# assert_filter_cond ---- ## Test 1: `assert_filter_cond` works as expected ---- test_that("assert_filter_cond Test 1: `assert_filter_cond` works as expected", { fc <- expr(AGE == 64) expect_identical( assert_filter_cond(fc), fc ) expect_identical( assert_filter_cond(arg = fc, optional = TRUE), fc ) fc <- expr("string") expect_error( assert_filter_cond(arg = fc), class = "assert_filter_cond" ) expect_snapshot( assert_filter_cond(arg = fc), error = TRUE ) vals <- c("A", "B") fc <- expr(VAR %in% !!vals) expect_identical( assert_filter_cond(arg = fc), fc ) }) # assert_data_frame ---- ## Test 2: error if not a dataframe ---- test_that("assert_data_frame Test 2: error if not a dataframe", { example_fun <- function(dataset) { assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID)) } expect_error( example_fun(c(1, 2, 3)), class = "assert_data_frame" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(c(1, 2, 3)), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 3: assert_data_frame extract_vars() works as intended ---- test_that("assert_data_frame Test 3: assert_data_frame extract_vars() works as intended", { input <- dplyr::tribble( ~STUDYID, ~USUBJID, ~SEQ, "A", "1", 1, "A", "2", 2, "A", "3", 3, ) example_fun <- function(dataset, order) { assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = expr_c( exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID), extract_vars(order) )) } expect_invisible(example_fun(input, order = exprs(SEQ))) }) ## Test 4: assert_data_frame works if extract_vars() has NULL input ---- test_that("assert_data_frame Test 4: assert_data_frame works if extract_vars() has NULL input", { input <- dplyr::tribble( ~STUDYID, ~USUBJID, ~SEQ, "A", "1", 1, "A", "2", 2, "A", "3", 3, ) example_fun <- function(dataset, order = NULL) { assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = expr_c( exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID), extract_vars(order) )) } expect_invisible(example_fun(input)) }) ## Test 5: error if dataframe is grouped ---- test_that("assert_data_frame Test 5: error if dataframe is grouped", { example_fun <- function(dataset) { assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID)) } data <- dplyr::tribble( ~STUDYID, ~USUBJID, ~ARMCD, "xyz", "1", "PLACEBO", "xyz", "2", "ACTIVE" ) %>% group_by(ARMCD) expect_error( example_fun(data), class = "assert_data_frame" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(data), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 6: error if an expected variable is missing ---- test_that("assert_data_frame Test 6: error if an expected variable is missing", { example_fun <- function(dataset) { assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID)) } data <- dplyr::tribble( ~STUDYID, ~ARMCD, "xyz", "PLACEBO", "xyz", "ACTIVE" ) expect_error( example_fun(data), class = "assert_data_frame" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(data), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 7: error if expected variables are missing ---- test_that("assert_data_frame Test 7: error if expected variables are missing", { example_fun <- function(dataset) { assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID)) } data <- dplyr::tribble( ~ARMCD, "PLACEBO", "ACTIVE" ) expect_error( example_fun(data), class = "assert_data_frame" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(data), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 8: no error if optional is TRUE and `arg` is NULL ---- test_that("assert_data_frame Test 8: no error if optional is TRUE and `arg` is NULL", { example_fun <- function(dataset) { assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID), optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun(NULL) ) }) ## Test 9: error if required variables are missing ---- test_that("assert_data_frame Test 9: error if required variables are missing", { example_fun <- function(dataset) { assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID)) } admiral_dm <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID2, "01-701-1015", "01-701-1016", ) expect_error( example_fun(admiral_dm) ) }) ## Test 10: error if required variable is missing ---- test_that("assert_data_frame Test 10: error if required variable is missing", { example_fun <- function(dataset) { assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID)) } admiral_dm <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID, "01-701-1015", "01-701-1016", ) expect_error( example_fun(admiral_dm) ) }) # assert_character_scalar ---- ## Test 11: no error if optional is TRUE and `arg` is NULL ---- test_that("assert_character_scalar Test 11: no error if optional is TRUE and `arg` is NULL", { example_fun <- function(character) { assert_character_scalar(character, optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun(NULL) ) }) ## Test 12: no error, case_sensitive = FALSE ---- test_that("assert_character_scalar Test 12: no error, case_sensitive = FALSE", { example_fun <- function(character) { assert_character_scalar(character, values = c("test"), case_sensitive = FALSE) } out <- expect_invisible(example_fun(character = "TEST")) expect_equal(out, "test") check_unit <- function(duration_unit) { assert_character_scalar( duration_unit, values = c("years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"), case_sensitive = FALSE ) } out <- expect_invisible(check_unit("months")) expect_equal(out, "months") out <- expect_invisible(check_unit("MONTHS")) expect_equal(out, "months") check_unit2 <- function(duration_unit) { assert_character_scalar( duration_unit, values = c("YEARS", "MONTHS", "WEEKS", "DAYS", "HOURS", "MINUTES", "SECONDS"), case_sensitive = FALSE ) } out <- expect_invisible(check_unit2("months")) expect_equal(out, "months") out <- expect_invisible(check_unit2("MONTHS")) expect_equal(out, "months") }) ## Test 13: error if `arg` not in values ---- test_that("assert_character_scalar Test 13: error if `arg` not in values", { check_unit <- function(duration_unit) { assert_character_scalar( duration_unit, values = c("years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"), case_sensitive = FALSE ) } expect_error( check_unit("month"), class = "assert_character_scalar" ) expect_snapshot(check_unit("month"), error = TRUE) check_unit2 <- function(duration_unit) { assert_character_scalar( duration_unit, values = c("YEARS", "MONTHS", "WEEKS", "DAYS", "HOURS", "MINUTES", "SECONDS"), case_sensitive = FALSE ) } expect_error( check_unit2("month"), class = "assert_character_scalar" ) expect_snapshot(check_unit2("month"), error = TRUE) }) ## Test 14: error if not character ---- test_that("assert_character_scalar Test 14: error if not character", { example_fun2 <- function(msg_type) { msg_type <- assert_character_scalar(msg_type, values = c("warning", "error"), case_sensitive = FALSE ) if (msg_type == "warning") { print("A warning was requested.") } } expect_error( example_fun2(2), class = "assert_character_scalar" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun2(2), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 15: error if input is a vector ---- test_that("assert_character_scalar Test 15: error if input is a vector", { example_fun2 <- function(msg_type) { msg_type <- assert_character_scalar(msg_type, values = c("warning", "error"), case_sensitive = FALSE ) if (msg_type == "warning") { print("A warning was requested.") } } expect_error( example_fun2(c("admiral", "admiralonco")), class = "assert_character_scalar" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun2(c("admiral", "admiralonco")), error = TRUE ) }) # assert_character_vector ---- ## Test 16: error if `arg` not a character vector ---- test_that("assert_character_vector Test 16: error if `arg` not a character vector", { arg <- c(1, 2, 3) expect_error( assert_character_vector(arg), class = "assert_character_vector" ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, assert_character_vector(arg) ) }) ## Test 17: error if `arg` is not in values ---- test_that("assert_character_vector Test 17: error if `arg` is not in values", { example_fun <- function(character) { assert_character_vector(character, values = c("test", "oak")) } expect_error( example_fun(character = c("oak", "mint")), class = "assert_character_vector" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(character = c("oak", "mint")), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 18: arg_name correctly displayed in name check ---- test_that("assert_character_vector Test 18: arg_name correctly displayed in name check", { example_fun <- function(character) { assert_character_vector(character, values = c("test", "oak"), named = TRUE) } expect_error( example_fun(character = c(tree = "oak", "test")), class = "assert_character_vector" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(character = c(tree = "oak", "test")), error = TRUE ) }) # assert_logical_scalar ---- ## Test 19: no error if optional is TRUE and `arg` is NULL ---- test_that("assert_logical_scalar Test 19: no error if optional is TRUE and `arg` is NULL", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_logical_scalar(arg, optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun(NULL) ) }) ## Test 20: error if `arg` is not TRUE or FALSE ---- test_that("assert_logical_scalar Test 20: error if `arg` is not TRUE or FALSE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_logical_scalar(arg) } arg <- c() expect_error(example_fun(NA), class = "assert_logical_scalar") expect_error(example_fun(arg), class = "assert_logical_scalar") expect_error(example_fun("test"), class = "assert_logical_scalar") expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, example_fun("test") ) }) # assert_symbol ---- ## Test 21: no error if optional = TRUE and `arg` = NULL ---- test_that("assert_symbol Test 21: no error if optional = TRUE and `arg` = NULL", { f <- function(var) { v <- enexpr(var) } example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_symbol(arg, optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun( f(NULL) ) ) }) ## Test 22: `assert_symbol` throws an error if `arg` is missing ---- test_that("assert_symbol Test 22: `assert_symbol` throws an error if `arg` is missing", { f <- function(var) { v <- enexpr(var) } example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_symbol(arg) } expect_error( example_fun(f()), class = "assert_symbol" ) expect_snapshot(example_fun(f()), error = TRUE) }) ## Test 23: `assert_symbol` throws an error if `arg` is not a symbol ---- test_that("assert_symbol Test 23: `assert_symbol` throws an error if `arg` is not a symbol", { f <- function(var) { v <- enexpr(var) } example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_symbol(arg) } expect_error( example_fun(f(NULL)), class = "assert_symbol" ) expect_snapshot(example_fun(f(NULL)), error = TRUE) }) ## Test 24: `assert_symbol` does not throw an error if `arg` is a symbol ---- test_that("assert_symbol Test 24: `assert_symbol` does not throw an error if `arg` is a symbol", { f <- function(var) { v <- enexpr(var) } admiral_dm <- dplyr::tribble( ~DOMAIN, ~USUBJID, "DM", "01-701-1015", "DM", "01-701-1016", ) example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_symbol(arg) } expect_invisible( example_fun( f(admiral_dm) ) ) }) # assert_expr ---- ## Test 25: `assert_expr` does not throw an error if `arg` is an expression ---- test_that("assert_expr Test 25: `assert_expr` does not throw an error if `arg` is an expression", { dm <- dplyr::tribble( ~DOMAIN, ~USUBJID, "DM", "01-701-1015", "DM", "01-701-1016", ) expect_invisible( assert_expr(var <- expr(dm)) ) }) ## Test 26: no error if optional is TRUE and `arg` is NULL ---- test_that("assert_expr Test 26: no error if optional is TRUE and `arg` is NULL", { expect_invisible( assert_expr(var <- NULL, optional = TRUE) ) }) ## Test 27: `assert_expr` throws an error if `arg` is missing ---- test_that("assert_expr Test 27: `assert_expr` throws an error if `arg` is missing", { expect_error( assert_expr(), class = "assert_expr" ) expect_snapshot( assert_expr(), error = TRUE ) example_fun <- function(data) { assert_expr(data) } expect_snapshot( example_fun(), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 28: `assert_expr` throws an error if `arg` is not an expression ---- test_that("assert_expr Test 28: `assert_expr` throws an error if `arg` is not an expression", { expect_error( { var <- c(1, 2) assert_expr(var) }, class = "assert_expr" ) expect_snapshot( { var <- c(1, 2) assert_expr(var) }, error = TRUE ) }) # assert_vars ---- ## Test 29: no error if expected input ---- test_that("assert_vars Test 29: no error if expected input", { expect_invisible(assert_vars(exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD))) expect_invisible(assert_vars( exprs(APERSDT = APxxSDT, APEREDT = APxxEDT), expect_names = TRUE )) }) ## Test 30: error if unexpected input ---- test_that("assert_vars Test 30: error if unexpected input", { expect_error( assert_vars(AVAL + 1), class = "assert_vars" ) expect_snapshot( assert_vars(AVAL + 1), error = TRUE ) expect_error( assert_vars(rlang::quos(USUBJID, PARAMCD)), class = "assert_vars" ) expect_snapshot( assert_vars(rlang::quos(USUBJID, PARAMCD)), error = TRUE ) expect_error( assert_vars(c("USUBJID", "PARAMCD", "VISIT")), class = "assert_vars" ) expect_snapshot( assert_vars(c("USUBJID", "PARAMCD", "VISIT")), error = TRUE ) expect_error( assert_vars(exprs(USUBJID, AVAL + 2)), class = "assert_vars" ) expect_snapshot( assert_vars(exprs(USUBJID, AVAL + 2)), error = TRUE ) expect_error( assert_vars(exprs(APERSDT = APxxSDT, APxxEDT), expect_names = TRUE), class = "assert_vars" ) expect_snapshot( assert_vars(exprs(APERSDT = APxxSDT, APxxEDT), expect_names = TRUE), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 31: error if some elements of `arg` are not unquoted variable names ---- test_that("assert_vars Test 31: error if some elements of `arg` are not unquoted variable names", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_vars(arg) } expect_error( example_fun(exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, NULL)), class = "assert_vars" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, NULL)), error = TRUE ) }) # assert_integer_scalar ---- ## Test 32: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE ---- test_that("assert_integer_scalar Test 32: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_integer_scalar(arg, optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun(NULL) ) }) ## Test 33: error if chosen subset not in subsets ---- test_that("assert_integer_scalar Test 33: error if chosen subset not in subsets", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_integer_scalar(arg, subset = "infinity") } expect_error( example_fun(1), class = "assert_character_scalar" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(1), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 34: no error if `arg` is in selected subset ---- test_that("assert_integer_scalar Test 34: no error if `arg` is in selected subset", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_integer_scalar(arg, subset = "positive") } expect_invisible( example_fun(1) ) }) ## Test 35: error if `arg` is not an integer scalar ---- test_that("assert_integer_scalar Test 35: error if `arg` is not an integer scalar", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_integer_scalar(arg) } arg <- c() expect_error( example_fun(TRUE), class = "assert_integer_scalar" ) expect_error( example_fun(arg), class = "assert_integer_scalar" ) expect_error( example_fun(Inf), class = "assert_integer_scalar" ) expect_error( example_fun(1.5), class = "assert_integer_scalar" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(1.5), error = TRUE ) }) # assert_numeric_vector ---- ## Test 36: no error for expected input ---- test_that("assert_numeric_vector Test 36: no error for expected input", { expect_invisible( assert_numeric_vector(c(0, 1), length = 2) ) }) ## Test 37: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE ---- test_that("assert_numeric_vector Test 37: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_numeric_vector(arg, optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun(NULL) ) }) ## Test 38: error if `arg` is not a numeric vector ---- test_that("assert_numeric_vector Test 38: error if `arg` is not a numeric vector", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_numeric_vector(arg) } arg <- c() expect_error( example_fun(TRUE), class = "assert_numeric_vector" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(TRUE), error = TRUE ) expect_error( example_fun(arg), class = "assert_numeric_vector" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(arg), error = TRUE ) expect_error( example_fun("1.5"), class = "assert_numeric_vector" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun("1.5"), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 39: error if length is not as expected ---- test_that("assert_numeric_vector Test 39: error if length is not as expected", { numbers <- c(1, 2, 3) expect_snapshot( assert_numeric_vector( numbers, length = 2 ), error = TRUE ) }) # assert_s3_class ---- ## Test 40: error if `arg` is not an object of a specific class S3 ---- test_that("assert_s3_class Test 40: error if `arg` is not an object of a specific class S3", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_s3_class(arg, "factor") } expect_error( example_fun("test"), class = "assert_s3_class" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun("test"), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 41: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE ---- test_that("assert_s3_class Test 41: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_s3_class(arg, cls = "factor", optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun(NULL) ) }) ## Test 42: error if `arg` is NULL and optional is FALSE ---- test_that("assert_s3_class Test 42: error if `arg` is NULL and optional is FALSE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_s3_class(arg, cls = "factor", optional = FALSE) } expect_error( example_fun(NULL), class = "assert_s3_class" ) expect_snapshot(example_fun(NULL), error = TRUE) }) ## Test 43: no error if `arg` is an object of a specific class S3 ---- test_that("assert_s3_class Test 43: no error if `arg` is an object of a specific class S3", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_s3_class(arg, "factor") } expect_invisible(example_fun(as.factor("test"))) }) # assert_list_of ---- ## Test 44: error if `arg` is not a list of specific class S3 objects ---- test_that("assert_list_of Test 44: error if `arg` is not a list of specific class S3 objects", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_list_of(arg, "factor") } expect_error( example_fun(list("test")), class = "assert_list_of" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(list("test")), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 45: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE ---- test_that("assert_list_of Test 45: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_list_of(arg, cls = "factor", optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun(NULL) ) }) ## Test 46: error if `arg` is NULL and optional is FALSE ---- test_that("assert_list_of Test 46: error if `arg` is NULL and optional is FALSE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_list_of(arg, cls = "factor", optional = FALSE) } expect_error( example_fun(NULL), class = "assert_list_of" ) expect_snapshot(example_fun(NULL), error = TRUE) }) ## Test 47: no error if `arg` is a list of specific class S3 objects ---- test_that("assert_list_of Test 47: no error if `arg` is a list of specific class S3 objects", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_list_of(arg, "factor") } expect_invisible( example_fun( list(as.factor("test"), as.factor(1)) ) ) }) ## Test 48: error if `arg` is not a named list (no elements named) ---- test_that("assert_list_of Test 48: error if `arg` is not a named list (no elements named)", { expect_error( { mylist <- list(1, 2, 3) assert_list_of(mylist, cls = "numeric", named = TRUE) }, class = "assert_list_of" ) expect_snapshot( { mylist <- list(1, 2, 3) assert_list_of(mylist, cls = "numeric", named = TRUE) }, error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 49: error if `arg` is not a named list (some elements named) ---- test_that("assert_list_of Test 49: error if `arg` is not a named list (some elements named)", { expect_error( { mylist <- list(1, 2, 3, d = 4) assert_list_of(mylist, cls = "numeric", named = TRUE) }, class = "assert_list_of" ) expect_snapshot( { mylist <- list(1, 2, 3, d = 4) assert_list_of(mylist, cls = "numeric", named = TRUE) }, error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 50: no error if `arg` is a named list ---- test_that("assert_list_of Test 50: no error if `arg` is a named list", { expect_invisible( assert_list_of(mylist <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3), cls = "numeric", named = TRUE) ) }) # assert_named ---- ## Test 51: no error if arg is NULL and optional = TRUE ---- test_that("assert_named Test 51: no error if arg is NULL and optional = TRUE", { expect_invisible(assert_named(arg <- NULL, optional = TRUE)) }) ## Test 52: error if no elements are named ---- test_that("assert_named Test 52: error if no elements are named", { expect_error( { arg <- c(1, 2) assert_named(arg) }, class = "assert_named" ) expect_snapshot( { arg <- c(1, 2) assert_named(arg) }, error = TRUE ) }) # assert_function ---- ## Test 53: error if `arg` is not a function ---- test_that("assert_function Test 53: error if `arg` is not a function", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_function(arg) } expect_error(example_fun(5), class = "assert_function") expect_snapshot( example_fun(5), error = TRUE ) expect_error(example_fun(), class = "assert_function") }) ## Test 54: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE ---- test_that("assert_function Test 54: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_function(arg, optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun(NULL) ) }) ## Test 55: no error if `arg` is a function with all parameters defined ---- test_that("assert_function Test 55: no error if `arg` is a function with all parameters defined", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_function(arg, params = c("x")) } expect_invisible(example_fun(mean)) }) ## Test 56: error if `params` is missing with no default ---- test_that("assert_function Test 56: error if `params` is missing with no default", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_function(arg, params = c("x")) } expect_error( example_fun(sum), class = "assert_function" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(sum), error = TRUE ) example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_function(arg, params = c("x", "y")) } expect_error( example_fun(sum), class = "assert_function" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(sum), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 57: If dot-dot-dot is a argument ---- test_that("assert_function Test 57: If dot-dot-dot is a argument", { example_fun <- function(derivation, args = NULL) { assert_function(derivation, names(args)) } expect_invisible(example_fun(mutate, args = exprs(AVAL = x + 1))) }) # assert_unit ---- ## Test 58: no error if the parameter is provided in the expected unit ---- test_that("assert_unit Test 58: no error if the parameter is provided in the expected unit", { advs <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~VSTESTCD, ~VSTRESN, ~VSSTRESU, ~PARAMCD, ~AVAL, "P01", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "kg", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "P02", "WEIGHT", 