## Test 1: consolidation works ---- test_that("consolidate_metadata Test 1: consolidation works", { glob <- tibble::tribble( ~id, ~val, 1, "glob_val_1", 2, "glob_val_2" ) proj <- tibble::tribble( ~id, ~val, 2, "proj_val2" ) stud <- tibble::tribble( ~id, ~val, 3, "stud_val_3" ) expected <- tibble::tribble( ~id, ~val, ~SOURCE, 1, "glob_val_1", "global", 2, "proj_val2", "project", 3, "stud_val_3", "study" ) expect_dfs_equal( base = expected, comp = consolidate_metadata( datasets = list( global = glob, project = proj, study = stud ), key_vars = exprs(id) ), keys = c("id") ) }) ## Test 2: error if key vars are not unique ---- test_that("consolidate_metadata Test 2: error if key vars are not unique", { glob <- tibble::tribble( ~id, ~val, 1, "glob_val_1a", 1, "glob_val_1b", 2, "glob_val_2" ) stud <- tibble::tribble( ~id, ~val, 3, "stud_val_3" ) expect_error( consolidate_metadata( datasets = list( global = glob, study = stud ), key_vars = exprs(id) ), "Dataset contains duplicate records with respect to" ) }) ## Test 3: check_keys deprecation test ---- test_that("consolidate_metadata Test 3: check_keys deprecation test", { glob <- tibble::tribble( ~id, ~val, 1, "glob_val_1a", 1, "glob_val_1b", 2, "glob_val_2" ) stud <- tibble::tribble( ~id, ~val, 3, "stud_val_3" ) expect_warning( try( consolidate_metadata( datasets = list( global = glob, study = stud ), key_vars = exprs(id), check_keys = "error" ), silent = TRUE ), class = "lifecycle_warning_deprecated" ) }) ## Test 4: warn if variables differ ---- test_that("consolidate_metadata Test 4: warn if variables differ", { glob <- tibble::tribble( ~id, ~val, 1, "glob_val_1", 2, "glob_val_2" ) stud <- tibble::tribble( ~var, ~id, ~val, "abc", 3, "stud_val_3" ) expect_warning( consolidate_metadata( datasets = list( global = glob, study = stud ), key_vars = exprs(id) ), paste( "The variable names differ across the input datasets.", "This message can be suppressed by setting `check_vars = \"none\"`.", sep = "\n" ) ) })