# Copyright © 2022 University of Kansas. All rights reserved. # # Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) testthat::test_that("Check that data can be read into agcounts using each agread method", { file <- system.file("extdata/example.gt3x", package = "agcounts") expect_error(agread(path = file, parser = "no parser")) if(py_available()){ if(py_module_available("pygt3x")){ pygt3x <- agread(path = file, parser = "pygt3x", verbose = FALSE) expect_equal(nrow(pygt3x), 18000) expect_equal(ncol(pygt3x), 4) } } invisible(capture.output(ggir <- agread(path = file, parser = "GGIR", verbose = FALSE))) expect_equal(nrow(ggir), 18000) expect_equal(ncol(ggir), 4) invisible(capture.output(rawData <- agread(path = file, parser = "read.gt3x", verbose = FALSE))) expect_equal(nrow(rawData), 18000) expect_equal(ncol(rawData), 4) raw <- read.gt3x(path = file, asDataFrame = TRUE) sf <- .get_frequency(raw) invisible(capture.output(agcalibrated <- agcalibrate(raw))) expect_equal(nrow(agcalibrated), 18001) # Looks like agcalibrate produces 1 additional row of data expect_equal(ncol(agcalibrated), 4) class(raw) <- "data.frame" raw[91:180, c("X", "Y", "Z")] <- 0 expect_error(agcalibrate(raw)) })