# create_period_dataset ---- ## Test 1: periods ---- test_that("create_period_dataset Test 1: periods", { adsl <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~AP01SDT, ~AP01EDT, ~AP02SDT, ~AP02EDT, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( dplyr::across(matches("AP\\d\\d[ES]DT"), ymd) ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~APERIOD, ~APERSDT, ~APEREDT, "1", 1, "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "1", 2, "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", 1, "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2", 2, "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz", APERIOD = as.integer(APERIOD), dplyr::across(matches("APER[ES]DT"), ymd) ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = create_period_dataset( adsl, new_vars = exprs(APERSDT = APxxSDT, APEREDT = APxxEDT) ), keys = c("USUBJID", "APERIOD") ) }) ## Test 2: phases ---- test_that("create_period_dataset Test 2: phases", { adsl <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~PH1SDT, ~PH1EDT, ~PH2SDT, ~PH2EDT, ~APHASE1, ~APHASE2, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "TREATMENT", "FUP", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", NA, NA, "TREATMENT", NA ) %>% mutate( dplyr::across(matches("PH\\d[ES]DT"), ymd) ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~APHASEN, ~PHSDT, ~PHEDT, ~APHASE, "1", 1, "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "TREATMENT", "1", 2, "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "FUP", "2", 1, "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "TREATMENT" ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz", APHASEN = as.integer(APHASEN), dplyr::across(matches("PH[ES]DT"), ymd) ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = create_period_dataset( adsl, new_vars = exprs(PHSDT = PHwSDT, PHEDT = PHwEDT, APHASE = APHASEw) ), keys = c("USUBJID", "APHASEN") ) }) ## Test 3: subperiods ---- test_that("create_period_dataset Test 3: subperiods", { adsl <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~P01S1SDT, ~P01S1EDT, ~P01S2SDT, ~P01S2EDT, ~P02S1SDT, ~P02S1EDT, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-19", "2021-01-20", "2021-02-06", "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", NA, NA, "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( dplyr::across(matches("PH\\d\\dS\\d[ES]DT"), ymd) ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~APERIOD, ~ASPER, ~ASPRSDT, ~ASPREDT, "1", 1, 1, "2021-01-04", "2021-01-19", "1", 1, 2, "2021-01-20", "2021-02-06", "1", 2, 1, "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", 1, 1, "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2", 2, 1, "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz", APERIOD = as.integer(APERIOD), ASPER = as.integer(ASPER), dplyr::across(matches("APER[ES]DT"), ymd) ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = create_period_dataset( adsl, new_vars = exprs(ASPRSDT = PxxSwSDT, ASPREDT = PxxSwEDT) ), keys = c("USUBJID", "APERIOD", "ASPER") ) }) ## Test 4: error if no period/phase variable on RHS ---- test_that("create_period_dataset Test 4: error if no period/phase variable on RHS", { adsl <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~AP01SDT, ~AP01EDT, ~AP02SDT, ~AP02EDT, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( dplyr::across(matches("AP\\d\\d[ES]DT"), ymd) ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) expect_error( create_period_dataset( adsl, new_vars = exprs(USUBJ = USUBJID) ), regexp = paste( paste0( "The right hand side values of `new_vars` have to be CDISC style ", "subperiod, period, or phase variables." ), "I.e., they must contain the xx or w fragment, e.g., APxxSDT, PxxSwSDT, or PHwSDT.", sep = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) }) ## Test 5: error if different type of RHSs ---- test_that("create_period_dataset Test 5: error if different type of RHSs", { adsl <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~AP01SDT, ~AP01EDT, ~AP02SDT, ~AP02EDT, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( dplyr::across(matches("AP\\d\\d[ES]DT"), ymd) ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) expect_error( create_period_dataset( adsl, new_vars = exprs(APERSDT = APxxSDT, ASPRSDT = PxxSwSDT) ), regexp = paste( "More than one type of subperiod, period, or phase variables is specified for `new_vars`:", "subperiod: `PxxSwSDT`", "period: `APxxSDT`", sep = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) }) ## Test 6: error if RHS variable not in input dataset ---- test_that("create_period_dataset Test 6: error if RHS variable not in input dataset", { adsl <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~AP01SDT, ~AP01EDT, ~AP02SDT, ~AP02EDT, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( dplyr::across(matches("AP\\d\\d[ES]DT"), ymd) ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) expect_error( create_period_dataset( adsl, new_vars = exprs(PHSDT = PHwSDT) ), regexp = "No variables of the form PHwSDT were found in the input dataset.", fixed = TRUE ) }) # derive_vars_period ---- ## Test 7: periods ---- test_that("derive_vars_period Test 7: periods", { expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~AP01SDT, ~AP01EDT, ~AP02SDT, ~AP02EDT, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( dplyr::across(matches("AP\\d\\d[ES]DT"), ymd) ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) period_ref <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~APERIOD, ~APERSDT, ~APEREDT, "1", 1, "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "1", 2, "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", 1, "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2", 2, "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz", APERIOD = as.integer(APERIOD), dplyr::across(matches("APER[ES]DT"), ymd) ) adsl <- tibble::tibble(STUDYID = "xyz", USUBJID = c("1", "2")) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = derive_vars_period( adsl, dataset_ref = period_ref, new_vars = exprs(APxxSDT = APERSDT, APxxEDT = APEREDT) ), keys = c("USUBJID") ) }) ## Test 8: phases ---- test_that("derive_vars_period Test 8: phases", { expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~PH1SDT, ~PH1EDT, ~PH2SDT, ~PH2EDT, ~APHASE1, ~APHASE2, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "TREATMENT", "FUP", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", NA, NA, "TREATMENT", NA ) %>% mutate( dplyr::across(matches("PH\\d[ES]DT"), ymd) ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) phase_ref <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~APHASEN, ~PHSDT, ~PHEDT, ~APHASE, "1", 1, "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "TREATMENT", "1", 2, "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "FUP", "2", 1, "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "TREATMENT" ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz", APHASEN = as.integer(APHASEN), dplyr::across(matches("PH[ES]DT"), ymd) ) adsl <- tibble(STUDYID = "xyz", USUBJID = c("1", "2")) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = derive_vars_period( adsl, dataset_ref = phase_ref, new_vars = exprs(PHwSDT = PHSDT, PHwEDT = PHEDT, APHASEw = APHASE) ), keys = c("USUBJID") ) }) ## Test 9: subperiods ---- test_that("derive_vars_period Test 9: subperiods", { expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~P01S1SDT, ~P01S1EDT, ~P01S2SDT, ~P01S2EDT, ~P02S1SDT, ~P02S1EDT, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-19", "2021-01-20", "2021-02-06", "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", NA, NA, "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( dplyr::across(matches("PH\\d\\dS\\d[ES]DT"), ymd) ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) subperiod_ref <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~APERIOD, ~ASPER, ~ASPRSDT, ~ASPREDT, "1", 1, 1, "2021-01-04", "2021-01-19", "1", 1, 2, "2021-01-20", "2021-02-06", "1", 2, 1, "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", 1, 1, "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2", 2, 1, "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz", APERIOD = as.integer(APERIOD), ASPER = as.integer(ASPER), dplyr::across(matches("APER[ES]DT"), ymd) ) adsl <- tibble(STUDYID = "xyz", USUBJID = c("1", "2")) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = derive_vars_period( adsl, dataset_ref = subperiod_ref, new_vars = exprs(PxxSwSDT = ASPRSDT, PxxSwEDT = ASPREDT) ), keys = c("USUBJID") ) }) ## Test 10: error if