85.7, "kg", "WEIGHT", 85.7 ) expect_invisible( assert_unit(advs, param = "WEIGHT", required_unit = "kg", get_unit_expr = VSSTRESU) ) }) ## Test 59: no error for multiple expected units ---- test_that("assert_unit Test 59: no error for multiple expected units", { advs <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~VSTESTCD, ~VSTRESN, ~VSSTRESU, ~PARAMCD, ~AVAL, "P01", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "kg", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "P02", "WEIGHT", 85.7, "kg", "WEIGHT", 85.7 ) expect_invisible( assert_unit( advs, param = "WEIGHT", required_unit = c("kg", "lb"), get_unit_expr = VSSTRESU ) ) }) ## Test 60: no error if all units NA ---- test_that("assert_unit Test 60: no error if all units NA", { advs <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~VSTESTCD, ~VSTRESN, ~VSSTRESU, ~PARAMCD, ~AVAL, "P01", "RATIO", 80.1, NA_character_, "WEIGHT", 80.1, "P02", "RATIO", 85.7, NA_character_, "WEIGHT", 85.7 ) expect_invisible( assert_unit( advs, param = "RATIO", required_unit = NA_character_, get_unit_expr = VSSTRESU ) ) }) ## Test 61: error if multiple units in the input dataset ---- test_that("assert_unit Test 61: error if multiple units in the input dataset", { advs <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~VSTESTCD, ~VSTRESN, ~VSSTRESU, ~PARAMCD, ~AVAL, "P01", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "kg", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "P02", "WEIGHT", 85.7, "lb", "WEIGHT", 85.7 ) expect_error( assert_unit(advs, param = "WEIGHT", get_unit_expr = VSSTRESU), class = "assert_unit" ) expect_snapshot( assert_unit(advs, param = "WEIGHT", get_unit_expr = VSSTRESU), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 62: error if unexpected unit in the input dataset ---- test_that("assert_unit Test 62: error if unexpected unit in the input dataset", { advs <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~VSTESTCD, ~VSTRESN, ~VSSTRESU, ~PARAMCD, ~AVAL, "P01", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "kg", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "P02", "WEIGHT", 85.7, "kg", "WEIGHT", 85.7 ) expect_error( assert_unit(advs, param = "WEIGHT", required_unit = "lb", get_unit_expr = VSSTRESU), class = "assert_unit" ) expect_snapshot( assert_unit(advs, param = "WEIGHT", required_unit = "lb", get_unit_expr = VSSTRESU), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 63: error if get_unit_expr invalid ---- test_that("assert_unit Test 63: error if get_unit_expr invalid", { advs <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~VSTESTCD, ~VSTRESN, ~VSSTRESU, ~PARAMCD, ~AVAL, "P01", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "kg", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "P02", "WEIGHT", 85.7, "kg", "WEIGHT", 85.7 ) expect_error( assert_unit(advs, param = "WEIGHT", required_unit = "kg", get_unit_expr = VSTRESU), class = "assert_unit" ) expect_snapshot( assert_unit(advs, param = "WEIGHT", required_unit = "kg", get_unit_expr = VSTRESU), error = TRUE ) }) # assert_param_does_not_exist ---- ## Test 64: error if parameter exists in the input dataset ---- test_that("assert_param_does_not_exist Test 64: error if parameter exists in the input dataset", { advs <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~VSTESTCD, ~VSTRESN, ~VSSTRESU, ~PARAMCD, ~AVAL, "P01", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "kg", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "P02", "WEIGHT", 85.7, "kg", "WEIGHT", 85.7 ) expect_error( assert_param_does_not_exist(advs, param = "WEIGHT"), class = "assert_param_does_not_exist" ) expect_snapshot( assert_param_does_not_exist(advs, param = "WEIGHT"), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 65: no error if the parameter exists in the dataset ---- test_that("assert_param_does_not_exist Test 65: no error if the parameter exists in the dataset", { advs <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~VSTESTCD, ~VSTRESN, ~VSSTRESU, ~PARAMCD, ~AVAL, "P01", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "kg", "WEIGHT", 80.1, "P02", "WEIGHT", 85.7, "kg", "WEIGHT", 85.7 ) expect_invisible( assert_param_does_not_exist(advs, param = "HR") ) }) # assert_varval_list ---- ## Test 66: error if `arg` is not a list of expressions ---- test_that("assert_varval_list Test 66: error if `arg` is not a list of expressions", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_varval_list(arg, accept_var = FALSE) } expect_error( example_fun(c("USUBJID", "PARAMCD", "VISIT")), class = "assert_varval_list" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(c("USUBJID", "PARAMCD", "VISIT")), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 