#' Set up a data sample for Cemaneige tests #' #' A basin of 3 nodes with 2 identical upstream basins and a nul area downstream basin with a lag of 0 time step #' #' @return [list] with: #' - `BasinInfo` #' - `griwrm` #' - `Precip` #' - `TempMean` #' - `PotEvap` #' - `Qobs` #' - `HypsoData` #' @noRd #' #' @examples setUpCemaNeigeData <- function() { data(L0123001, package = "airGR", envir = environment()) # Formatting observations for the hydrological models # Each input data should be a matrix or a data.frame with the good id in the name of the column ids <- c("Up1", "Up2", "Down") l <- lapply(c("P", "T", "E", "Qmm"), function(x) { m <- matrix(data = rep(BasinObs[[x]], 3), ncol = 3) colnames(m) <- ids return(m) }) l$DatesR <- BasinObs$DatesR names(l) <- c("Precip", "TempMean", "PotEvap", "Qobs") l$HypsoData <- matrix(data = rep(BasinInfo$HypsoData, 3), ncol = 3) colnames(l$HypsoData) <- ids l$ZInputs <- rep(BasinInfo$HypsoData[51], 3) names(l$ZInputs) <- ids db <- data.frame(id = ids, length = c(0, 0, NA), down = c("Down", "Down", NA), area = c(rep(BasinInfo$BasinArea, 2), BasinInfo$BasinArea * 2), model = rep("RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J", 3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Create GRiwrm object from the data.frame l$griwrm <- CreateGRiwrm(db) l$DatesR <- BasinObs$DatesR return(l) }