no period/phase variable on LHS ---- test_that("derive_vars_period Test 10: error if no period/phase variable on LHS", { period_ref <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~APERIOD, ~APERSDT, ~APEREDT, "1", 1, "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "1", 2, "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", 1, "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2", 2, "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz", APERIOD = as.integer(APERIOD), dplyr::across(matches("APER[ES]DT"), ymd) ) adsl <- tibble(STUDYID = "xyz", USUBJID = c("1", "2")) expect_error( derive_vars_period( adsl, dataset_ref = period_ref, new_vars = exprs(USUBJ = USUBJID) ), regexp = paste( paste0( "The left hand side values of `new_vars` have to be CDISC style ", "subperiod, period, or phase variables." ), "I.e., they must contain the xx or w fragment, e.g., APxxSDT, PxxSwSDT, or PHwSDT.", sep = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) }) ## Test 11: error if different type of LHSs ---- test_that("derive_vars_period Test 11: error if different type of LHSs", { period_ref <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~APERIOD, ~APERSDT, ~APEREDT, "1", 1, "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "1", 2, "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", 1, "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2", 2, "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz", APERIOD = as.integer(APERIOD), dplyr::across(matches("APER[ES]DT"), ymd) ) adsl <- tibble(STUDYID = "xyz", USUBJID = c("1", "2")) expect_error( derive_vars_period( adsl, dataset_ref = period_ref, new_vars = exprs(APxxSDT = APERSDT, PxxSwSDT = ASPRSDT) ), regexp = paste( "More than one type of subperiod, period, or phase variables is specified for `new_vars`:", "subperiod: `PxxSwSDT`", "period: `APxxSDT`", sep = "\n" ), fixed = TRUE ) }) ## Test 12: DT and DTM columns exist, pulls only one unique col ---- test_that("create_period_dataset Test 12: DT and DTM columns exist, pulls only one unique col", { adsl <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~AP01SDT, ~AP01SDTM, ~AP01EDT, ~AP02SDT, ~AP02EDT, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-04T12:00:00", "2021-02-06", "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-02-02T12:00:00", "2021-03-02", "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( dplyr::across(matches("AP\\d\\d[ES]DT\\b"), ymd), dplyr::across(matches("AP\\d\\d[ES]DTM"), ymd_hms), ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~APERIOD, ~APERSDT, ~APEREDT, "1", 1, "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "1", 2, "2021-02-07", "2021-03-07", "2", 1, "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2", 2, "2021-03-03", "2021-04-01" ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz", APERIOD = as.integer(APERIOD), dplyr::across(matches("APER[ES]DT"), ymd) ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = create_period_dataset( adsl, new_vars = exprs(APERSDT = APxxSDT, APEREDT = APxxEDT) ), keys = c("USUBJID", "APERIOD") ) }) ## Test 13: Periods derived even when some variables in dataset_ref are unused ---- test_that("derive_vars_period Test 13: periods", { expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~AP01SDT, ~AP01EDT, "1", "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "2", "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02" ) %>% mutate( across(matches("AP\\d\\d[ES]DT"), ymd) ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz" ) period_ref <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~APERIOD, ~APERSDT, ~APEREDT, ~APERSDTM, ~APEREDTM, "1", 1, "2021-01-04", "2021-02-06", "2021-01-04 10:01:02", "2021-02-06 14:03:04", "2", 1, "2021-02-02", "2021-03-02", "2021-02-02 04:11:34", "2021-03-02 16:55:59" ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "xyz", APERIOD = as.integer(APERIOD), APERSDT = ymd(APERSDT), APEREDT = ymd(APEREDT), APERSDTM = ymd_hms(APERSDTM), APEREDTM = ymd_hms(APEREDTM) ) adsl <- tibble::tibble(STUDYID = "xyz", USUBJID = c("1", "2")) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = derive_vars_period( adsl, dataset_ref = period_ref, new_vars = exprs(APxxSDT = APERSDT, APxxEDT = APEREDT) ), keys = c("USUBJID") ) })