# restrict_derivation ---- ## Test 1: restrict derivation with parameters ---- test_that("restrict_derivation Test 1: restrict derivation with parameters", { adlb <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~AVISITN, ~AVAL, ~ABLFL, "1", -1, 113, NA_character_, "1", 0, 113, "Y", "1", 3, 117, NA_character_, "2", 0, 95, "Y", "3", 0, 111, "Y", "3", 1, 101, NA_character_, "3", 2, 123, NA_character_ ) actual <- restrict_derivation( adlb, derivation = derive_var_base, args = params(by_vars = exprs(USUBJID)), filter = AVISITN >= 0 ) expected <- mutate(adlb, BASE = c(NA, 113, 113, 95, 111, 111, 111)) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = actual, keys = c("USUBJID", "AVISITN") ) }) ## Test 2: restrict derivation without parameters ---- test_that("restrict_derivation Test 2: restrict derivation without parameters", { adlb <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~AVISITN, ~AVAL, ~ABLFL, ~BASE, "1", -1, 113, NA_character_, NA, "1", 0, 113, "Y", 113, "1", 3, 117, NA_character_, 113, "2", 0, 95, "Y", 95, "3", 1, 101, NA_character_, NA, "3", 2, 123, NA_character_, NA ) actual <- restrict_derivation( adlb, derivation = derive_var_chg, filter = AVISITN > 0 ) expected <- mutate(adlb, CHG = c(NA, NA, 4, NA, NA, NA)) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = actual, keys = c("USUBJID", "AVISITN") ) }) ## Test 3: access functions from the parent environment ---- test_that("restrict_derivation Test 3: access functions from the parent environment", { my_derivation <- function(dataset, new_var) { mutate( dataset, !!enexpr(new_var) := 42 ) } my_data <- tibble::tribble( ~PARAMCD, "A", "B" ) expect_silent({ restrict_derivation( my_data, derivation = my_derivation, args = params( new_var = X ), filter = PARAMCD == "A" ) }) }) ## Test 4: allow dplyr functions ---- test_that("restrict_derivation Test 4: allow dplyr functions", { adlb <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~AVISITN, ~AVAL, "1", -1, 113, "1", 0, 113, "1", 3, 117, "2", 0, 95, "3", 0, 111, "3", 1, 101, "3", 2, 123 ) actual <- restrict_derivation( adlb, derivation = mutate, args = params(AVAL = AVAL + 1), filter = USUBJID == "1" ) expected <- adlb %>% mutate(AVAL = ifelse(USUBJID == "1", AVAL + 1, AVAL)) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = actual, keys = c("USUBJID", "AVISITN") ) })