_tbl_bad, model_tbl_bad), "tbl_df") }) test_that("indexing returns model_tbl", { expect_s3_class(model_tbl_good[1,], "model_tbl") }) test_that("modifying names model_tbl", { names(model_tbl_good) <- c("model", "test", "id") expect_s3_class(model_tbl_good, "model_tbl") }) test_that("select_model returns model", { mod_ix <- select_model(model_tbl_good, 1) mod_id <- select_model(model_tbl_good, "this_id") expect_s4_class(mod_ix, "FixedEffectsModel") expect_s4_class(mod_id, "FixedEffectsModel") }) test_that("predict_allo produces predictions", { test_model_tbl <- new_model_tbl( tibble::tibble(models = c(fixed_effects_model), dsob = 1) ) out <- predict_allo(test_model_tbl$models, test_model_tbl$dsob) val <- 1 units(val) <- "ft^3" expect_equal(out, val) }) test_that("merging with model_tbl returns model_tbl", { test_model_tbl <- new_model_tbl( tibble::tibble(model = c(fixed_effects_model), dsob = 1, class = "a") ) merge_table <- data.frame(class = "a") merged_test_model_tbl <- merge(test_model_tbl, merge_table, by = "class") expect_s3_class(merged_test_model_tbl, "model_tbl") }) test_that("expand_taxa correctly expands the taxa column", { test_model_tbl_one <- new_model_tbl( tibble::tibble(model = c(fixed_effects_model), dsob = 1, class = "a") ) test_model_tbl_one$taxa <- list( Taxa(Taxon(family = "Pinaceae"), Taxon(family = "Betulaceae")) ) expanded_one <- unnest_taxa(test_model_tbl_one) expect_true(nrow(expanded_one) == 2) expect_true( expanded_one$family[[1]] == "Pinaceae" && expanded_one$family[[2]] == "Betulaceae" ) test_model_tbl_na <- new_model_tbl( tibble::tibble(model = c(fixed_effects_model), dsob = 1, class = "a") ) test_model_tbl_na$taxa <- list( Taxa() ) expanded_na <- unnest_taxa(test_model_tbl_na) expect_true(nrow(expanded_na) == 1) expect_true($family)) test_model_tbl_two <- dplyr::bind_rows( test_model_tbl_one, test_model_tbl_one ) expanded_two <- test_model_tbl_two %>% unnest_taxa() expect_true(nrow(expanded_two) == 4) })