# derive_vars_joined ---- ## Test 1: no by_vars, no order, no new_vars ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 1: no by_vars, no order, no new_vars", { expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~ADY, ~AVISIT, ~AWLO, ~AWHI, "1", -2, "BASELINE", -30, 1, "1", 3, "WEEK 1", 2, 7, "1", 24, "WEEK 4", 23, 30, "2", NA, NA, NA, NA ) windows <- tibble::tribble( ~AVISIT, ~AWLO, ~AWHI, "BASELINE", -30, 1, "WEEK 1", 2, 7, "WEEK 2", 8, 15, "WEEK 3", 16, 22, "WEEK 4", 23, 30 ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, comp = derive_vars_joined( select(expected, USUBJID, ADY), dataset_add = windows, join_vars = exprs(AWHI, AWLO), join_type = "all", filter_join = AWLO <= ADY & ADY <= AWHI ), keys = c("USUBJID", "ADY") ) }) ## Test 2: new_vars with rename ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 2: new_vars with rename", { expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~ADY, ~AVAL, ~NADIR, "1", -7, 10, NA, "1", 1, 12, NA, "1", 8, 11, 12, "1", 15, 9, 11, "1", 20, 14, 9, "1", 24, 12, 9, "2", 13, 8, NA ) adbds <- select(expected, -NADIR) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, comp = derive_vars_joined( adbds, dataset_add = adbds, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID), order = exprs(AVAL), new_vars = exprs(NADIR = AVAL), join_vars = exprs(ADY), join_type = "all", filter_add = ADY > 0, filter_join = ADY.join < ADY, mode = "first", check_type = "none" ), keys = c("USUBJID", "ADY") ) }) ## Test 3: by_vars with rename ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 3: by_vars with rename", { adae <- tibble::tribble( ~AEGRPID, "1", "2" ) %>% mutate( TRTSDTM = ymd_hms("2020-01-06T12:00:00") ) faae <- tibble::tribble( ~FAGRPID, ~FADT, ~FAORRES, "1", "2020-01-01", "1", "1", "2020-01-03", "2", "1", "2020-01-05", "3", "1", "2020-01-08", "4" ) %>% mutate(FADT = ymd(FADT)) expect_dfs_equal( base = mutate(adae, ATOXGR_pre = c("3", NA)), comp = derive_vars_joined( adae, dataset_add = faae, by_vars = exprs(AEGRPID = FAGRPID), order = exprs(FADT), new_vars = exprs(ATOXGR_pre = FAORRES), join_vars = exprs(FADT), join_type = "all", filter_join = FADT < TRTSDTM, mode = "last" ), keys = c("AEGRPID") ) }) ## Test 4: order with expression ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 4: order with expression", { adae <- tibble::tribble( ~AEGRPID, "1", "2" ) %>% mutate( TRTSDTM = ymd_hms("2020-01-06T12:00:00") ) faae <- tibble::tribble( ~FAGRPID, ~FADTC, ~FAORRES, "1", "2020-01-01", "1", "1", "2020-01-03", "2", "1", "2020-01-05", "3", "1", "2020-01-08", "4" ) expect_dfs_equal( base = mutate(adae, ATOXGR_pre = c("3", NA)), comp = derive_vars_joined( adae, dataset_add = faae, by_vars = exprs(AEGRPID = FAGRPID), order = exprs(FADT = convert_dtc_to_dt(FADTC)), new_vars = exprs(ATOXGR_pre = FAORRES), join_vars = exprs(FADT), join_type = "all", filter_join = FADT < TRTSDTM, mode = "last" ), keys = c("AEGRPID") ) }) ## Test 5: join_vars with expression ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 5: join_vars with expression", { add <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~TRDTC, ~TRSTRESN, "1", "2020-02-01", 10, "1", "2020-02-04", 12, "1", "2020-02-08", 11, "1", "2020-02-13", 9, "1", "2020-02-24", 14, "1", "2020-03-01", 12, "2", "2021-01-13", 8 ) expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~ADT, ~AVAL, "1", "2020-02-09", 10, "1", "2020-02-13", 9, "1", "2020-02-24", 9, "1", "2020-03-01", 9, "2", "2021-01-13", 8 ) %>% mutate( ADT = ymd(ADT) ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, comp = derive_vars_joined( select(expected, -AVAL), dataset_add = add, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID), order = exprs(TRSTRESN), new_vars = exprs(AVAL = TRSTRESN), join_vars = exprs(TRDT = convert_dtc_to_dt(TRDTC)), join_type = "all", filter_join = TRDT <= ADT, mode = "first", check_type = "none" ), keys = c("USUBJID", "ADT") ) }) ## Test 6: no join_vars, no filter_join ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 6: no join_vars, no filter_join", { adae <- tibble::tribble( ~AEGRPID, "1", "2" ) %>% mutate( TRTSDTM = ymd_hms("2020-01-06T12:00:00") ) faae <- tibble::tribble( ~FAGRPID, ~FADT, ~FAORRES, "1", "2020-01-01", "1", "1", "2020-01-03", "2", "1", "2020-01-05", "3", "1", "2020-01-08", "4" ) %>% mutate(FADT = ymd(FADT)) expect_dfs_equal( base = mutate(adae, ATOXGR_pre = c("1", NA)), comp = derive_vars_joined( adae, dataset_add = faae, by_vars = exprs(AEGRPID = FAGRPID), order = exprs(FAORRES), join_type = "all", new_vars = exprs(ATOXGR_pre = FAORRES), mode = "first" ), keys = c("AEGRPID") ) }) ## Test 7: new_vars expressions using variables from both datasets ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 7: new_vars expressions using variables from both datasets", { expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~ASTDT, ~AESEQ, ~LSTDSDUR, "1", "2020-02-02", 1, 14, "1", "2020-02-04", 2, 2 ) %>% mutate(ASTDT = ymd(ASTDT)) ex <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~EXSDTC, "1", "2020-01-10", "1", "2020-01", "1", "2020-01-20", "1", "2020-02-03" ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = derive_vars_joined( select(expected, -LSTDSDUR), dataset_add = ex, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID), order = exprs(EXSDT = convert_dtc_to_dt(EXSDTC)), join_type = "all", new_vars = exprs(LSTDSDUR = compute_duration( start_date = EXSDT, end_date = ASTDT )), filter_add = !is.na(EXSDT), filter_join = EXSDT <= ASTDT, mode = "last" ), keys = c("USUBJID", "AESEQ") ) }) ## Test 8: error if new_vars are already in dataset ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 8: error if new_vars are already in dataset", { myd <- data.frame(day = c(1, 2, 3), val = c(0, 17, 21)) expect_error( derive_vars_joined( myd, dataset_add = myd, order = exprs(day), join_type = "all", mode = "last", filter_join = day < day.join ), regexp = paste( "The following columns in `dataset_add` have naming conflicts with `dataset`" ) ) }) ## Test 9: fixing a bug from issue 1966 ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 9: fixing a bug from issue 1966", { # nolint adlb_ast <- tribble( ~ADT, ~ASEQ, "2002-01-01", 1, "2002-02-02", 2, "2002-02-02", 3 ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "ABC", USUBJID = "1", ADT = ymd(ADT), ADTM = as_datetime(ADT) ) adlb_tbili_pbl <- tribble( ~ADT, ~ASEQ, "2002-01-01", 4, "2002-02-02", 5, "2002-02-02", 6 ) %>% mutate( STUDYID = "ABC", USUBJID = "1", ADT = ymd(ADT), ADTM = as_datetime(ADT) ) adlb_joined <- derive_vars_joined( adlb_ast, dataset_add = adlb_tbili_pbl, by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID), order = exprs(ADTM, ASEQ), join_type = "all", new_vars = exprs(TBILI_ADT = ADT), filter_join = ADT <= ADT.join, mode = "first" ) expected <- adlb_ast %>% mutate(TBILI_ADT = as.Date(c("2002-01-01", "2002-02-02", "2002-02-02"), "%Y-%m-%d")) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = adlb_joined, keys = c("ADT", "ASEQ", "STUDYID", "USUBJID", "ADTM", "TBILI_ADT") ) }) ## Test 10: order vars are selected properly in function body ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 10: order vars are selected properly in function body", { myd <- data.frame(day = c(1, 2, 3), val = c(0, 17, 21)) actual <- derive_vars_joined( myd, dataset_add = myd, new_vars = exprs(first_val = val), join_vars = exprs(day), join_type = "all", order = exprs(-day), mode = "last", filter_join = day < day.join ) expected <- tribble( ~day, ~val, ~first_val, 1, 0, 17, 2, 17, 21, 3, 21, NA ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = actual, keys = c("day", "val", "first_val") ) }) ## Test 11: Ensure exist_flag, true/false value arguments work ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 11: Ensure exist_flag, true/false value arguments work", { expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~ADY, ~AVISIT, ~AWLO, ~AWHI, ~flag, "1", -2, "BASELINE", -30, 1, "Yes", "1", 3, "WEEK 1", 2, 7, "Yes", "1", 24, "WEEK 4", 23, 30, "Yes", "2", NA, NA, NA, NA, "No" ) windows <- tibble::tribble( ~AVISIT, ~AWLO, ~AWHI, "BASELINE", -30, 1, "WEEK 1", 2, 7, "WEEK 2", 8, 15, "WEEK 3", 16, 22, "WEEK 4", 23, 30 ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, comp = derive_vars_joined( select(expected, USUBJID, ADY), dataset_add = windows, join_vars = exprs(AWHI, AWLO), join_type = "all", filter_join = AWLO <= ADY & ADY <= AWHI, exist_flag = flag, true_value = "Yes", false_value = "No" ), keys = c("USUBJID", "ADY") ) }) ## Test 12: by_vars with rename, no new_vars ---- test_that("derive_vars_joined Test 12: by_vars with rename, no new_vars", { expected <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~EXLINKID, ~FA, "1", "001", 1, "1", "002", NA, "2", "001", 1 ) fa <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~FALINKID, ~FA, "1", "001", 1, "1", "002", 0, "2", "001", 1, ) ex <- select(expected, -FA) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = derive_vars_joined( ex, dataset_add = fa, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, EXLINKID = FALINKID), join_type = "all", filter_add = FA == 1 ), keys = c("USUBJID", "EXLINKID") ) }) # get_joined_data ---- ## Test 13: `first_cond_lower` works ---- test_that("get_joined_data Test 13: `first_cond_lower` works", { data <- tribble( ~subj, ~day, ~val, "1", 1, "++", "1", 2, "-", "1", 3, "0", "1", 4, "+", "1", 5, "++", "1", 6, "-", "2", 1, "-", "2", 2, "++", "2", 3, "+", "2", 4, "0", "2", 5, "-", "2", 6, "++" ) expected <- tibble::tribble( ~day.join, ~val.join, 2, "++", 3, "+" ) %>% mutate( subj = "2", day = 4, val = "0" ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, compare = get_joined_data( data, dataset_add = data, by_vars = exprs(subj), order = exprs(day), join_vars = exprs(val), join_type = "before", first_cond_lower = val.join == "++", filter_join = val == "0" & all(val.join %in% c("+", "++")) ), keys = c("subj", "day.join") ) })