67: error if not all elements are variables ---- test_that("assert_varval_list Test 67: error if not all elements are variables", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_varval_list(arg, accept_var = TRUE) } expect_error( example_fun(exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, NULL)), class = "assert_varval_list" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, NULL)), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 68: error if `required_elements` are missing from `arg` ---- test_that("assert_varval_list Test 68: error if `required_elements` are missing from `arg`", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_varval_list(arg, required_elements = "DTHDOM") } expect_error( example_fun(exprs(DTHSEQ = AESEQ)), class = "assert_varval_list" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(exprs(DTHSEQ = AESEQ)), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 69: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE ---- test_that("assert_varval_list Test 69: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_varval_list(arg, optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun(NULL) ) }) ## Test 70: error if `accept_expr` is TRUE and value is invalid ---- test_that("assert_varval_list Test 70: error if `accept_expr` is TRUE and value is invalid", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_varval_list(arg, accept_expr = TRUE) } expect_error( example_fun(exprs(DTHSEQ = TRUE)), class = "assert_varval_list" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(exprs(DTHSEQ = TRUE)), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 71: error if `accept_expr` is FALSE and value is invalid ---- test_that("assert_varval_list Test 71: error if `accept_expr` is FALSE and value is invalid", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_varval_list(arg, accept_expr = FALSE) } expect_error( example_fun(exprs(DTHSEQ = exprs())), class = "assert_varval_list" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(exprs(DTHSEQ = exprs())), error = TRUE ) }) ## Test 72: no error if an argument is a variable-value list ---- test_that("assert_varval_list Test 72: no error if an argument is a variable-value list", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_varval_list(arg) } expect_invisible( example_fun(exprs(DTHDOM = "AE", DTHSEQ = AESEQ)) ) }) # assert_expr_list ---- ## Test 73: error if `arg` is not a list of expressions ---- test_that("assert_expr_list Test 73: error if `arg` is not a list of expressions", { expect_error( assert_expr_list(arg <- c("USUBJID", "PARAMCD", "VISIT")), class = "assert_expr_list" ) }) ## Test 74: error if `arg` is not a named list of expressions ---- test_that("assert_expr_list Test 74: error if `arg` is not a named list of expressions", { expect_error( assert_expr_list(arg <- exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, NULL), named = TRUE), regexp = "argument must be named" ) }) ## Test 75: error if `required_elements` are missing from `arg` ---- test_that("assert_expr_list Test 75: error if `required_elements` are missing from `arg`", { expect_error( assert_expr_list( arg <- exprs(DTHSEQ = AESEQ), required_elements = "DTHDOM" ), class = "assert_expr_list" ) }) ## Test 76: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE ---- test_that("assert_expr_list Test 76: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE", { expect_invisible( assert_expr_list(NULL, optional = TRUE) ) }) ## Test 77: error if element is invalid ---- test_that("assert_expr_list Test 77: error if element is invalid", { expect_error( assert_expr_list(arg <- exprs(DTHSEQ = !!mean)), class = "assert_expr_list" ) }) ## Test 78: no error if argument is valid ---- test_that("assert_expr_list Test 78: no error if argument is valid", { expect_invisible( assert_expr_list(arg <- exprs( DTHDOM = "AE", DTHSEQ = AESEQ, DTHVAR = if_else(!is.na(AEDECOD), "AEDECOD", NA) )) ) }) # assert_list_element ---- ## Test 79: no error if the elements fulfill a certain condition ---- test_that("assert_list_element Test 79: no error if the elements fulfill a certain condition", { expect_invisible( assert_list_element( list( list(var = expr(DTHDT), val = 1), list(var = expr(EOSDT), val = 0) ), element = "val", condition = val >= 0, message_text = "" ) ) }) ## Test 80: error if the elements do not fulfill the condition ---- test_that("assert_list_element Test 80: error if the elements do not fulfill the condition", { expect_snapshot( assert_list_element( list( list(var = expr(DTHDT), val = 1), list(var = expr(EOSDT), val = -1) ), element = "val", condition = val >= 0, message_text = "List element {.val val} must be `>=0` in argument {.arg {arg_name}}.", arg_name = "input" ), error = TRUE ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, assert_list_element( list( list(var = expr(DTHDT), val = 1), list(var = expr(EOSDT), val = -1), list(var = expr(EOSDT), val = -2) ), element = "val", condition = val %in% valid_vals, valid_vals = c(0, 1), message_text = paste( "List element {.val val} must one of {.val {valid_vals}} in argument", "{.arg {arg_name}}." ), arg_name = "input" ) ) }) # assert_one_to_one ---- ## Test 81: error if there is a one to many mapping ---- test_that("assert_one_to_one Test 81: error if there is a one to many mapping", { dm <- dplyr::tribble( ~DOMAIN, ~USUBJID, "DM", "01-701-1015", "DM", "01-701-1016", "DM", "01-701-1023", "DM", "01-701-1024", ) expect_error( assert_one_to_one(dm, exprs(DOMAIN), exprs(USUBJID)), class = "assert_one_to_one" ) admiraldev_environment$one_to_many <- NULL expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, assert_one_to_one(dm, exprs(DOMAIN), exprs(USUBJID)) ) admiraldev_environment$one_to_many <- NULL }) ## Test 82: error if there is a many to one mapping ---- test_that("assert_one_to_one Test 82: error if there is a many to one mapping", { dm <- dplyr::tribble( ~DOMAIN, ~USUBJID, "DM", "01-701-1015", "DM", "01-701-1016", "DM", "01-701-1023", "DM", "01-701-1024", ) expect_error( assert_one_to_one(dm, exprs(USUBJID), exprs(DOMAIN)), class = "assert_one_to_one" ) admiraldev_environment$many_to_one <- NULL }) ## Test 83: dataset is returned invisible if one-to-one ---- test_that("assert_one_to_one Test 83: dataset is returned invisible if one-to-one", { df <- dplyr::tribble( ~SPECIES, ~SPECIESN, "DOG", 1L, "CAT", 2L, "DOG", 1L ) df_out <- expect_invisible( assert_one_to_one(df, vars1 = exprs(SPECIES), vars2 = exprs(SPECIESN)) ) expect_equal(df_out, expected = df) }) # assert_date_var ---- ## Test 84: error if variable is not a date or datetime variable ---- test_that("assert_date_var Test 84: error if variable is not a date or datetime variable", { example_fun <- function(dataset, var) { var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(var)) assert_date_var(dataset = dataset, var = !!var) } my_data <- dplyr::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~ADT, "1", ymd("2020-12-06"), "2", ymd("") ) expect_error( example_fun( dataset = my_data, var = USUBJID ) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, example_fun( dataset = my_data, var = USUBJID ) ) }) # assert_date_vector ---- ## Test 85: returns error if input vector is not a date formatted ---- test_that("assert_date_vector Test 85: returns error if input vector is not a date formatted", { expect_error(assert_date_vector("2018-08-23")) }) ## Test 86: returns invisible if input is date formatted ---- test_that("assert_date_vector Test 86: returns invisible if input is date formatted", { expect_invisible(assert_date_vector(as.Date("2022-10-25"))) }) ## Test 87: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE ---- test_that("assert_date_vector Test 87: no error if `arg` is NULL and optional is TRUE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_date_vector(arg, optional = TRUE) } expect_invisible( example_fun(NULL) ) }) ## Test 88: error if `arg` is NULL and optional is FALSE ---- test_that("assert_date_vector Test 88: error if `arg` is NULL and optional is FALSE", { example_fun <- function(arg) { assert_date_vector(arg, optional = FALSE) } expect_error( example_fun(NULL), class = "assert_date_vector" ) expect_snapshot( example_fun(NULL), error = TRUE ) }) # assert_atomic_vector ---- ## Test 89: error if input is not atomic vector ---- test_that("assert_atomic_vector Test 89: error if input is not atomic vector", { x <- list("a", "a", "b", "c", "d", "d", 1, 1, 4) expect_error(assert_atomic_vector(x), class = "assert_atomic_vector") expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, assert_atomic_vector(x) ) }) # assert_same_type ---- ## Test 90: no error if same type ---- test_that("assert_same_type Test 90: no error if same type", { true_value <- "Y" false_value <- "N" expect_invisible(assert_same_type(true_value, false_value)) }) ## Test 91: error if different type ---- test_that("assert_same_type Test 91: error if different type", { true_value <- "Y" false_value <- "N" missing_value <- 0 # perform a class match of the error message expect_error( assert_same_type(true_value, false_value, missing_value), class = "assert_same_type" ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, assert_same_type(true_value, false_value, missing_value) ) }) ## Test 92: works as intended ---- test_that("assert_same_type Test 92: works as intended", { expect_equal( valid_time_units(), c("years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds") ) })