context("plot") # -------- ## data.frame of observed data data(L0123001, package = "airGR") BasinObs2 <- BasinObs[, c("DatesR", "P", "E", "Qmm", "T")] ## Preparation of observed data for an ungauged catchment (i.e. no observed discharge available) PREP <- PrepGR(DatesR = BasinObs2$DatesR, Precip = BasinObs2$P, PotEvap = BasinObs2$E, Qobs = NA, HydroModel = "GR4J", CemaNeige = FALSE) ## Simulation step using model parameter set by the user SIM <- SimGR(PrepGR = PREP, Param = c(270.426, 0.984, 108.853, 2.149), EffCrit = "KGE2", WupPer = NULL, SimPer = c("1994-01-01", "1998-12-31")) # -------- # temporarily needed for the functions used below local_edition(3) # ---- test_that("No 'Error' graphic produced beacause no 'Qobs'", { expect_snapshot_error(plot(SIM, which = "Error")) }) # ---- test_that("No 'CorQQ' graphic produced beacause no 'Qobs'", { expect_snapshot_error(plot(SIM, which = "CorQQ")) }) # ---- test_that("No 'Error' and 'CorQQ' graphic produced beacause no 'Qobs'", { expect_snapshot_error(plot(SIM, which = c("Error", "CorQQ"))) }) # ---- test_that("No 'Error' graphic produced beacause no 'Qobs'", { expect_snapshot_warning(plot(SIM, which = c("Error", "Flows"))) }) # ----